Geodatabase Documentation
Date: December 2015
Summary Information and Links
25 Feature Datasets and 291 Feature Classes
2 Topology Datasets contained within Feature Datasets
3 Geometric Networks contained within Feature Datasets
5 Rasters
52 Tables (Object Classes)
46 Relationship Classes
303 Domains
Feature Datasets and Child Classes
Address - Feature Dataset
AddressEntrancePoint - Simple
AddressPoint - Simple
SiteAddressPoint - Simple
AdministrativeArea - Feature Dataset
AdministrativeAreaBoundaryLine - Simple
CountyBoundary - Simple
MunicipalBoundary - Simple
SchoolBoundary - Simple
StateBoundary - Simple
AssessmentInformation - Feature Dataset
AssessAppealApplicants - Simple
LocalTaxDistrict - Simple
SchoolTaxDistrict - Simple
SpecialTaxDistrict - Simple
TaxParcelAppeal - Simple
TaxParcelForeclosure - Simple
TaxParcelNeighborhood - Simple
TaxParcelSale - Simple
TaxRevertedProperty - Simple
CadastralReference - Feature Dataset
ControlCorner - Simple
PLSSBoundary - Simple
PLSSQuarterSection - Simple
PLSSSection - Simple
PLSSTownship - Simple
CapitalPlanning - Feature Dataset
CIPPoints - Simple
CIPPolygons - Simple
CIPPolylines - Simple
CIPProjects - Simple
CIPProjectsLocations - Simple
CIPProjectsOverview - Simple
wMainsWithTraceSummary - Simple
CitizenService - Feature Dataset
CitizenPlanningProposal - Simple
CommunityAddress - Simple
ParcelMarkup - Simple
ServiceRequest - Simple
Demography - Feature Dataset
CensusBlock - Simple
CensusBlockGroup - Simple
CensusLandmarkPoint - Simple
CensusTract - Simple
ElectionAdministration - Feature Dataset
CountyDistrict - Simple
EarlyVotingLocation - Simple
LocalDistrict - Simple
PollingPlace - Simple
StateHouseDistrict - Simple
StateSenateDistrict - Simple
USHouseDistrict - Simple
USSenateDistrict - Simple
VotingPrecinct - Simple
Elevation - Feature Dataset
FiveFootContour - Simple
SpotElevation - Simple
TenFootContour - Simple
TwentyFootContour - Simple
TwoFootContour - Simple
EmergencyOperations - Feature Dataset
AccessPoint - Simple
AssignmentBreak - Simple
AssignmentBreakLabel - Simple
DamageComBuilding - Simple
DamagePublicFacility - Simple
DamageResBuilding - Simple
EvacuationArea - Simple
EvacuationRoute - Simple
ExclusionHotZone - Simple
OpsIncidentArea - Simple
OpsIncidentLine - Simple
OpsIncidentPoint - Simple
Plume - Simple
ResourceAssignment - Simple
USNationalGrid - Simple
ExecutiveReporting - Feature Dataset
PerformanceIndicator - Simple
FacilitiesStreets - Feature Dataset
BridgePoint - Simple
Building - Simple
BuildingFloor - Simple
BuildingFloorplanLine - Simple
BuildingFloorplanPublish - Simple
BuildingFloorSection - Simple
BuildingInteriorSpace - Simple
BuildingPhotoLoc - Simple
CurbRamp - Simple
Guardrail - Simple
LandscapeArea - Simple
ParkingPayStation - Simple
ParkingSpace - Simple
PavementMarkingLine - Simple
PavementMarkingPoint - Simple
PavementSchedule - Simple
Pole - Simple
RRCrossing - Simple
Sidewalk - Simple
Sign - Simple
Signal - Simple
SignalCabinet - Simple
SiteAmenityLine - Simple
Street - Simple
StreetBikeLane - Simple
StreetCurbType - Simple
StreetFunctionalClass - Simple
StreetFurniture - Simple
StreetIntersection - Simple
StreetLaneWidth - Simple
Streetlight - Simple
StreetNumberLane - Simple
StreetOwnership - Simple
StreetPavement - Simple
StreetPavementType - Simple
StreetSnowRoute - Simple
StreetSpeedLimit - Simple
StreetTruckRoute - Simple
TrafficCamera - Simple
Trail - Simple
Tree - Simple
BuildingInteriorSpace_Topology - Topology
StreetNetwork - Topology
FireServiceOperations - Feature Dataset
AED - Simple
FireBoundary - Simple
FireBoundaryLine - Simple
FireIncident - Simple
FireMapIndex - Simple
FireResponseRestrictLine - Simple
FireResponseRestrictPoint - Simple
FireSafetySurvey - Simple
TargetHazard - Simple
InfrastructureOperations - Feature Dataset
BridgeMaintAgreement - Simple
CallVolumeDistrictReport - Simple
CallVolumeSnowMapReport - Simple
CapitalImprovementPlan - Simple
EngineeringGrid - Simple
ExternalAgencyProject - Simple
InfrastructureProject - Simple
LandscapeMaintAgreement - Simple
PaveMarkMaintAgreement - Simple
PavementMoratorium - Simple
piAlert - Simple
piBoundary - Simple
piBoundaryLine - Simple
piServiceArea - Simple
PlanDrawing - Simple
PlowActivityDistrictReport - Simple
PlowActivitySnowMapReport - Simple
PrintGrid - Simple
RoadBlock - Simple
RoadBlockPoint - Simple
RoadDetour - Simple
SanitaryMaintAgreement - Simple
SignalMaintAgreement - Simple
SignMaintAgreement - Simple
StormwaterMaintAgreement - Simple
StreetlightMaintAgreement - Simple
StreetMaintAgreement - Simple
WaterMaintAgreement - Simple
wHydrantInspection - Simple
LandUseOperations - Feature Dataset
CommunityEvent - Simple
DevelopmentSite - Simple
LandUseCase - Simple
luCodeViolation - Simple
luPermit - Simple
luWorkorder - Simple
LandUsePlanning - Feature Dataset
FEMAFloodZone - Simple
IncentiveZone - Simple
LandUseCurrent - Simple
LandUseProposed - Simple
ZoningDistrict - Simple
LawEnforcementOperations - Feature Dataset
Arrest - Simple
CallService - Simple
FieldInterview - Simple
LawBoundary - Simple
Offense - Simple
Parolee - Simple
Probationer - Simple
SexOffender - Simple
Warrant - Simple
ParcelEditing - Feature Dataset
ParcelDimensions - Annotation
ParcelFabric - Cadastral Fabric
ParcelPublishing - Feature Dataset
Block - Simple
ConveyanceDivision - Simple
ConveyanceDivisionPoint - Simple
Encumbrance - Simple
OwnerParcel - Simple
SimultaneousConveyance - Simple
TaxMapIndex - Simple
TaxParcel - Simple
TaxParcelPoint - Simple
PublicSafetyPlanning - Feature Dataset
CommodityDistributionPoint - Simple
CommodityStagingPoint - Simple
EmergencyFacility - Simple
EmergencyShelter - Simple
FloodImpactArea - Simple
InundationArea - Simple
Levee - Simple
MissionReadyPackage - Simple
NFPA704 - Simple
PreIncidentComplex - Simple
PreIncidentPlan - Simple
PreIncidentPlanArea - Simple
PreIncidentPlanLine - Simple
PreIncidentPlanNote - Simple
PreIncidentPlanPhoto - Simple
PreIncidentPlanPoint - Simple
PublicSafetyResource - Simple
SecurityImprovement - Simple
SpecialEvent - Simple
SpecialEventArea - Simple
SpecialEventLine - Simple
SpecialEventPoint - Simple
SpecialNeedPopulation - Simple
VideoFeed - Simple
ReferenceData - Feature Dataset
BuildingExterior - Simple
BuildingFootprint - Simple
CommercialBusiness - Simple
CommunityCenter - Simple
EducationFacility - Simple
FacilitySite - Simple
FacilitySitePoint - Simple
FireStation - Simple
GolfCourse - Simple
HazardousFacility - Simple
HouseWorship - Simple
LandBase - Simple
Landform - Simple
Library - Simple
MedicalFacility - Simple
Museum - Simple
Park - Simple
PoliceStation - Simple
PostOffice - Simple
PublicWork - Simple
Railroad - Simple
RailroadStation - Simple
RecyclingFacility - Simple
RoadCenterline - Simple
Soil - Simple
Vegetation - Simple
Waterbody - Simple
Waterline - Simple
SewerStormwater - Feature Dataset
SewerStormwater_Net_Junctions - SimpleJunction
ssBend - SimpleJunction
ssCasing - Simple
ssCleanOut - SimpleJunction
ssControlValve - SimpleJunction
ssDetention - Simple
ssDischargePoint - SimpleJunction
ssFitting - SimpleJunction
ssGravityMain - ComplexEdge
ssInlet - SimpleJunction
ssLateralLine - ComplexEdge
ssManhole - SimpleJunction
ssNetworkStructure - SimpleJunction
ssOpenDrain - ComplexEdge
ssPressurizedMain - ComplexEdge
ssPump - SimpleJunction
ssServiceConnection - SimpleJunction
ssSystemValve - SimpleJunction
ssTap - SimpleJunction
ssTestStation - Simple
ssValveOperator - Simple
ssVault - Simple
ssVirtualDrainline - ComplexEdge
SewerStormwater_Net - Geometric Network
Stormwater - Feature Dataset
Stormwater_Net_Junctions - SimpleJunction
swCasing - Simple
swCleanOut - SimpleJunction
swControlValve - SimpleJunction
swCulvert - ComplexEdge
swDetention - Simple
swDischargePoint - SimpleJunction
swFitting - SimpleJunction
swGravityMain - ComplexEdge
swInlet - SimpleJunction
swManhole - SimpleJunction
swNetworkStructure - SimpleJunction
swOpenDrain - ComplexEdge
swPressurePipe - ComplexEdge
swSystemValve - SimpleJunction
swVirtualDrainline - ComplexEdge
swWeirStructure - SimpleJunction
Stormwater_Net - Geometric Network
Telemetry - Feature Dataset
CurrentSnowPlowLocation - Simple
HistoricSnowPlowLocation - Simple
WaterDistribution - Feature Dataset
wAbandonedLine - Simple
wAbandonedPoint - Simple
Water_Net_Junctions - SimpleJunction
wCasing - Simple
wConstructionLine - Simple
wControlValve - SimpleJunction
wCurbStopValve - SimpleJunction
wElevationPt - Simple
wFitting - SimpleJunction
wHydrant - SimpleJunction
wLateralLine - ComplexEdge
wMain - ComplexEdge
wNetworkStructure - SimpleJunction
wOperationalArea - Simple
wPressureZone - Simple
wPump - SimpleJunction
wSamplingStation - Simple
wServiceConnection - SimpleJunction
wStructure - Simple
wSystemValve - SimpleJunction
wTestStation - Simple
Water_Net - Geometric Network
AnimalComplaints - Raster RasterDataset
FiveMeterHillshade - Raster RasterDataset
FiveMeterSurface - Raster RasterDataset
PotholeComplaints - Raster RasterDataset
StreetLightOutages - Raster RasterDataset
Workspace-Level Tables and Feature Classes
BuildingFloor__ATTACH - Table
BuildingPhotoLoc__ATTACH - Table
Census2010SummaryFile1 - Table
CitizenContactInfo - Table
CommunityEvent__ATTACH - Table
ConsumptionInfo - Table
DamageComBuilding__ATTACH - Table
DamagePublicFacility__ATTACH - Table
DamageResBuilding__ATTACH - Table
DevelopmentSite__ATTACH - Table
DynamicValue - Table
EmployeeInfo - Table
FacilitySitePoint__ATTACH - Table
FieldInterview__ATTACH - Table
FloodImpactPlan - Table
GenerateId - Table
GovServiceInfo - Table
LandUseCase__ATTACH - Table
LifeExpectancyMaterial - Table
luCasePublicComment - Table
luCodeInspection - Table
luCodeInspection__ATTACH - Table
MasterStreetName - Table
Park__ATTACH - Table
ParkRecComment - Table
ParkRecInfo - Table
piCIPCost - Table
piCIPDefinition - Table
piCIPReplacement - Table
PlanComment - Table
PostalAddress - Table
PreIncidentComplex__ATTACH - Table
PreIncidentPlan__ATTACH - Table
PreIncidentPlanPhoto__ATTACH - Table
PreIncidentPlanPoint__ATTACH - Table
ProjectComment - Table
RRCrossing__ATTACH - Table
ServiceRequest__ATTACH - Table
ServiceRequestComment - Table
Sign__ATTACH - Table
Signal__ATTACH - Table
SignalCabinet__ATTACH - Table
StreetIntersectionDetail - Table
Streetlight__ATTACH - Table
TaxParcelCondo - Table
TaxRevertedProperty__ATTACH - Table
TelemetryDeviceInfo - Table
VideoFeed__ATTACH - Table
VotingPrecinct__ATTACH - Table
wHydrantInspection__ATTACH - Table
ZoningRegulations - Table
Relationship Classes
Agriculture Food and Livestock FCode
Banking and Finance FCode
Building General FCode
Commercial and Retail FCode
Education FCode
Emergency Response and Law Enforcement FCode
Energy FCode
Government and Military FCode
Health and Medical FCode
Industry FCode
Information and Communication FCode
Mail and Shipping FCode
Public Attractions and Landmark Structures FCode
Transportation Facilities FCode
Water Supply and Treatment FCode
Weather FCode
Address - FeatureDataset
Description | This dataset contains point address features such as the site address and other feature classes required for the administration of address information. |
AddressEntrancePoint - FeatureClass
Name | AddressEntrancePoint |
ShapeType | Point |
FeatureType | Simple |
AliasName | Address Entrance Points |
HasM | false |
HasZ | false |
HasAttachments | false |
Description | Address entrance points represent the location where the public, or a service provider, would gain access to the specific site or service delivery address. In downtowns or other urban settings, many times the most direct access to an address may not be coincident with the location in which the address was assigned. In rural areas, the address entrance point could represent an entrance to a long or shared driveway. |
Tags | Addresses and Names |
Field | DataType | Length | AliasName | Description | Domain | DefaultValue | IsNullable | Precision | Scale |
ENTRANCEPTID | String | 20 | Entrance ID | Locally assigned address entrance point identifier | | | true | | |
SITEADDKEY | String | 20 | Site Address ID | Locally assigned site address point identifier | | | true | | |
POINTTYPE | String | 30 | Address Point Type | A general classification of what the address point represents | AddressPointType | | true | | |
CAPTUREMETH | String | 30 | Capture Method | Capture method for address point | PointCollectionMethod | | true | | |
RESTACCESS | String | 5 | Restricted Access | A flag used to indicate whether the entrance point has restricted access | YesNo | | true | | |
LASTUPDATE | Date | 8 | Last Update Date | The date the feature was last updated in the maintenance database | | | true | | |
LASTEDITOR | String | 50 | Last Editor | The user who performed the last update | | | true | | |
AddressPoint - FeatureClass
Name | AddressPoint |
ShapeType | Point |
FeatureType | Simple |
AliasName | Address Points |
HasM | false |
HasZ | false |
HasAttachments | false |
Description | Address points represent the location along the street network where the specific site or service delivery address has been assigned. |
Tags | Addresses and Names |
Field | DataType | Length | AliasName | Description | Domain | DefaultValue | IsNullable | Precision | Scale |
ADDRESSPTID | String | 20 | Access ID | Locally assigned address point identifier | | | true | | |
POINTTYPE | String | 30 | Address Point Type | A general classification of what the address point represents | AddressPointType | | true | | |
CAPTUREMETH | String | 30 | Capture Method | Capture method for address point | PointCollectionMethod | | true | | |
LASTUPDATE | Date | 8 | Last Update Date | The date the feature was last updated in the maintenance database | | | true | | |
LASTEDITOR | String | 50 | Last Editor | The user who performed the last update | | | true | | |
SiteAddressPoint - FeatureClass
Name | SiteAddressPoint |
ShapeType | Point |
FeatureType | Simple |
AliasName | Site Address Points |
HasM | false |
HasZ | false |
HasAttachments | false |
Description | Site address points represent the location of site or service delivery addresses assigned by local governments. |
Tags | Addresses and Names |
Field | DataType | Length | AliasName | Description | Domain | DefaultValue | IsNullable | Precision | Scale |
SITEADDID | String | 20 | Site Address ID | Locally assigned site address point identifier | | | true | | |
ADDPTKEY | String | 20 | Address Point ID | Unique address point identifier - Foreign Key | | | true | | |
PREADDRNUM | String | 5 | Address Number Prefix | The address number prefix | | | true | | |
ADDRNUMSUF | String | 5 | Address Number Suffix | The address number suffix | | | true | | |
ADDRNUM | String | 20 | Full Address Number | The full address number | | | true | | |
ADDRRANGE | String | 50 | Address Range | Address range when a point describes a set of addresses | | | true | | |
UNITTYPE | String | 10 | Address Unit Type | The address unit type | AddressUnitType | | true | | |
UNITID | String | 10 | Address Unit Number | The address unit designation | | | true | | |
ALTUNITTYPE | String | 10 | Alternate Address Unit Type | The alternate or secondary address unit type | AddressUnitType | | true | | |
ALTUNITID | String | 10 | Alternate Address Unit Number | The alternate or secondary address unit designation | | | true | | |
FULLNAME | String | 125 | Full Road Name | The full name of the road including any prefix and/or suffix in mixed case format for Esri Community Map contributors | | | true | | |
FULLADDR | String | 250 | Full Address | Address information combined into one text field. In your community, this may include the following fields: PREADDRNUM, ADDRNUM, ADDRNUMSUF, FULLNAME, UNITTYPE, UNITID, ALTUNITTYPE, and ALTUNITID. | | | true | | |
PLACENAME | String | 250 | Place Name | A common name or vanity address for the site or service delivery address | | | true | | |
MUNICIPALITY | String | 100 | Municipality Name | The name of the physical municipality the site address resides in | | | true | | |
ESN | String | 5 | Emergency Service Number | The Emergency Service Number the site address resides in | | | true | | |
PSAP | String | 4 | Public Safety Answering Point | The Public Safety Answering Point the site address resides in | | | true | | |
MSAG | String | 35 | MSAG Community | The valid service community name identified by the MSAG | | | true | | |
USNGCOORD | String | 50 | USNG Coordinate | The USNG coordinate value | | | true | | |
ADDRCLASS | Integer | 4 | Description | A general classification of how the structure or location represented by the site address point is used - FacilitySite Subtype Classification | SiteAddressClass | | true | | |
POINTTYPE | String | 30 | Location | A general description of the physical location represented by the site address point | SiteAddressLocation | | true | | |
CAPTUREMETH | String | 30 | Capture Method | Capture method for address point | PointCollectionMethod | | true | | |
STATUS | String | 30 | Status | The status of the site address | AddressStatus | | true | | |
LASTUPDATE | Date | 8 | Last Update Date | The date the feature was last updated in the maintenance database | | | true | | |
LASTEDITOR | String | 50 | Last Editor | The user who performed the last update | | | true | | |
AdministrativeArea - FeatureDataset
Description | This dataset contains municipal, school and other related administrative or jurisdictional boundaries. |
AdministrativeAreaBoundaryLine - FeatureClass
Name | AdministrativeAreaBoundaryLine |
ShapeType | Polyline |
FeatureType | Simple |
AliasName | Administrative Area Boundary Lines |
SubtypeFieldName | SUBTYPEFIELD |
HasM | false |
HasZ | false |
HasAttachments | false |
Description | The exterior boundaries of administrative areas represented as linear features. |
Tags | Administrative Areas |
Field | DataType | Length | AliasName | Description | Domain | DefaultValue | IsNullable | Precision | Scale |
SUBTYPEFIELD | SmallInteger | 2 | Boundary Type | The administrative boundary line subtype field | | 3 | true | | |
LASTUPDATE | Date | 8 | Last Update Date | The date the feature was last updated in the maintenance database | | | true | | |
LASTEDITOR | String | 50 | Last Editor | The user who performed the last update | | | true | | |
INWATER | String | 5 | In Water | A flag that indicates whether the segment of the administrative boundary is crossing water | YesNo | | true | | |
Subtype Code | Subtype Name | Field Info |
0 | Federal |
1 | State |
2 | County |
3 | Municipal |
4 | School |
5 | Neighborhood |
CountyBoundary - FeatureClass
Name | CountyBoundary |
ShapeType | Polygon |
FeatureType | Simple |
AliasName | County Boundaries |
HasM | false |
HasZ | false |
HasAttachments | false |
Description | The geographic extent of a County. |
Tags | Administrative Areas |
Field | DataType | Length | AliasName | Description | Domain | DefaultValue | IsNullable | Precision | Scale |
NAME | String | 50 | Name | The name of the county | | | true | | |
COUNTYAREA | Double | 8 | Area in Square Miles | The area of the county in square miles | | | true | | |
STCOFIPS | String | 5 | State County FIPS | The five digit FIPS code for State/County as assigned by the Federal Government | | | true | | |
LASTUPDATE | Date | 8 | Last Update Date | The date the feature was last updated in the maintenance database | | | true | | |
LASTEDITOR | String | 50 | Last Editor | The user who performed the last update | | | true | | |
MunicipalBoundary - FeatureClass
Name | MunicipalBoundary |
ShapeType | Polygon |
FeatureType | Simple |
AliasName | Municipal Boundaries |
HasM | false |
HasZ | false |
HasAttachments | false |
Description | The geographic extent of a local government (City, Village, Township). |
Tags | Administrative Areas |
Field | DataType | Length | AliasName | Description | Domain | DefaultValue | IsNullable | Precision | Scale |
NAME | String | 50 | Municipality Name | The name of the municipality | | | true | | |
MUNITYP | String | 50 | Municipal Type | The type of municipality | MunicipalType | | true | | |
MUNIAREA | Double | 8 | Area in Square Miles | The area of the municipality in square miles | | | true | | |
LOCALFIPS | String | 5 | Local FIPS | The five digit FIPS code for the municipality as assigned by the Federal Government | | | true | | |
LASTUPDATE | Date | 8 | Last Update Date | The date the feature was last updated in the maintenance database | | | true | | |
LASTEDITOR | String | 50 | Last Editor | The user who performed the last update | | | true | | |
SchoolBoundary - FeatureClass
Name | SchoolBoundary |
ShapeType | Polygon |
FeatureType | Simple |
AliasName | School Boundaries |
HasM | false |
HasZ | false |
HasAttachments | false |
Description | The geographic extent of a school attendence boundary. |
Tags | Administrative Areas |
Field | DataType | Length | AliasName | Description | Domain | DefaultValue | IsNullable | Precision | Scale |
NAME | String | 255 | School Name | The name of the school | | | true | | |
DISTRCTNAME | String | 255 | School District Name | The name of the school district | | | true | | |
SCHOOLAREA | Double | 8 | Area in Square Miles | The area of the school attendance district in square miles | | | true | | |
LASTUPDATE | Date | 8 | Last Update Date | The date the feature was last updated in the maintenance database | | | true | | |
LASTEDITOR | String | 50 | Last Editor | The user who performed the last update | | | true | | |
StateBoundary - FeatureClass
Name | StateBoundary |
ShapeType | Polygon |
FeatureType | Simple |
AliasName | State Boundaries |
HasM | false |
HasZ | false |
HasAttachments | false |
Description | The boundary of the state. |
Field | DataType | Length | AliasName | Description | Domain | DefaultValue | IsNullable | Precision | Scale |
NAME | String | 50 | Name | The name of the state | | | true | | |
STATEAREA | Double | 8 | Area in Square Miles | The area of the state in square miles | | | true | | |
STFIPS | String | 5 | State FIPS | The state FIPS code | | | true | | |
LASTUPDATE | Date | 8 | Last Update Date | The date the feature was last updated in the maintenance database | | | true | | |
LASTEDITOR | String | 50 | Last Editor | The user who performed the last update | | | true | | |
AssessmentInformation - FeatureDataset
Name | AssessmentInformation |
Description | This dataset contains a series of assessment operational layers derived from the integration of GIS and CAMA/Tax systems. |
AssessAppealApplicants - FeatureClass
Name | AssessAppealApplicants |
ShapeType | Point |
FeatureType | Simple |
AliasName | Assessment Appeal Applicants |
HasM | false |
HasZ | false |
HasAttachments | false |
Description | Taxpayers that would like to protest the assessed value of their property before an Assessment Appeals Board. |
Field | DataType | Length | AliasName | Description | Domain | DefaultValue | IsNullable | Precision | Scale |
POCNAME | String | 255 | Contact Name | A contact name for the appeal application | | | true | | |
POCFULLADD | String | 255 | Address | Contact address information combined into one text field | | | true | | |
POCCITY | String | 100 | City | Contact city name where the mail is delivered | | | true | | |
POCSTATE | String | 2 | State | Contact state abbreviation where the mail is delivered | | | true | | |
POCZIP5 | String | 5 | Zip | Contact five digit postal zip code | | | true | | |
POCPHONE | String | 15 | Phone Number | The phone number for the contact | | | true | | |
POCEMAIL | String | 255 | Email | The email address for the contact | | | true | | |
PROPOWNER | String | 5 | Property Owner | A flag used to indicate whether the applicant is the property owner | | | true | | |
APPEALTYPE | String | 50 | Appeal Type | The type of assessment appeal | AssessAppealType | | true | | |
PARCELID | String | 30 | Parcel Identification Number | The tax parcel identification number used to uniquely identify real property on the tax roll | | | true | | |
SITEADDRESS | String | 255 | Full Site Address | The site address for the tax parcel | | | true | | |
CVTTXCD | String | 4 | Tax District Code | The code of the taxing district as it appears on the assessment notice | | | true | | |
APPEALREAS | String | 50 | Reason | The reason for the assessment appeal | AssessAppealReason | | true | | |
COMMENTS | String | 1000 | Additional Comments | Any additional comments provided about the assessment appeal | | | true | | |
APPEALCONT | String | 5 | Contacted by Assessor | A flag used to indicate whether the applicant would like to be contacted by an assessor | | | true | | |
LASTUPDATE | Date | 8 | Last Update Date | The date the feature was last updated in the maintenance database | | | true | | |
LASTEDITOR | String | 50 | Last Editor | The user who performed the last update | | | true | | |
LocalTaxDistrict - FeatureClass
Name | LocalTaxDistrict |
ShapeType | Polygon |
FeatureType | Simple |
AliasName | Local Tax Districts |
HasM | false |
HasZ | false |
HasAttachments | false |
Description | The local government tax district |
Field | DataType | Length | AliasName | Description | Domain | DefaultValue | IsNullable | Precision | Scale |
CVTTXDSCRP | String | 150 | Local Taxing District | The name of the local taxing district | | | true | | |
NOFORE | Integer | 4 | Number of Foreclosures | The total number of foreclosures since 1994 | | | true | | |
NOAPPL | Integer | 4 | Number of Appeals | The total number of assessment appeals in 2009 | | | true | | |
NOSALE | Integer | 4 | Number of Sales | The total number of sales since 1994 | | | true | | |
SUMASVLCHG | Double | 8 | Total Assessed Value Change | The total assessed value change year over year | | | true | | |
SUMTXVLCHG | Double | 8 | Total Taxable Value Change | The total taxable value change year over year | | | true | | |
SUMTXODCHG | Double | 8 | Total Tax Revenue Change | The total tax revenue change year over year | | | true | | |
LASTUPDATE | Date | 8 | Last Update Date | The date of last update in maintenance database | | | true | | |
SchoolTaxDistrict - FeatureClass
Name | SchoolTaxDistrict |
ShapeType | Polygon |
FeatureType | Simple |
AliasName | School Tax Districts |
HasM | false |
HasZ | false |
HasAttachments | false |
Description | The public school taxing district |
Field | DataType | Length | AliasName | Description | Domain | DefaultValue | IsNullable | Precision | Scale |
SCHLDSCRP | String | 255 | School District Name | The name of the school taxing district | | | true | | |
NOTXPRCL | Integer | 4 | Number of Tax Parcels | The total number of tax parcels in the school district | | | true | | |
NOFORE | Integer | 4 | Number of Foreclosures | The total number of foreclosures since 1994 | | | true | | |
NOSALE | Integer | 4 | Number of Sales | The total number of sales since 1994 | | | true | | |
SUMASVLCHG | Double | 8 | Total Assessed Value Change | The total assessed value change year over year | | | true | | |
SUMTXVLCHG | Double | 8 | Total Taxable Value Change | The total taxable value change year over year | | | true | | |
SUMTXODCHG | Double | 8 | Total Tax Revenue Change | The total tax revenue change year over year | | | true | | |
LASTUPDATE | Date | 8 | Last Update Date | The date of last update in the maintenance database | | | true | | |
SpecialTaxDistrict - FeatureClass
Name | SpecialTaxDistrict |
ShapeType | Polygon |
FeatureType | Simple |
AliasName | Special Tax Districts |
HasM | false |
HasZ | false |
HasAttachments | false |
Description | The special tax district which represents the nature of the tax levied on the TaxParcels according to the benefits conferred on the property |
Field | DataType | Length | AliasName | Description | Domain | DefaultValue | IsNullable | Precision | Scale |
SPTXDTDSCRP | String | 150 | Special Tax District Name | The name of the special taxing district | | | true | | |
LASTUPDATE | Date | 8 | Last Update Date | The date of last update in maintenance database | | | true | | |
TaxParcelAppeal - FeatureClass
Name | TaxParcelAppeal |
ShapeType | Point |
FeatureType | Simple |
AliasName | Tax Parcel Appeals |
HasM | false |
HasZ | false |
HasAttachments | false |
Description | Assessment appeals filed by property owners and heard by the Board of Review. |
Field | DataType | Length | AliasName | Description | Domain | DefaultValue | IsNullable | Precision | Scale |
PARCELID | String | 30 | Parcel Identification Number | The tax parcel identification number used to uniquely identify real property on the tax roll | | | true | | |
SITEADDRESS | String | 254 | Full Site Address | The site address for the tax parcel | | | true | | |
MBORCSNUM | String | 10 | MBOR Case Number | The March Board of Review Case number | | | true | | |
APPEALTYP | String | 100 | Appeal Type | The March Board of Review Case type | | | true | | |
PROPCLASS | Integer | 4 | Property Class | The tax parcel property class | | | true | | |
SEVYR1MBOR | Double | 8 | March BOR Year 1 SEV | The March BOR Year 1 State Equalized Value | | | true | | |
TXYR1MBOR | Double | 8 | March BOR Year 1 Taxable Value | The March BOR Year 1 Taxable Value | | | true | | |
ADDSYR1MBOR | Double | 8 | March BOR Year 1 Assessed Value | The March BOR Year 1 Assessed Value | | | true | | |
ADJYR1MBOR | Double | 8 | March BOR Year 1 Adjustments | The March BOR Year 1 Adjustments value | | | true | | |
LSSYR1MBOR | Double | 8 | March BOR Year 1 Loss | The March BOR Year 1 Loss value | | | true | | |
NEWYR1MBOR | Double | 8 | March BOR Year 1 New Construction | The March BOR Year 1 New Construction value | | | true | | |
PVRTYR1MBOR | Double | 8 | MBOR Poverty Petition | The MBOR Poverty Petition was applied for by petitioner | | | true | | |
LASTUPDATE | Date | 8 | Last Update Date | The date of last update in maintenance database | | | true | | |
TaxParcelForeclosure - FeatureClass
Name | TaxParcelForeclosure |
ShapeType | Point |
FeatureType | Simple |
AliasName | Tax Parcel Foreclosures |
HasM | false |
HasZ | false |
HasAttachments | false |
Description | Sheriff Deeds recorded in the Register of Deeds Office and typically used to indicate parcels that are in a foreclosure process. |
Tags | Foreclosures |
Field | DataType | Length | AliasName | Description | Domain | DefaultValue | IsNullable | Precision | Scale |
PARCELID | String | 30 | Parcel Identification Number | The tax parcel identification number used to uniquely identify real property on the tax roll | | | true | | |
SITEADDRESS | String | 254 | Full Site Address | The site address for the tax parcel | | | true | | |
CVTTXCD | String | 2 | Local Tax District Code | The code of the local taxing district | | | true | | |
DOCNAME | String | 200 | Document Name | The type of instrument used to foreclosuer | | | true | | |
RECORDDT | Date | 8 | Date Recorded | The date the instrument was recorded | | | true | | |
TRANSDT | Date | 8 | Transaction Date | The date the actual transaction occurred | | | true | | |
LIBER | String | 5 | Liber | The Liber number for the instrument | | | true | | |
PAGE | String | 3 | Page | The Page number for the instrument | | | true | | |
SALEAMNT | Double | 8 | Sale Amount | The sale amount, if any, for the foreclosure | | | true | | |
LASTUPDATE | Date | 8 | Last Update Date | The date of last update in maintenance database | | | true | | |
TaxParcelNeighborhood - FeatureClass
Name | TaxParcelNeighborhood |
ShapeType | Polygon |
FeatureType | Simple |
AliasName | Tax Parcel Neighborhoods |
HasM | false |
HasZ | false |
HasAttachments | false |
Description | The assessment neighborhoods used by assessors to organize properties with similar characteristics |
Tags | Assessing; Neighborhoods; Value |
Field | DataType | Length | AliasName | Description | Domain | DefaultValue | IsNullable | Precision | Scale |
NGHBRHDCD | String | 10 | Assessing Neighborhood Code | The assessors neighborhood code | | | true | | |
CNTASSDVAL | Double | 8 | Current Assessed Value | The current assessed value for the neighborhood | | | true | | |
ASSDVALYRCHG | Double | 8 | Assessed Value Year Over Year Change | The year over year change in assessed value | | | true | | |
CNTTXBLVAL | Double | 8 | Current Taxable Value | The current taxable value for the neighborhood | | | true | | |
TXBLVALYRCHG | Double | 8 | Taxable Value Year Over Year Change | The year over year change in taxable value | | | true | | |
TOTCNTTXOD | Double | 8 | Total Current Taxes Owed | The current total taxes owed for the neighborhood | | | true | | |
TXODYRCHG | Double | 8 | Taxes Owed Year Over Year Change | The year over year change in total taxes owed | | | true | | |
LASTUPDATE | Date | 8 | Last Update Date | The date of last update in maintenance database | | | true | | |
TaxParcelSale - FeatureClass
Name | TaxParcelSale |
ShapeType | Point |
FeatureType | Simple |
AliasName | Tax Parcel Sales |
HasM | false |
HasZ | false |
HasAttachments | false |
Description | Qualified sales recorded in the Register of Deeds Office; dating back to 1994 |
Field | DataType | Length | AliasName | Description | Domain | DefaultValue | IsNullable | Precision | Scale |
PARCELID | String | 30 | Parcel Identification Number | The tax parcel identification number used to uniquely identify real property on the tax roll | | | true | | |
SITEADDRESS | String | 254 | Full Site Address | The site address for the tax parcel | | | true | | |
CVTTXCD | String | 2 | Local Tax District Code | The code of the local taxing district | | | true | | |
DOCNAME | String | 200 | Document Name | The type of instrument used to foreclosuer | | | true | | |
RECORDDT | Date | 8 | Date Recorded | The date the instrument was recorded | | | true | | |
TRANSDT | Date | 8 | Transaction Date | The date the actual transaction occurred | | | true | | |
GRANTOR | String | 255 | Grantor | The name of the individual who is conveying the tax parcel | | | true | | |
GRANTEE | String | 255 | Grantee | The name of the individual who is purchasing the tax parcel | | | true | | |
LIBER | String | 5 | Liber | The Liber number for the instrument | | | true | | |
PAGE | String | 3 | Page | The Page number for the instrument | | | true | | |
SALEAMNT | Double | 8 | Sale Amount | The sale amount, if any, for the foreclosure | | | true | | |
CNTASSDVAL | Double | 8 | Assessed Value | The current year assessed value | | | true | | |
SALESRATIO | Double | 8 | Sales Ratio | The ratio computed from the current assessed value and sale price | | | true | | |
RESSTRTYPE | String | 50 | Residential Structure Type | The type of residential structure | | | true | | |
RESYRBLT | Double | 8 | Residential Year Built | The year the residential structure was built | | | true | | |
RESFLRAREA | Double | 8 | Residential Floor Area | The floor area of the residential structure | | | true | | |
NGHBRHDCD | String | 10 | Assessing Neighborhod Code | The assessors neighborhood code | | | true | | |
LASTUPDATE | Date | 8 | Last Update Date | The date of last update in maintenance database | | | true | | |
TaxRevertedProperty - FeatureClass
Name | TaxRevertedProperty |
ShapeType | Point |
FeatureType | Simple |
AliasName | Tax Reverted Properties |
HasM | false |
HasZ | false |
HasAttachments | true |
Description | Properties with delinquent taxes that could be foreclosed on and sold at a public auction. |
Field | DataType | Length | AliasName | Description | Domain | DefaultValue | IsNullable | Precision | Scale |
PARCELID | String | 30 | Parcel Identification Number | The tax parcel identification number used to uniquely identify real property on the tax roll | | | true | | |
SITEADDRESS | String | 255 | Full Site Address | The site address for the tax parcel | | | true | | |
CVTTXDSCRP | String | 100 | Tax District Description | The code of the local taxing district | | | true | | |
PRPRTYDSCRP | String | 255 | Property Description | The assessors property desciption for the tax parcel | | | true | | |
RESSTRTYPE | String | 50 | Residential Structure Type | The type of residential structure | | | true | | |
RESFLRAREA | Double | 8 | Residential Floor Area | The floor area of the residential structure | | | true | | |
RESYRBLT | String | 5 | Residential Year Built | The year the residential structure was built | | | true | | |
TOTCNTTXOD | Double | 8 | Total Current Taxes Owed | The total tax bill for the current year | | | true | | |
TOTALFEE | Double | 8 | Total Fees | The total amount of fees and penalties | | | true | | |
POSTED | String | 5 | Posted | A flag used to indicate whether a notice was posted on the delinquent property | YesNo | No | true | | |
VACANT | String | 5 | Vacant Property | A flag used to indicate whether the property is vacant | YesNo | No | true | | |
RESTACCESS | String | 5 | Restricted Access | A flag used to indicate whether access to the site is restricted | YesNo | No | true | | |
LASTUPDATE | Date | 8 | Last Update Date | The date the feature was last updated in the maintenance database | | | true | | |
LASTEDITOR | String | 50 | Last Editor | The user who performed the last update | | | true | | |
CadastralReference - FeatureDataset
Description | This dataset contains a series of features used to descibe the cadastral reference system (PLSS, Control, etc.). |
ControlCorner - FeatureClass
Name | ControlCorner |
ShapeType | Point |
FeatureType | Simple |
AliasName | Control Corners |
HasM | false |
HasZ | false |
HasAttachments | false |
Description | The current control point on the surface of the earth and its associated current coordinate value, generally determined by a surveying process and used to define an extremity of a boundary. |
Tags | Control; PLSS |
Field | DataType | Length | AliasName | Description | Domain | DefaultValue | IsNullable | Precision | Scale |
POINTID | String | 30 | Corner Point Identifier | The unique identifier for each control corner | | | true | | |
POINTTYP | String | 50 | Corner Point Type | The type of control corner which represents the concatenation of a corner classification and corner qualifier | | | true | | |
POINTLAB | String | 100 | Corner Point Label | The name describing the control corner | | | true | | |
LOCAL1 | String | 100 | Local Label | The local name describing the control corner | | | true | | |
MONTYP | String | 30 | Monument Type | The permanent structure used to mark the position of the corner | | | true | | |
XCOORD | String | 30 | X or East Coordinate | The active or current value for the easting | | | true | | |
YCOORD | String | 30 | Y or North Coordinate | The active or current value for the northing | | | true | | |
ZCOORD | String | 30 | Z or Height Coordinate | The active or current value for the elevation or height | | | true | | |
ACCURACYXY | Double | 8 | Accuracy XY | The accuracy of the X or East Coordinate and the Y or North Coordinate | | | true | | |
ACCURACYZ | Double | 8 | Accuracy Z | The accuracy of the Z or Elevation | | | true | | |
SURVEYDT | Date | 8 | Survey Date | The survey date for the control corner | | | true | | |
STATUS | String | 30 | Status | A status flag used to indicate whether the control corner is actively used | | | true | | |
RELY | String | 30 | PLSS Point Reliability | The total accuracy of a coordinate value | | | true | | |
ACCCMMNTS | String | 50 | Accuracy Comments | The statement or qualification about the accuracy of a coordinate value | | | true | | |
COORDPROC | String | 30 | Coordinate Computation Procedure | The procedure using the coordinate method to measure the coordinate value | | | true | | |
COORDMETH | String | 50 | Coordinate Collection Method | The technology used to establish the coordinate value | | | true | | |
LASTUPDATE | Date | 8 | Last Update Date | The date of last update in maintenance database | | | true | | |
LASTEDITOR | String | 50 | Last Editor | The user that last updated the data | | | true | | |
PLSSBoundary - FeatureClass
Name | PLSSBoundary |
ShapeType | Polyline |
FeatureType | Simple |
AliasName | PLSS Boundaries |
HasM | false |
HasZ | false |
HasAttachments | false |
Description | A spatial representation of Public Land Survey System (PLSS) boundaries. This linear feature class is derived from the PLSS corners. Heads up digitizing is used to construct these lines which must begin and end at a point that represents a PLSS corner. The key attributes are coordinate geometry (COGO) information including Angle and Distance. The attributes are populated using the ArcGIS Inverse tool. |
Tags | boundaries |
Field | DataType | Length | AliasName | Description | Domain | DefaultValue | IsNullable | Precision | Scale |
DIRECTION | String | 12 | Direction | The direction of the PLSS feature | | | true | | |
DISTANCE | String | 10 | Distance | The distance of the PLSS feature | | | true | | |
DELTA | String | 10 | Delta | The delta | | | true | | |
RADIUS | String | 10 | Radius | The radius | | | true | | |
TANGENT | String | 10 | Tangent | The tangent | | | true | | |
ARCLENGTH | String | 10 | Length | The Arclength | | | true | | |
SIDE | String | 1 | Side | The side | | | true | | |
PLSSQuarterSection - FeatureClass
Name | PLSSQuarterSection |
ShapeType | Polygon |
FeatureType | Simple |
AliasName | PLSS Quarter Sections |
HasM | false |
HasZ | false |
HasAttachments | false |
Description | The second division of the PLSS and commonly called a quarter section. |
Field | DataType | Length | AliasName | Description | Domain | DefaultValue | IsNullable | Precision | Scale |
SECDIVLAB | String | 2 | Quarter Section Label | The quarter section label | | | true | | |
SECDIVID | String | 8 | Quarter Section Identifier | The code that represents the fully intersected quarter section, section and township | | | true | | |
SECDIVNO | String | 50 | PLSS Quarter Section Number | The quarter section number | | | true | | |
SECDIVSUF | String | 10 | PLSS Quarter Section Suffix | The quarter section suffix | | | true | | |
SECDIVTYP | String | 50 | PLSS Quarter Section Type | The quarter section type | | | true | | |
LASTUPDATE | Date | 8 | Last Update Date | The date of last update in the maintenance database | | | true | | |
PLSSSection - FeatureClass
Name | PLSSSection |
ShapeType | Polygon |
FeatureType | Simple |
AliasName | PLSS Sections |
HasM | false |
HasZ | false |
HasAttachments | false |
Description | The first division of the PLSS and commonly called a section. |
Field | DataType | Length | AliasName | Description | Domain | DefaultValue | IsNullable | Precision | Scale |
FRSTDIVLAB | String | 2 | Section Label | The section label | | | true | | |
FRSTDIVID | String | 6 | Section Identifier | The code that represents the fully intersected section and township | | | true | | |
FRSTDIVTYP | String | 50 | First Division Type | The first division type | | | true | | |
FRSTDIVDUP | String | 1 | First Division Duplicate | The first division duplicate code | | | true | | |
LASTUPDATE | Date | 8 | Last Update Date | The date of last update in the maintenance database | | | true | | |
PLSSTownship - FeatureClass
Name | PLSSTownship |
ShapeType | Polygon |
FeatureType | Simple |
AliasName | PLSS Townships |
HasM | false |
HasZ | false |
HasAttachments | false |
Description | In the Public Land Survey System a Township refers to a unit of land, that is nominally six miles on a side, usually containing 36 sections. |
Field | DataType | Length | AliasName | Description | Domain | DefaultValue | IsNullable | Precision | Scale |
PLSSID | String | 17 | PLSS Township Identifier | A unique identifier for the PLSS Township generated from the state, PM code, Township and range numbers, and duplicate code | | | true | | |
PRINMER | String | 40 | Principal Meridian | The principal meridian | | | true | | |
TWNSHPDIR | String | 2 | Township Direction | The township direction | | | true | | |
TWNSHPNO | String | 4 | Township Number | The township designator | | | true | | |
TWNSHPFRAC | String | 1 | PLSS Township Fraction | The PLSS township fraction indicator | | | true | | |
RANGEDIR | String | 1 | Range Direction | The range direction | | | true | | |
RANGENO | String | 2 | Range Number | The range designator | | | true | | |
RANGEFRAC | String | 1 | PLSS Range Fraction | The PLSS range fraction indicator | | | true | | |
TWPID | String | 4 | Township Identifier | The code that represents the township and range | | | true | | |
TWNSHPCD | String | 2 | Township Area Number | The common number for the geographic township | | | true | | |
TWNSHPDPCD | String | 1 | PLSS Township Duplicate Code | The township duplicate code | | | true | | |
TWNSHPLAB | String | 30 | Township Area Label | The common name for the geographic township | | | true | | |
SURVTYP | String | 50 | Special Survey Type | The special survey type | | | true | | |
SURVTYPTXT | String | 50 | Special Survey Name | The name of the special survey | | | true | | |
LASTUPDATE | Date | 8 | Last Update Date | The date of last update in the maintenance database | | | true | | |
CapitalPlanning - FeatureDataset
Description | This dataset contains a series of features derived during the capital planning process. Model results are stored within this feature dataset and used as inputs to the capital planning process. |
CIPPoints - FeatureClass
Name | CIPPoints |
ShapeType | Point |
FeatureType | Simple |
AliasName | CIP Point Assets |
HasM | false |
HasZ | false |
HasAttachments | false |
Description | The points features contained in a CIP project. |
Field | DataType | Length | AliasName | Description | Domain | DefaultValue | IsNullable | Precision | Scale |
PROJNAME | String | 50 | Project Name | The project name | | | true | | |
STRATEGY | String | 50 | Strategy | The replacement strategy | | | true | | |
ACTION | String | 50 | Action | The action taken | | | true | | |
COST | Double | 8 | Cost | The cost of the improvement | | | true | | |
MULTI | Double | 8 | Multiplier Value | A multiplier used to compute the cost | | 1 | true | | |
ADDCOST | Double | 8 | Additional Cost | Any additional cost | | | true | | |
TOTCOST | Double | 8 | Total Cost | The total cost | | | true | | |
EXTFILT1 | String | 50 | Existing Value - 1st | First external filter | | | true | | |
EXTFILT2 | String | 50 | Existing Value - 2nd | Second external filter | | | true | | |
PROFILT1 | String | 50 | Replacement Value - 1st | First project filter | | | true | | |
PROFILT2 | String | 50 | Replacement Value - 2nd | Second project filter | | | true | | |
NOTES | String | 255 | Asset Notes | Additional notes that will clarify the project | | | true | | |
ASSETTYP | String | 255 | Source Asset | The type of asset | | | true | | |
FACILITYID | String | 120 | Asset ID | Locally assigned Facility Identifier | | | true | | |
SOURCOID | String | 50 | Source OID | The source feature object ID | | | true | | |
LASTEDITOR | String | 50 | Last Editor | User that last updated the data | | | true | | |
LASTUPDATE | Date | 8 | Last Update | Date of last update in database | | | true | | |
CIPPolygons - FeatureClass
Name | CIPPolygons |
ShapeType | Polygon |
FeatureType | Simple |
AliasName | CIP Polygon Assets |
HasM | false |
HasZ | false |
HasAttachments | false |
Description | The polygon features contained in a CIP project. |
Field | DataType | Length | AliasName | Description | Domain | DefaultValue | IsNullable | Precision | Scale |
PROJNAME | String | 50 | Project Name | The project name | | | true | | |
STRATEGY | String | 50 | Strategy | The replacement strategy | | | true | | |
ACTION | String | 50 | Action | The action taken | | | true | | |
COST | Double | 8 | Cost per Unit | The cost of the improvement | | | true | | |
MULTI | Double | 8 | Multiplier Value | A multiplier used to compute the cost | | 1 | true | | |
ADDCOST | Double | 8 | Additional Cost | Any additional cost | | | true | | |
TOTCOST | Double | 8 | Total Cost | The total cost | | | true | | |
EXTFILT1 | String | 50 | Existing Value - 1st | First external filter | | | true | | |
EXTFILT2 | String | 50 | Existing Value - 2nd | Second external filter | | | true | | |
PROFILT1 | String | 50 | Replacement Value - 1st | First project filter | | | true | | |
PROFILT2 | String | 50 | Replacement Value - 2nd | Second project filter | | | true | | |
NOTES | String | 255 | Asset Notes | Additional notes that will clarify the project | | | true | | |
ASSETTYP | String | 255 | Source Asset | The type of asset | | | true | | |
FACILITYID | String | 120 | Asset ID | Locally assigned Facility Identifier | | | true | | |
SOURCOID | String | 50 | Source OID | The source feature object ID | | | true | | |
LASTEDITOR | String | 50 | Last Editor | User that last updated the data | | | true | | |
LASTUPDATE | Date | 8 | Last Update | Date of last update in database | | | true | | |
CIPPolylines - FeatureClass
Name | CIPPolylines |
ShapeType | Polyline |
FeatureType | Simple |
AliasName | CIP Polyline Assets |
HasM | false |
HasZ | false |
HasAttachments | false |
Description | The polyline features contained in a CIP project. |
Field | DataType | Length | AliasName | Description | Domain | DefaultValue | IsNullable | Precision | Scale |
PROJNAME | String | 50 | Project Name | The project name | | | true | | |
STRATEGY | String | 50 | Strategy | The replacement strategy | | | true | | |
ACTION | String | 50 | Action | The action taken | | | true | | |
COST | Double | 8 | Cost per Unit | The cost of the improvement | | | true | | |
MULTI | Double | 8 | Multiplier Value | A multiplier used to compute the cost | | 1 | true | | |
LENGTH | String | 50 | Length | The length of the improvement | | | true | | |
ADDCOST | Double | 8 | Additional Cost | Any additional cost | | | true | | |
TOTCOST | Double | 8 | Total Cost | The total cost | | | true | | |
EXTFILT1 | String | 50 | Existing Value - 1st | First external filter | | | true | | |
EXTFILT2 | String | 50 | Existing Value - 2nd | Second external filter | | | true | | |
PROFILT1 | String | 50 | Replacement Value - 1st | First project filter | | | true | | |
PROFILT2 | String | 50 | Replacement Value - 2nd | Second project filter | | | true | | |
NOTES | String | 255 | Asset Notes | Additional notes that will clarify the project | | | true | | |
ASSETTYP | String | 255 | Source Asset | The type of asset | | | true | | |
FACILITYID | String | 120 | Asset ID | Locally assigned Facility Identifier | | | true | | |
SOURCOID | String | 50 | Source OID | The source feature object ID | | | true | | |
LASTEDITOR | String | 50 | Last Editor | User that last updated the data | | | true | | |
LASTUPDATE | Date | 8 | Last Update | Date of last update in database | | | true | | |
CIPProjects - FeatureClass
Name | CIPProjects |
ShapeType | Polygon |
FeatureType | Simple |
AliasName | CIP Project Outlines |
HasM | false |
HasZ | false |
HasAttachments | false |
Description | A polygon that represents a summary of the CIP project. |
Field | DataType | Length | AliasName | Description | Domain | DefaultValue | IsNullable | Precision | Scale |
PROJNAME | String | 50 | Project Name | The project name | | | true | | |
TOTCOST | Double | 8 | Total Cost | The total cost | | | true | | |
TOTLEN | Double | 8 | Total Length | The total length for the project | | | true | | |
TOTAREA | Double | 8 | Total Area | The total area for the project | | | true | | |
TOTPNT | Double | 8 | Point Count | The total number of point features | | | true | | |
DATESTART | Date | 8 | Expected Start Date | The date/time the project was started | | | true | | |
DATECOMP | Date | 8 | Date Completed | The date/time the project was completed | | | true | | |
CIPSTAT | String | 50 | CIP Status | The status of the project | CIPStatus | Proposed | true | | |
NOTES | String | 200 | Notes | Additional notes that will clarify the project | | | true | | |
PRJMAN | String | 50 | Project Manager | The project manager for the CIP | CIPProjManager | | true | | |
CREATNAM | String | 50 | Created By | The name of the person who created the project | | | true | | |
CREATDAT | Date | 8 | Date Created | The date/time the project was created | | | true | | |
LINK | String | 175 | Link to Report | A link to external information about the project | | | true | | |
LASTEDITOR | String | 50 | Last Editor | User that last updated the data | | | true | | |
LASTUPDATE | Date | 8 | Last Update | Date of last update in database | | | true | | |
PROJTYPE | String | 80 | Project Type | The project type | CIPProjectType | | true | | |
FUNDSOUR | String | 80 | Funding Source | The funding source for the project | CIPFundingSource | | true | | |
MANPHONE | String | 80 | Contact Phone | The contact person's phone number | | | true | | |
MANEMAIL | String | 80 | Contact Email | The contact person's email address | | | true | | |
CIPProjectsLocations - FeatureClass
Name | CIPProjectsLocations |
ShapeType | Point |
FeatureType | Simple |
AliasName | CIP Project Locations |
HasM | false |
HasZ | false |
HasAttachments | false |
Description | This is a point feature that represents the location of CIP projects and is used in multi-scale maps. |
Field | DataType | Length | AliasName | Description | Domain | DefaultValue | IsNullable | Precision | Scale |
PROJNAME | String | 50 | Project Name | PROJNAME | | | true | | |
TOTCOST | Double | 8 | Total Cost | TOTCOST | | | true | | |
TOTLEN | Double | 8 | Total Length | TOTLEN | | | true | | |
TOTAREA | Double | 8 | Total Area | TOTAREA | | | true | | |
TOTPNT | Double | 8 | Point Count | TOTPNT | | | true | | |
DATESTART | Date | 8 | Expected Start Date | DATESTART | | | true | | |
DATECOMP | Date | 8 | Date Completed | DATECOMP | | | true | | |
CIPSTAT | String | 50 | CIP Status | CIPSTAT | CIPStatus | Proposed | true | | |
NOTES | String | 200 | Notes | NOTES | | | true | | |
PRJMAN | String | 50 | Project Manager | PRJMAN | CIPProjManager | | true | | |
CREATNAM | String | 50 | Created By | CREATNAM | | | true | | |
CREATDAT | Date | 8 | Date Created | CREATDAT | | | true | | |
LINK | String | 175 | Link to Report | LINK | | | true | | |
LASTEDITOR | String | 50 | Last Editor | LASTEDITOR | | | true | | |
LASTUPDATE | Date | 8 | Last Update | LASTUPDATE | | | true | | |
PROJTYPE | String | 80 | Project Type | PROJTYPE | CIPProjectType | | true | | |
FUNDSOUR | String | 80 | Funding Source | FUNDSOUR | CIPFundingSource | | true | | |
MANPHONE | String | 80 | Contact Phone | MANPHONE | | | true | | |
MANEMAIL | String | 80 | Contact Email | MANEMAIL | | | true | | |
CIPProjectsOverview - FeatureClass
Name | CIPProjectsOverview |
ShapeType | Polygon |
FeatureType | Simple |
AliasName | CIP Project Overviews |
HasM | false |
HasZ | false |
HasAttachments | false |
Description | A polygon that represents an overview of the CIP project. |
Field | DataType | Length | AliasName | Description | Domain | DefaultValue | IsNullable | Precision | Scale |
PROJNAME | String | 50 | Project Name | The project name | | | true | | |
TOTCOST | Double | 8 | Total Cost | The total cost | | | true | | |
TOTLEN | Double | 8 | Total Length | The total length for the project | | | true | | |
TOTAREA | Double | 8 | Total Area | The total area for the project | | | true | | |
TOTPNT | Double | 8 | Point Count | The total number of point features | | | true | | |
DATESTART | Date | 8 | Expected Start Date | The date/time the project was started | | | true | | |
DATECOMP | Date | 8 | Date Completed | The date/time the project was completed | | | true | | |
CIPSTAT | String | 50 | CIP Status | The status of the project | CIPStatus | Proposed | true | | |
NOTES | String | 200 | Notes | Additional notes that will clarify the project | | | true | | |
PRJMAN | String | 50 | Project Manager | The project manager for the CIP | CIPProjManager | | true | | |
CREATNAM | String | 50 | Created By | The name of the person who created the project | | | true | | |
CREATDAT | Date | 8 | Date Created | The date/time the project was created | | | true | | |
LINK | String | 175 | Link to Report | A link to external information about the project | | | true | | |
LASTEDITOR | String | 50 | Last Editor | User that last updated the data | | | true | | |
LASTUPDATE | Date | 8 | Last Update | Date of last update in database | | | true | | |
PROJTYPE | String | 80 | Project Type | The project type | CIPProjectType | | true | | |
FUNDSOUR | String | 80 | Funding Source | The funding source for the project | CIPFundingSource | | true | | |
MANPHONE | String | 80 | Contact Phone | The contact person's phone number | | | true | | |
MANEMAIL | String | 80 | Contact Email | The contact person's email address | | | true | | |
wMainsWithTraceSummary - FeatureClass
Name | wMainsWithTraceSummary |
ShapeType | Polyline |
FeatureType | Simple |
AliasName | wMainsWithTraceSummary |
HasM | false |
HasZ | false |
HasAttachments | false |
Description | Water mains with trace summary. |
Field | DataType | Length | AliasName | Description | Domain | DefaultValue | IsNullable | Precision | Scale |
FACILITYID | String | 20 | Facility Identifier | Locally assigned Facility Identifier | | | true | | |
VALVECOUNT | SmallInteger | 2 | Valve Count | The total number of valves along a section of pipe | | | true | | |
METERCOUNT | SmallInteger | 2 | Meter Count | The total number of meters along a section of pipe | | | true | | |
NUMCRITMETER | SmallInteger | 2 | Number of Critical Customers | The total number of critical meters along a section of pipe | | | true | | |
COMMENTS | String | 125 | Comments | Any additional comments | | | true | | |
REPORTDT | Date | 8 | Report Date | The date the report was created | | | true | | |
CitizenService - FeatureDataset
Description | This dataset contains a series of features (service requests, parcel markups, etc.) collected by citizens through focused citizen engagement applications. |
CitizenPlanningProposal - FeatureClass
Name | CitizenPlanningProposal |
ShapeType | Polygon |
FeatureType | Simple |
AliasName | Citizen Planning Proposals |
HasM | false |
HasZ | false |
HasAttachments | false |
Description | The geographic extent of proposed land use plans gathered through master planning processes directly from citizens in the community. |
Tags | Community Planning;Citizen Engagement |
Field | DataType | Length | AliasName | Description | Domain | DefaultValue | IsNullable | Precision | Scale |
LUTYPE | String | 50 | Land Use Type | A classification of the land use type | CommunityPlanLUType | | true | | |
TOTAREA | Double | 8 | Total Area | The total area for the land use polygon | | | true | | |
TOTIMPCOV | Integer | 4 | Total Impervious Coverage | The total impervious coverage for the land use polygon | | | true | | |
TOTEFFRAIN | Integer | 4 | Total Effective Rainfall | The total effective rainfall for the land use polygon | | | true | | |
TOTDWELLUN | Integer | 4 | Total Dwelling Units | The total dwelling units for the land use polygon | | | true | | |
TOTPOPDEN | Integer | 4 | Population Density | The total population density for the land use polygon | | | true | | |
TOTJOBS | Integer | 4 | Total Jobs | The total jobs for the land use polygon | | | true | | |
TOTSTUDENT | Integer | 4 | Total Elementary Students | The total number of elementary students for the land use polygon | | | true | | |
TOTVMT | Integer | 4 | Total Vehicle Miles Traveled | The total vehicle miles traveled for the land use polygon | | | true | | |
TOTVHT | Integer | 4 | Total Vehicle Hours Traveled | The total vehicle hours traveled for the land use polygon | | | true | | |
CO2EMIS | Integer | 4 | Total CO2 Emission | The total CO2 emission for the land use polygon | | | true | | |
WTRCONSUM | Integer | 4 | Total Water Consumption | The total water consumption for the land use polygon | | | true | | |
PLANNAME | String | 150 | Plan Name | The name of the land use planned as assigned by the citizen | | | true | | |
EMAIL | String | 100 | Email | The email address associated with the citizens land use plan | | | true | | |
LASTUPDATE | Date | 8 | Last Update Date | The date (in UTC) the feature was last updated in the maintenance database | | | true | | |
LASTEDITOR | String | 50 | Last Editor | The user who performed the last update | | | true | | |
CommunityAddress - FeatureClass
Name | CommunityAddress |
ShapeType | Point |
FeatureType | Simple |
AliasName | Community Addresses |
HasM | false |
HasZ | false |
HasAttachments | false |
Description | The published representation of site addresses inventoried by a local government and proposed site addresses submitted by the general public or other interested party. Proposed site addresses are incorporated in to a local government's address data management workflows and used to improve the overall quality of address information. This CommunityAddress schema matches the SiteAddressPoint feature class and approved addresses contained in the SiteAddressPoint feature class are migrated (copied) to this feature class on a regular basis. |
Field | DataType | Length | AliasName | Description | Domain | DefaultValue | IsNullable | Precision | Scale |
SITEADDID | String | 20 | Site Address ID | Locally assigned site address point identifier | | | true | | |
ADDPTKEY | String | 20 | Address Point ID | Unique address point identifier - Foreign Key | | | true | | |
PREADDRNUM | String | 5 | Address Number Prefix | The address number prefix | | | true | | |
ADDRNUMSUF | String | 5 | Address Number Suffix | The address number suffix | | | true | | |
ADDRNUM | String | 20 | Full Address Number | The full address number | | | true | | |
ADDRRANGE | String | 50 | Address Range | Address range when a point describes a set of addresses | | | true | | |
UNITTYPE | String | 10 | Address Unit Type | The address unit type | AddressUnitType | | true | | |
UNITID | String | 10 | Address Unit Number | The address unit designation | | | true | | |
ALTUNITTYPE | String | 10 | Alternate Address Unit Type | The alternate or secondary address unit type | AddressUnitType | | true | | |
ALTUNITID | String | 10 | Alternate Address Unit Number | The alternate or secondary address unit designation | | | true | | |
FULLNAME | String | 125 | Full Road Name | The full name of the road including any prefix and/or suffix in mixed case format for Esri Community Map contributors | | | true | | |
FULLADDR | String | 250 | Full Address | Address information combined into one text field | | | true | | |
PLACENAME | String | 250 | Place Name | A common name or vanity address for the site or service delivery address | | | true | | |
MUNICIPALITY | String | 100 | Municipality Name | The name of the physical municipality the site address resides in | | | true | | |
ESN | String | 5 | Emergency Service Number | The Emergency Service Number the site address resides in | | | true | | |
PSAP | String | 4 | Public Safety Answering Point | The Public Safety Answering Point the site address resides in | | | true | | |
MSAG | String | 35 | MSAG Community | The valid service community name identified by the MSAG | | | true | | |
USNGCOORD | String | 50 | USNG Coordinate | The USNG coordinate value | | | true | | |
ADDRCLASS | Integer | 4 | Description | A general classification of how the structure or location represented by the site address point is used - FacilitySite Subtype Classification | SiteAddressClass | | true | | |
POINTTYPE | String | 30 | Location | A general description of the physical location represented by the site address point | SiteAddressLocation | | true | | |
CAPTUREMETH | String | 30 | Capture Method | Capture method for address point | PointCollectionMethod | | true | | |
STATUS | String | 30 | Status | The status of the site address | AddressStatus | | true | | |
LASTUPDATE | Date | 8 | Last Update Date | The date the feature was last updated in the maintenance database | | | true | | |
LASTEDITOR | String | 50 | Last Editor | The user who performed the last update | | | true | | |
ParcelMarkup - FeatureClass
Name | ParcelMarkup |
ShapeType | Polygon |
FeatureType | Simple |
AliasName | Parcel Markups |
HasM | false |
HasZ | false |
HasAttachments | false |
Description | The geographic extent of a markup (redline) submitted by users of parcel information. |
Tags | Parcel Editing;Public Access |
Field | DataType | Length | AliasName | Description | Domain | DefaultValue | IsNullable | Precision | Scale |
MARKUPID | String | 50 | Markup Identifier | Locally assigned markup identifier | | | true | | |
PROBTYPE | String | 50 | Problem Type | A characterization of the perceived problem | ParcelProblemType | | true | | |
COMMENT | String | 255 | Comments | A description of the problem | | | true | | |
SUBMITDT | Date | 8 | Date Submitted | The date/time (in UTC) the markup was submitted | | | true | | |
NAME | String | 150 | Name | The name of the individual submitting the markup | | | true | | |
PHONE | String | 12 | Phone | The phone number of the individual submitting the markup | | | true | | |
EMAIL | String | 100 | Email | The email address of the individual submitting the markup | | | true | | |
NOTES | String | 255 | Notes | A description of how the problem was resolved | | | true | | |
COMPLETEDT | Date | 8 | Date Resolved | The date/time the markup was resolved | | | true | | |
LASTUPDATE | Date | 8 | Last Update Date | The date (in UTC) the feature was last updated in the maintenance database | | | true | | |
LASTEDITOR | String | 50 | Last Editor | The user who performed the last update | | | true | | |
RESPONSE | String | 5 | Responded to Citizen | A flag used to indicate whether the citizen has been responded to | YesNo | | true | | |
ServiceRequest - FeatureClass
Name | ServiceRequest |
ShapeType | Point |
FeatureType | Simple |
AliasName | Service Requests |
HasM | false |
HasZ | false |
HasAttachments | true |
Description | A request for service or incident reported by the general public or other interested party. |
Tags | Planning and Operations; Field Operations; Field Work |
Field | DataType | Length | AliasName | Description | Domain | DefaultValue | IsNullable | Precision | Scale |
REQUESTID | String | 25 | Service Request ID | Unique Service Request ID | | | true | | |
REQUESTTYPE | String | 100 | Problem | The Type of Service Request | ServiceRequestType | | true | | |
COMMENTS | String | 255 | Description | Any comments provided with the service request | | | true | | |
NAME | String | 150 | Name | The name of the person submitting the service request | | | true | | |
PHONE | String | 12 | Phone | The phone number of the individual submitting the service request | | | true | | |
EMAIL | String | 100 | Email | The email address of the individual submitting the service request | | | true | | |
REQUESTDATE | Date | 8 | Date Submitted | The date/time (in UTC) the service request was submitted | | | true | | |
STATUS | String | 50 | Request Status | The status of the service request | ServiceRequestStatus | | true | | |
FACILITYKEY | String | 50 | Facility Identifier | Unique Facility ID for the associated asset | | | true | | |
GlobalID | GlobalID | 38 | GlobalID | GlobalID | | | false | | |
BUILDING | String | 25 | Building Name | The short, or abbreviated, name or number of the building the service request was submitted in (used when Service Requests are submitted on a campus or within a building) | | | true | | |
FLOOR | String | 5 | Floor Number | The floor number the service request was submitted on (used when Service Requests are submitted on a campus or within a building) | | | true | | |
Demography - FeatureDataset
Description | This dataset contains a collection of features used to report information about human geography. |
CensusBlock - FeatureClass
Name | CensusBlock |
ShapeType | Polygon |
FeatureType | Simple |
AliasName | Census Blocks |
HasM | false |
HasZ | false |
HasAttachments | false |
Description | The TIGER/Line shapefiles and related database files (.dbf) are an extract of selected geographic and cartographic information from the U.S. Census Bureau's Master Address File / Topologically Integrated Geographic Encoding and Referencing (MAF/TIGER) Database (MTDB). The MTDB represents a seamless national file with no overlaps or gaps between parts, however, each TIGER/Line shapefile is designed to stand alone as an independent data set, or they can be combined to cover the entire nation. Census Blocks are statistical areas bounded on all sides by visible features, such as streets, roads, streams, and railroad tracks, and/or by nonvisible boundaries such as city, town, township, and county limits, and short line-of-sight extensions of streets and roads. Census blocks are relatively small in area; for example, a block in a city bounded by streets. However, census blocks in remote areas are often large and irregular and may even be many square miles in area. A common misunderstanding is that data users think census blocks are used geographically to build all other census geographic areas, rather all other census geographic areas are updated and then used as the primary constraints, along with roads and water features, to delineate the tabulation blocks. As a result, all 2010 Census blocks nest within every other 2010 Census geographic area, so that Census Bureau statistical data can be tabulated at the block level and aggregated up to the appropriate geographic areas. Census blocks cover all territory in the United States, Puerto Rico, and the Island Areas (American Samoa, Guam, the Commonwealth of the Northern Mariana Islands, and the U.S. Virgin Islands). Blocks are the smallest geographic areas for which the Census Bureau publishes data from the decennial census. A block may consist of one or more faces. |
Tags | boundaries |
Field | DataType | Length | AliasName | Description | Domain | DefaultValue | IsNullable | Precision | Scale |
STATEFP | String | 2 | STATEFP | Current state Federal Information Processing Series (FIPS) code | | | true | | |
COUNTYFP | String | 3 | COUNTYFP | Current county Federal Information Processing Series (FIPS) code | | | true | | |
STATEFP10 | String | 2 | STATEFP10 | 2010 Census state Federal Information Processing Series (FIPS) codes | | | true | | |
COUNTYFP10 | String | 3 | COUNTYFP10 | 2010 Census county Federal Information Processing Series (FIPS) code | | | true | | |
TRACTCE10 | String | 6 | TRACTCE10 | 2010 Census census tract code | | | true | | |
BLOCKCE10 | String | 4 | BLOCKCE10 | 2010 Census tabulation block number | | | true | | |
SUFFIX1CE | String | 1 | SUFFIX1CE | Current census block suffix 1 | | | true | | |
GEOID | String | 16 | GEOID | Block identifier; a concatenation of 2010 Census state Federal Information Processing Series (FIPS) code, 2010 Census county FIPS code, 2010 Census tract code, 2010 Census tabulation block number, and current block suffix 1 | | | true | | |
NAME | String | 11 | NAME | Current tabulation block name; a concatenation of 'Block', and the current tabulation block number and suffix 1 | | | true | | |
MTFCC | String | 5 | MTFCC | MAF/TIGER feature class code | | | true | | |
UR10 | String | 1 | UR10 | 2010 Census urban/rural indicator | | | true | | |
UACE10 | String | 5 | UACE10 | 2010 Census urban area code | | | true | | |
FUNCSTAT | String | 1 | FUNCSTAT | Current functional status | | | true | | |
ALAND | Double | 8 | ALAND | Current land area (square meters) | | | true | | |
AWATER | Double | 8 | AWATER | Current water area (square meters) | | | true | | |
INTPTLAT | String | 11 | INTPTLAT | Current latitude of the internal point | | | true | | |
INTPTLON | String | 12 | INTPTLON | Current longitude of the internal point | | | true | | |
CensusBlockGroup - FeatureClass
Name | CensusBlockGroup |
ShapeType | Polygon |
FeatureType | Simple |
AliasName | Census Block Groups |
HasM | false |
HasZ | false |
HasAttachments | false |
Description | The TIGER/Line shapefiles and related database files (.dbf) are an extract of selected geographic and cartographic information from the U.S. Census Bureau's Master Address File / Topologically Integrated Geographic Encoding and Referencing (MAF/TIGER) Database (MTDB). The MTDB represents a seamless national file with no overlaps or gaps between parts, however, each TIGER/Line shapefile is designed to stand alone as an independent data set, or they can be combined to cover the entire nation. Block Groups (BGs) are defined before tabulation block delineation and numbering, but are clusters of blocks within the same census tract that have the same first digit of their 4-digit census block number from the same decennial census. For example, 2010 Census tabulation blocks 3001, 3002, 3003,.., 3999 within 2010 Census tract 1210.02 are also within BG 3 within that census tract. 2010 Census BGs generally contained between 600 and 3,000 people. Most BGs were delineated by local participants in the Census Bureau's Participant Statistical Areas Program (PSAP). The Census Bureau delineated BGs only where the PSAP participant declined to delineate BGs or where the Census Bureau could not identify any local PSAP participant. A BG usually covers a contiguous area. Each census tract contains at least one BG, and BGs are uniquely numbered within census tract. Within the standard census geographic hierarchy, BGs never cross county or census tract boundaries, but may cross the boundaries of other geographic entities like county subdivisions, places, urban areas, voting districts, congressional districts, and American Indian / Alaska Native / Native Hawaiian areas. BGs have a valid code range of 0 through 9. BGs coded 0 were intended to only include water area, no land area, and they are generally in territorial seas, coastal water, and Great Lakes water areas. For the 2010 Census, rather than extending a census tract boundary into the Great Lakes or out to the U.S. nautical three-mile limit, the Census Bureau delineated some census tract boundaries along the shoreline or just offshore. The Census Bureau assigned a default census tract number beginning with 99 and a BG number of 0 to these offshore, water-only areas not included in regularly numbered census tract areas. |
Field | DataType | Length | AliasName | Description | Domain | DefaultValue | IsNullable | Precision | Scale |
STATEFP | String | 2 | STATEFP | STATEFP | | | true | | |
COUNTYFP | String | 3 | COUNTYFP | COUNTYFP | | | true | | |
TRACTCE | String | 6 | TRACTCE | TRACTCE | | | true | | |
BLKGRPCE | String | 1 | BLKGRPCE | BLKGRPCE | | | true | | |
GEOID | String | 12 | GEOID | GEOID | | | true | | |
NAMELSAD | String | 13 | NAMELSAD | NAMELSAD | | | true | | |
MTFCC | String | 5 | MTFCC | MTFCC | | | true | | |
FUNCSTAT | String | 1 | FUNCSTAT | FUNCSTAT | | | true | | |
ALAND | Double | 8 | ALAND | ALAND | | | true | | |
AWATER | Double | 8 | AWATER | AWATER | | | true | | |
INTPTLAT | String | 11 | INTPTLAT | INTPTLAT | | | true | | |
INTPTLON | String | 12 | INTPTLON | INTPTLON | | | true | | |
LOGRECNO | Double | 8 | LOGRECNO | LOGRECNO | | | true | | |
CensusLandmarkPoint - FeatureClass
Name | CensusLandmarkPoint |
ShapeType | Point |
FeatureType | Simple |
AliasName | Census Landmark Points |
HasM | false |
HasZ | false |
HasAttachments | false |
Description | The TIGER/Line shapefiles and related database files (.dbf) are an extract of selected geographic and cartographic information from the U.S. Census Bureau's Master Address File / Topologically Integrated Geographic Encoding and Referencing (MAF/TIGER) Database (MTDB). The MTDB represents a seamless national file with no overlaps or gaps between parts, however, each TIGER/Line shapefile is designed to stand alone as an independent data set, or they can be combined to cover the entire nation. The Census Bureau includes landmarks in the MTDB for locating special features and to help enumerators during field operations. Some of the more common landmark types include area landmarks such as airports, cemeteries, parks, mountain peaks/summits, schools, and churches and other religious institutions. The Census Bureau has added landmark features to MTDB on an as-needed basis and made no attempt to ensure that all instances of a particular feature were included. The presence or absence of a landmark such as a hospital or prison does not mean that the living quarters associated with that landmark were geocoded to that census tabulation block or excluded from the census enumeration. |
Tags | structure |
Field | DataType | Length | AliasName | Description | Domain | DefaultValue | IsNullable | Precision | Scale |
STATEFP | String | 2 | STATEFP | Current state Federal Information Processing Series (FIPS) code | | | true | | |
ANSICODE | String | 8 | ANSICODE | Current official code for the point landmark for use by federal agencies for data transfer and dissemination, if applicable | | | true | | |
POINTID | String | 22 | POINTID | Point landmark identifier | | | true | | |
FULLNAME | String | 100 | FULLNAME | Concatenation of expanded text for prefix type, base name, and suffix type with a space between each expanded text field | | | true | | |
MTFCC | String | 5 | MTFCC | MAF/TIGER feature class code | | | true | | |
CensusTract - FeatureClass
Name | CensusTract |
ShapeType | Polygon |
FeatureType | Simple |
AliasName | Census Tracts |
HasM | false |
HasZ | false |
HasAttachments | false |
Description | The TIGER/Line shapefiles and related database files (.dbf) are an extract of selected geographic and cartographic information from the U.S. Census Bureau's Master Address File / Topologically Integrated Geographic Encoding and Referencing (MAF/TIGER) Database (MTDB). The MTDB represents a seamless national file with no overlaps or gaps between parts, however, each TIGER/Line shapefile is designed to stand alone as an independent data set, or they can be combined to cover the entire nation. Census tracts are small, relatively permanent statistical subdivisions of a county or equivalent entity, and were defined by local participants as part of the 2010 Census Participant Statistical Areas Program. The Census Bureau delineated the census tracts in situations where no local participant existed or where all the potential participants declined to participate. The primary purpose of census tracts is to provide a stable set of geographic units for the presentation of census data and comparison back to previous decennial censuses. Census tracts generally have a population size between 1,200 and 8,000 people, with an optimum size of 4,000 people. When first delineated, census tracts were designed to be homogeneous with respect to population characteristics, economic status, and living conditions. The spatial size of census tracts varies widely depending on the density of settlement. Physical changes in street patterns caused by highway construction, new development, and so forth, may require boundary revisions. In addition, census tracts occasionally are split due to population growth, or combined as a result of substantial population decline. Census tract boundaries generally follow visible and identifiable features. They may follow legal boundaries such as minor civil division (MCD) or incorporated place boundaries in some States and situations to allow for census tract-to-governmental unit relationships where the governmental boundaries tend to remain unchanged between censuses. State and county boundaries always are census tract boundaries in the standard census geographic hierarchy. In a few rare instances, a census tract may consist of noncontiguous areas. These noncontiguous areas may occur where the census tracts are coextensive with all or parts of legal entities that are themselves noncontiguous. For the 2010 Census, the census tract code range of 9400 through 9499 was enforced for census tracts that include a majority American Indian population according to Census 2000 data and/or their area was primarily covered by federally recognized American Indian reservations and/or off-reservation trust lands; the code range 9800 through 9899 was enforced for those census tracts that contained little or no population and represented a relatively large special land use area such as a National Park, military installation, or a business/industrial park; and the code range 9900 through 9998 was enforced for those census tracts that contained only water area, no land area. |
Tags | boundaries |
Field | DataType | Length | AliasName | Description | Domain | DefaultValue | IsNullable | Precision | Scale |
STATEFP | String | 2 | STATEFP | Current state Federal Information Processing Series (FIPS) codes | | | true | | |
COUNTYFP | String | 3 | COUNTYFP | Current county Federal Information Processing Series (FIPS) code | | | true | | |
TRACTCE | String | 6 | TRACTCE | Current census tract code | | | true | | |
GEOID | String | 11 | GEOID | Census tract identifier, a concatenation of Current state Federal Information Processing Series (FIPS) code, county FIPS code, and census tract code | | | true | | |
NAME | String | 7 | NAME | Current census tract name, this is the census tract code converted to an integer or integer plus two-digit decimal if the last two characters of the code are not both zeros. | | | true | | |
NAMELSAD | String | 20 | NAMELSAD | Current translated legal/statistical area description and the census tract name | | | true | | |
MTFCC | String | 5 | MTFCC | MAF/TIGER feature class code | | | true | | |
FUNCSTAT | String | 1 | FUNCSTAT | Current functional status | | | true | | |
ALAND | Double | 8 | ALAND | Current land area (square meters) | | | true | | |
AWATER | Double | 8 | AWATER | Current water area (square meters) | | | true | | |
INTPTLAT | String | 11 | INTPTLAT | Current latitude of the internal point | | | true | | |
INTPTLON | String | 12 | INTPTLON | Current longitude of the internal point | | | true | | |
ElectionAdministration - FeatureDataset
Name | ElectionAdministration |
Description | This dataset contains a collection of features used to administer elections and publish elected representatives. |
Tags | Elections,Voting |
CountyDistrict - FeatureClass
Name | CountyDistrict |
ShapeType | Polygon |
FeatureType | Simple |
AliasName | County Commissioners |
HasM | false |
HasZ | false |
HasAttachments | false |
Description | County elected representative districts. |
Tags | Elections,Voting |
Field | DataType | Length | AliasName | Description | Domain | DefaultValue | IsNullable | Precision | Scale |
DISTRICTID | String | 10 | District ID | The unique identifier for the district | | | true | | |
NAME | String | 50 | District Name | The name of district | | | true | | |
REPNAME1 | String | 255 | Representative Name | The name of the elected representative | | | true | | |
DISTRICTURL1 | String | 100 | District Website | The URL to the district web site | | | true | | |
PARTY1 | String | 50 | Party | The political party | PoliticalParty | | true | | |
REPNAME2 | String | 255 | Representative Name | The name of the elected representative | | | true | | |
DISTRICTURL2 | String | 100 | District Website | The URL to the district web site | | | true | | |
PARTY2 | String | 50 | Party | The political party | PoliticalParty | | true | | |
REPNAME3 | String | 255 | Representative Name | The name of the elected representative | | | true | | |
DISTRICTURL3 | String | 100 | District Website | The URL to the district web site | | | true | | |
PARTY3 | String | 50 | Party | The political party | PoliticalParty | | true | | |
LASTUPDATE | Date | 8 | Last Update Date | The date the feature was last updated in the maintenance database | | | true | | |
LASTEDITOR | String | 50 | Last Editor | The user who performed the last update | | | true | | |
EarlyVotingLocation - FeatureClass
Name | EarlyVotingLocation |
ShapeType | Point |
FeatureType | Simple |
AliasName | Early Voting Locations |
HasM | false |
HasZ | false |
HasAttachments | false |
Description | A location where electors can vote on a single or series of days prior to an election. Early voting can take place remotely, such as by mail, or in person, usually in designated early voting polling stations. |
Field | DataType | Length | AliasName | Description | Domain | DefaultValue | IsNullable | Precision | Scale |
NAME | String | 255 | Early Voting Location | The name of the early voting facility | | | true | | |
FULLADD | String | 150 | Address | Address information combined into one text field | | | true | | |
CITY | String | 50 | City | The name of the municipality | | | true | | |
COUNTY | String | 50 | County | The name of the county | | | true | | |
STATE | String | 2 | State | The state abbreviation | | | true | | |
PSTLZIP5 | String | 5 | Postal Zip 5 | The five digit postal zip code | | | true | | |
OPERHOURS | String | 255 | Early Voting Hours | The hours of operation for the early voting facility | | | true | | |
VOTESERVE | String | 5 | Voter Services | A flag used to indicate if voter services are available at this location | YesNo | | true | | |
DROPBALLOT | String | 5 | Ballot Drop Box | A flag used to indicate if a ballot dropbox is available at this location | YesNo | | true | | |
BOXLOC | String | 50 | Drop Box Location | A general description of the ballot dropbox location | | | true | | |
CONTACT | String | 50 | Contact Name | The name of the individual voters can contact with questions about this early voting location | | | true | | |
PHONE | String | 12 | Phone | The phone number of the individual voters can contact with questions about this early voting location | | | true | | |
EMAIL | String | 100 | Email | The email of the individual voters can contact with questions about this early voting location | | | true | | |
AGENCYURL | String | 100 | Website | The URL to the agency website | | | true | | |
LASTUPDATE | Date | 8 | Last Update Date | The date the feature was last updated in the maintenance database | | | true | | |
LASTEDITOR | String | 50 | Last Editor | The user who performed the last update | | | true | | |
LocalDistrict - FeatureClass
Name | LocalDistrict |
ShapeType | Polygon |
FeatureType | Simple |
AliasName | Local Elected Representatives |
HasM | false |
HasZ | false |
HasAttachments | false |
Description | City, village or township elected representative districts. |
Tags | Elections,Voting |
Field | DataType | Length | AliasName | Description | Domain | DefaultValue | IsNullable | Precision | Scale |
DISTRICTID | String | 10 | District ID | The unique identifier for the district | | | true | | |
NAME | String | 50 | District Name | The name of district | | | true | | |
REPNAME | String | 255 | Representative Name(s) | The name(s) of the elected representative | | | true | | |
DISTRICTURL | String | 100 | District Website | The URL to the district web site | | | true | | |
LASTUPDATE | Date | 8 | Last Update Date | The date the feature was last updated in the maintenance database | | | true | | |
LASTEDITOR | String | 50 | Last Editor | The user who performed the last update | | | true | | |
PollingPlace - FeatureClass
Name | PollingPlace |
ShapeType | Point |
FeatureType | Simple |
AliasName | Polling Places |
HasM | false |
HasZ | false |
HasAttachments | false |
Description | A polling place or polling location where voters cast their ballots on election day. One polling place may be associated with many voting precincts. |
Tags | Elections,Voting |
Field | DataType | Length | AliasName | Description | Domain | DefaultValue | IsNullable | Precision | Scale |
POLLINGID | String | 10 | Polling Place ID | The unique identifier for the polling place | | | true | | |
NAME | String | 255 | Polling Location | The name of the facility the polling place is located in | | | true | | |
FULLADD | String | 150 | Address | Address information combined into one text field | | | true | | |
CITY | String | 50 | City | The name of the municipality | | | true | | |
STATE | String | 2 | State | The state abbreviation | | | true | | |
OPERHOURS | String | 50 | Polling Hours | The hours of operation for the public facility | | | true | | |
HANDICAP | String | 5 | Handicap Accessible | Indicates whether the site is handicap accessible | YesNo | | true | | |
NEXTELECT | Date | 8 | Next Election Date | The next date an election will be held at this polling place | | | true | | |
REGDATE | Date | 8 | Voter Registration Deadline | The last day a voter can register to vote at this polling place | | | true | | |
CONTACT | String | 50 | Contact Name | The name of the individual voters can contact with questions about this polling place | | | true | | |
PHONE | String | 12 | Phone | The phone number of the individual voters can contact with questions about this polling place | | | true | | |
EMAIL | String | 100 | Email | The email of the individual voters can contact with questions about this polling place | | | true | | |
WAITTIME | SmallInteger | 2 | Wait Time (Minutes) | Reported wait time (minutes) at the polling place on election day. | | | true | | |
LASTUPDATE | Date | 8 | Last Update Date | The date the feature was last updated in the maintenance database | | | true | | |
LASTEDITOR | String | 50 | Last Editor | The user who performed the last update | | | true | | |
StateHouseDistrict - FeatureClass
Name | StateHouseDistrict |
ShapeType | Polygon |
FeatureType | Simple |
AliasName | State House Representatives |
HasM | false |
HasZ | false |
HasAttachments | false |
Description | State House elected representative districts. |
Tags | Elections,Voting |
Field | DataType | Length | AliasName | Description | Domain | DefaultValue | IsNullable | Precision | Scale |
DISTRICTID | String | 10 | District ID | The unique identifier for the district | | | true | | |
NAME | String | 50 | District Name | The name of district | | | true | | |
REPNAME | String | 255 | Representative Name | The name of the elected representative | | | true | | |
DISTRICTURL | String | 100 | District Website | The URL to the district web site | | | true | | |
PARTY | String | 50 | Party | The political party | PoliticalParty | | true | | |
LASTUPDATE | Date | 8 | Last Update Date | The date the feature was last updated in the maintenance database | | | true | | |
LASTEDITOR | String | 50 | Last Editor | The user who performed the last update | | | true | | |
StateSenateDistrict - FeatureClass
Name | StateSenateDistrict |
ShapeType | Polygon |
FeatureType | Simple |
AliasName | State Senators |
HasM | false |
HasZ | false |
HasAttachments | false |
Description | State Senate elected representative districts. |
Tags | Elections,Voting |
Field | DataType | Length | AliasName | Description | Domain | DefaultValue | IsNullable | Precision | Scale |
DISTRICTID | String | 10 | District ID | The unique identifier for the district | | | true | | |
NAME | String | 50 | District Name | The name of district | | | true | | |
REPNAME | String | 255 | Representative Name | The name of the elected representative | | | true | | |
DISTRICTURL | String | 100 | District Website | The URL to the district web site | | | true | | |
PARTY | String | 50 | Party | The political party | PoliticalParty | | true | | |
LASTUPDATE | Date | 8 | Last Update Date | The date the feature was last updated in the maintenance database | | | true | | |
LASTEDITOR | String | 50 | Last Editor | The user who performed the last update | | | true | | |
USHouseDistrict - FeatureClass
Name | USHouseDistrict |
ShapeType | Polygon |
FeatureType | Simple |
AliasName | US Congressional Representatives |
HasM | false |
HasZ | false |
HasAttachments | false |
Description | US Congressional elected representative districts. |
Tags | Elections,Voting |
Field | DataType | Length | AliasName | Description | Domain | DefaultValue | IsNullable | Precision | Scale |
DISTRICTID | String | 10 | District ID | The unique identifier for the district | | | true | | |
NAME | String | 50 | District Name | The name of district | | | true | | |
REPNAME | String | 255 | Representative Name | The name of the elected representative | | | true | | |
DISTRICTURL | String | 100 | District Website | The URL to the district web site | | | true | | |
PARTY | String | 50 | Party | The political party | PoliticalParty | | true | | |
LASTUPDATE | Date | 8 | Last Update Date | The date the feature was last updated in the maintenance database | | | true | | |
LASTEDITOR | String | 50 | Last Editor | The user who performed the last update | | | true | | |
USSenateDistrict - FeatureClass
Name | USSenateDistrict |
ShapeType | Polygon |
FeatureType | Simple |
AliasName | US Senators |
HasM | false |
HasZ | false |
HasAttachments | false |
Description | US Senate elected representative districts. |
Tags | Elections,Voting |
Field | DataType | Length | AliasName | Description | Domain | DefaultValue | IsNullable | Precision | Scale |
DISTRICTID | String | 10 | District ID | The unique identifier for the district | | | true | | |
NAME | String | 50 | District Name | The name of district | | | true | | |
REPNAME1 | String | 255 | Representative Name | The name of the elected representative | | | true | | |
DISTRICTURL1 | String | 255 | District Website | The URL to the district web site | | | true | | |
PARTY1 | String | 50 | Party | The political party | PoliticalParty | | true | | |
REPNAME2 | String | 255 | Representative Name | The name of the elected representative | | | true | | |
DISTRICTURL2 | String | 255 | District Website | The URL to the district web site | | | true | | |
PARTY2 | String | 50 | Party | The political party | PoliticalParty | | true | | |
LASTUPDATE | Date | 8 | Last Update Date | The date the feature was last updated in the maintenance database | | | true | | |
LASTEDITOR | String | 50 | Last Editor | The user who performed the last update | | | true | | |
VotingPrecinct - FeatureClass
Name | VotingPrecinct |
ShapeType | Polygon |
FeatureType | Simple |
AliasName | Voting Precincts |
HasM | false |
HasZ | false |
HasAttachments | true |
Description | A precinct is generally the smallest level of geography established for purposes of conducting elections. Each precinct has a specific polling place where its residents go to vote. |
Tags | Elections,Voting |
Field | DataType | Length | AliasName | Description | Domain | DefaultValue | IsNullable | Precision | Scale |
PRECINCTID | String | 10 | Precinct ID | The unique identifier for the precinct | | | true | | |
NAME | String | 50 | Precinct Name | The name of precinct | | | true | | |
COUNTY | String | 50 | County | The name of the county | | | true | | |
POLLINGID | String | 10 | Polling Place ID | The unique identifier for the polling place | | | true | | |
LASTUPDATE | Date | 8 | Last Update Date | The date the feature was last updated in the maintenance database | | | true | | |
LASTEDITOR | String | 50 | Last Editor | The user who performed the last update | | | true | | |
Elevation - FeatureDataset
Description | This dataset contains a collection of features that describe the physical terrain. |
FiveFootContour - FeatureClass
Name | FiveFootContour |
ShapeType | Polyline |
FeatureType | Simple |
AliasName | Five Foot Contours |
HasM | false |
HasZ | true |
HasAttachments | false |
Description | A line that joins two equal points of elevation. |
Tags | Topography |
Field | DataType | Length | AliasName | Description | Domain | DefaultValue | IsNullable | Precision | Scale |
ELEVATION | Double | 8 | Elevation | Elevation value for contour line | | | true | | |
ELEVINDEX | SmallInteger | 2 | Contour Index | A field used to index the contour interval | | | true | | |
LASTUPDATE | Date | 8 | Last Update Date | The date the feature was last updated in the maintenance database | | | true | | |
LASTEDITOR | String | 50 | Last Editor | The user who performed the last update | | | true | | |
SpotElevation - FeatureClass
Name | SpotElevation |
ShapeType | Point |
FeatureType | Simple |
AliasName | Spot Elevations |
HasM | false |
HasZ | true |
HasAttachments | false |
Description | Point features that represent spot/measured elevation values on the surface of the earth. |
Tags | Topography |
Field | DataType | Length | AliasName | Description | Domain | DefaultValue | IsNullable | Precision | Scale |
ELEVATION | Double | 8 | Elevation | Elevation value for contour line | | | true | | |
NAME | String | 255 | Name of Elevation | The name of the spot elevation | | | true | | |
LASTUPDATE | Date | 8 | Last Update Date | The date the feature was last updated in the maintenance database | | | true | | |
LASTEDITOR | String | 50 | Last Editor | The user who performed the last update | | | true | | |
TenFootContour - FeatureClass
Name | TenFootContour |
ShapeType | Polyline |
FeatureType | Simple |
AliasName | Ten Foot Contours |
HasM | false |
HasZ | true |
HasAttachments | false |
Description | A line that joins two equal points of elevation. |
Tags | Topography |
Field | DataType | Length | AliasName | Description | Domain | DefaultValue | IsNullable | Precision | Scale |
ELEVATION | Double | 8 | Elevation | Elevation value for contour line | | | true | | |
ELEVINDEX | SmallInteger | 2 | Contour Index | A field used to index the contour interval | | | true | | |
LASTUPDATE | Date | 8 | Last Update Date | The date the feature was last updated in the maintenance database | | | true | | |
LASTEDITOR | String | 50 | Last Editor | The user who performed the last update | | | true | | |
TwentyFootContour - FeatureClass
Name | TwentyFootContour |
ShapeType | Polyline |
FeatureType | Simple |
AliasName | Twenty Foot Contours |
HasM | false |
HasZ | true |
HasAttachments | false |
Description | A line that joins two equal points of elevation. |
Tags | Topography |
Field | DataType | Length | AliasName | Description | Domain | DefaultValue | IsNullable | Precision | Scale |
ELEVATION | Double | 8 | Elevation | Elevation value for contour line | | | true | | |
ELEVINDEX | SmallInteger | 2 | Contour Index | A field used to index the contour interval | | | true | | |
LASTUPDATE | Date | 8 | Last Update Date | The date the feature was last updated in the maintenance database | | | true | | |
LASTEDITOR | String | 50 | Last Editor | The user who performed the last update | | | true | | |
TwoFootContour - FeatureClass
Name | TwoFootContour |
ShapeType | Polyline |
FeatureType | Simple |
AliasName | Two Foot Contours |
HasM | false |
HasZ | true |
HasAttachments | false |
Description | A line that joins two equal points of elevation. |
Tags | Topography |
Field | DataType | Length | AliasName | Description | Domain | DefaultValue | IsNullable | Precision | Scale |
ELEVATION | Double | 8 | Elevation | Elevation value for contour line | | | true | | |
ELEVINDEX | SmallInteger | 2 | Contour Index | A field used to index the contour interval | | | true | | |
LASTUPDATE | Date | 8 | Last Update Date | The date the feature was last updated in the maintenance database | | | true | | |
LASTEDITOR | String | 50 | Last Editor | The user who performed the last update | | | true | | |
EmergencyOperations - FeatureDataset
Description | This dataset contains a collection of features used to gather information about dynamic emergency incidents or planned special events. |
Tags | Emergency Operations |
AccessPoint - FeatureClass
Name | AccessPoint |
ShapeType | Point |
FeatureType | Simple |
AliasName | Access Points |
HasM | false |
HasZ | false |
HasAttachments | false |
Description | The location of emergency access points. |
Tags | EmergencyOperations |
Field | DataType | Length | AliasName | Description | Domain | DefaultValue | IsNullable | Precision | Scale |
INCIDENTID | String | 30 | Incident Number | The unique ID for the incident | | | true | | |
INCIDENTNM | String | 255 | Incident Name | The name of the incident | | | true | | |
ACCESSNM | String | 255 | Access Name | The name of the access point | | | true | | |
ORGNAME | String | 255 | Organization | Organization name | | | true | | |
JURISDICT | String | 255 | Jurisdiction | Jurisdiction for the event or feature | | | true | | |
POCNAME | String | 255 | Contact Name | Contact Name information | | | true | | |
POCEMAIL | String | 255 | Contact Email | Contact Email address | | | true | | |
POCPHONE | String | 10 | Contact Phone | Contact Phone number | | | true | | |
TRANSMODE | Double | 8 | Transport Mode | The mode of transportation required for the access point | | | true | | |
OPENDATE | Date | 8 | Open Date | The date/time access was opened | | | true | | |
CLOSEDDATE | Date | 8 | Closed Date | The date/time access was closed | | | true | | |
OPSTATUS | String | 50 | Operational Status | The operational status of the access point | OperationalStatus | | true | | |
LASTUPDATE | Date | 8 | Last Update Date | The date the feature was last updated in the maintenance database | | | true | | |
LASTEDITOR | String | 50 | Last Editor | The user who performed the last update | | | true | | |
GlobalID | GlobalID | 38 | GlobalID | GlobalID | | | false | | |
AssignmentBreak - FeatureClass
Name | AssignmentBreak |
ShapeType | Point |
FeatureType | Simple |
AliasName | Division or Sector Breaks |
HasM | false |
HasZ | false |
HasAttachments | false |
Description | The emergency incident resource assignment breaks as adapted from FIMT. |
Tags | EmergencyOperations |
Field | DataType | Length | AliasName | Description | Domain | DefaultValue | IsNullable | Precision | Scale |
INCIDENTID | String | 30 | Incident Number | The unique ID for the incident | | | true | | |
INCIDENTNM | String | 255 | Incident Name | The name of the incident | | | true | | |
BREAKTYPE | Integer | 4 | Break Type | The type of assignment break | AssignmentBreakType | | true | | |
ANGLE | Integer | 4 | Angle | The angle of the symbol | | | true | | |
LABEL | String | 50 | Map Label String | The map label string | | | true | | |
CAPTDATE | Date | 8 | Capture Date | The capture date/time | | | true | | |
AGENCY | String | 255 | Agency | The agency responsible | | | true | | |
CONTACT | String | 50 | Contact Name | The contact name | | | true | | |
WORKPHONE | String | 12 | Work Phone | The contact work phone | | | true | | |
EMAIL | String | 100 | Email | The contact email address | | | true | | |
BRANCHID | String | 4 | Branch ID | The Branch ID | | | true | | |
DIVISIONID | String | 4 | Division ID | The Division ID | | | true | | |
SECTORID | String | 4 | Sector ID | The Sector ID | | | true | | |
AUTOLAT | Double | 8 | Auto Latitude | Auto Latitude | | | true | | |
AUTOLONG | Double | 8 | Auto Longitude | Auto Longitude | | | true | | |
AUTOXCOORD | Double | 8 | Auto XCoord | Auto XCoord | | | true | | |
AUTOYCOORD | Double | 8 | Auto YCoord | Auto YCoord | | | true | | |
PERIMETERID | Integer | 4 | Perimeter ID | The perimeter ID | | | true | | |
LASTUPDATE | Date | 8 | Last Update Date | The date the feature was last updated in the maintenance database | | | true | | |
LASTEDITOR | String | 50 | Last Editor | The user who performed the last update | | | true | | |
GlobalID | GlobalID | 38 | GlobalID | GlobalID | | | false | | |
AssignmentBreakLabel - FeatureClass
Name | AssignmentBreakLabel |
ShapeType | Point |
FeatureType | Simple |
AliasName | Division or Sector Break Labels |
HasM | false |
HasZ | false |
HasAttachments | false |
Description | The emergency incident resource assignment break labels as adapted from FIMT. |
Tags | EmergencyOperations |
Field | DataType | Length | AliasName | Description | Domain | DefaultValue | IsNullable | Precision | Scale |
INCIDENTID | String | 30 | Incident Number | The unique ID for the incident | | | true | | |
INCIDENTNM | String | 255 | Incident Name | The name of the incident | | | true | | |
BREAKTYPE | Integer | 4 | Break Type | The type of assignment break | AssignmentBreakType | | true | | |
ANGLE | Integer | 4 | Angle | The angle of the symbol | | | true | | |
LABEL | String | 50 | Map Label String | The map label string | | | true | | |
CAPTDATE | Date | 8 | Capture Date | The capture date/time | | | true | | |
AGENCY | String | 255 | Agency | The agency responsible | | | true | | |
CONTACT | String | 50 | Contact Name | The contact name | | | true | | |
WORKPHONE | String | 12 | Work Phone | The contact work phone | | | true | | |
EMAIL | String | 100 | Email | The contact email address | | | true | | |
BRANCHID | String | 4 | Branch ID | The Branch ID | | | true | | |
DIVISIONID | String | 4 | Division ID | The Division ID | | | true | | |
SECTORID | String | 4 | Sector ID | The Sector ID | | | true | | |
AUTOLAT | Double | 8 | Auto Latitude | Auto Latitude | | | true | | |
AUTOLONG | Double | 8 | Auto Longitude | Auto Longitude | | | true | | |
AUTOXCOORD | Double | 8 | Auto XCoord | Auto XCoord | | | true | | |
AUTOYCOORD | Double | 8 | Auto YCoord | Auto YCoord | | | true | | |
PERIMETERID | Integer | 4 | Perimeter ID | The perimeter ID | | | true | | |
LASTUPDATE | Date | 8 | Last Update Date | The date the feature was last updated in the maintenance database | | | true | | |
LASTEDITOR | String | 50 | Last Editor | The user who performed the last update | | | true | | |
GlobalID | GlobalID | 38 | GlobalID | GlobalID | | | false | | |
DamageComBuilding - FeatureClass
Name | DamageComBuilding |
ShapeType | Point |
FeatureType | Simple |
AliasName | Damage to Commercial Buildings |
HasM | false |
HasZ | false |
HasAttachments | true |
Description | The location of damaged commercial, industrial, or agricultural structures and a description of the extent to which the structure and its contents were damaged. |
Field | DataType | Length | AliasName | Description | Domain | DefaultValue | IsNullable | Precision | Scale |
INCIDENTID | String | 30 | Incident Number | The unique ID for the incident | | | true | | |
INCIDENTNM | String | 255 | Incident Name | The name of the incident | | | true | | |
INSPECTID | String | 10 | Inspector ID | The unique ID for the damage assessment inspector | | | true | | |
INSPECTOR | String | 50 | Inspector | The name of the user assigned to the inspection activity | | | true | | |
INSPEMAIL | String | 100 | Inspector's Email Address | The inspector's email address | | | true | | |
INSPPHONE | String | 12 | Inspector's Phone Number | The inspector's phone number | | | true | | |
AFFIL | String | 255 | Affiliation | The relationship between a person or organization and a location of interest | | | true | | |
INSPDATE | Date | 8 | Inspection Date Time | The date/time (in UTC) the damage assessment was conducted | | | true | | |
PLACENAME | String | 250 | Name of Business | A common name or vanity address for the site or business | | | true | | |
FIRSTNAME | String | 50 | Contact First Name | The contact's first name | | | true | | |
LASTNAME | String | 50 | Contact Last Name | The contact's last name | | | true | | |
FULLADDR | String | 250 | Full Address | Address information combined in to one field | | | true | | |
PSTLCITY | String | 100 | Postal City | The name of the city where the mail is deliverd | | | true | | |
PSTLZIP5 | String | 5 | Postal Zip 5 | The five digit postal zip code | | | true | | |
SITEID | String | 30 | Site ID | The unique ID for the site inspected | | | true | | |
PARCELID | String | 30 | Parcel Identification Number | The tax parcel idendification number used to uniquely identify real property on the tax roll | | | true | | |
USNGCOORD | String | 50 | USNG Coordinate | The USNG coordinate value | | | true | | |
HOMEPHONE | String | 12 | Home Phone | The contact home phone number | | | true | | |
WORKPHONE | String | 12 | Work Phone | The contact work phone number | | | true | | |
CELLPHONE | String | 12 | Cell Phone | The contact cell phone number | | | true | | |
EMAIL | String | 100 | Email | The contact email address | | | true | | |
SMS | String | 100 | SMS or Text | The contact SMS or text message address | | | true | | |
REPRESENT | String | 30 | Owner / Occupant | A general classification of individual represented the damage to the structure | daAccessRepresentation | | true | | |
BUSOPEN | String | 5 | Business Open | A flag used to indicate whether the business is still open | YesNo | | true | | |
DAYSCLOSE | Integer | 4 | Number of Days Closed | The number of days the business has been closed | | | true | | |
STRINSUR | String | 5 | Structure Insured | A flag used to indicate whether the structure is covered under insurance | YesNo | | true | | |
CONTINSUR | String | 5 | Contents Insured | A flag used to indicate whether the contents within the structure are covered under insurance | YesNo | | true | | |
RENTINSUR | String | 5 | Renter's Insurance | A flag used to indicate whether the renter's contents within the structure are covered under insurance | YesNo | | true | | |
EARINSUR | String | 5 | Earthquake Coverage | A flag used to indicate whether additional coverage is available for earthquake events | YesNo | | true | | |
FLOODINSUR | String | 5 | Flood Coverage | A flag used to indicate whether additional coverage is available for flooding events | YesNo | | true | | |
FIREINSUR | String | 5 | Wildland Fire Coverage | A flag used to indicate whether additional coverage is available for fire events | YesNo | | true | | |
BUSINSUR | String | 5 | Business Continuity Coverage | A flag used to indicate whether additional coverage is available for business continuity | YesNo | | true | | |
DEDUCT | Double | 8 | Insurance Deductible | The total insurance deductable | | | true | | |
PREDISVAL | Double | 8 | Value Before Damage | The value of the structure before damage occurred | | | true | | |
STRLOSS | Double | 8 | Estimated $ Loss Structure | The estimated loss in value to the structure | | | true | | |
CONTLOSS | Double | 8 | Estimated $ Loss Contents | The estimated loss in value to the contents of the structure | | | true | | |
TYPDAMAGE | String | 20 | Extent of Damage | A classification used to identify the extent of the damage | daDegreeDamage | | true | | |
PRIMCAUSE | String | 20 | Primary Cause of Damage | The primary cause of damage | daCauseDamage | | true | | |
DESCDAMAGE | String | 255 | Description of Damage | A general description of the cause and damage to the structure and contents | | | true | | |
IMPACTJUR | String | 255 | Impact to Jurisdiction | The impact to the jurisdiction | | | true | | |
COMMENTS | String | 255 | Additional Comments | Any additional comments provided by the inspector | | | true | | |
LASTUPDATE | Date | 8 | Last Update Date | The date the feature was last updated in the maintenance database | | | true | | |
LASTEDITOR | String | 50 | Last Editor | The user who performed the last update | | | true | | |
DamagePublicFacility - FeatureClass
Name | DamagePublicFacility |
ShapeType | Point |
FeatureType | Simple |
AliasName | Damage to Public Facilities |
HasM | false |
HasZ | false |
HasAttachments | true |
Description | The location of damaged public facilities and a description of the extent to which the structure and its contents were damaged. |
Field | DataType | Length | AliasName | Description | Domain | DefaultValue | IsNullable | Precision | Scale |
INCIDENTID | String | 30 | Incident Number | The unique ID for the incident | | | true | | |
INCIDENTNM | String | 255 | Incident Name | The name of the incident | | | true | | |
INSPECTID | String | 10 | Inspector ID | The unique ID for the damage assessment inspector | | | true | | |
INSPECTOR | String | 50 | Inspector | The name of the user assigned to the inspection activity | | | true | | |
INSPEMAIL | String | 100 | Inspector's Email Address | The inspector's email address | | | true | | |
INSPPHONE | String | 12 | Inspector's Phone Number | The inspector's phone number | | | true | | |
AFFIL | String | 255 | Affiliation | The relationship between a person or organization and a location of interest | | | true | | |
INSPDATE | Date | 8 | Inspection Date Time | The date/time (in UTC) the damage assessment was conducted | | | true | | |
FACILITYID | String | 50 | Facility Identifier | Locally assigned Facility Identifier | | | true | | |
PLACENAME | String | 250 | Place Name | A common name or vanity address for the site or business | | | true | | |
FULLADDR | String | 250 | Full Address | Address information combined in to one field | | | true | | |
PSTLCITY | String | 100 | Postal City | The name of the city where the mail is deliverd | | | true | | |
PSTLZIP5 | String | 5 | Postal Zip 5 | The five digit postal zip code | | | true | | |
SITEID | String | 30 | Site ID | The unique ID for the site inspected | | | true | | |
PARCELID | String | 30 | Parcel Identification Number | The tax parcel idendification number used to uniquely identify real property on the tax roll | | | true | | |
USNGCOORD | String | 50 | USNG Coordinate | The USNG coordinate value | | | true | | |
COUNTY | String | 100 | County | The name of the county affected | | | true | | |
DAMCATEG | String | 5 | Damage Category | A category used to describe the damage to the public facility | daDamageCategory | | true | | |
DESCDAMAGE | String | 255 | Description of Damage | A general description of the cause and damage to the public facility | | | true | | |
IMPACTJUR | String | 255 | Impact to Jurisdiction | The impact to the jurisdiction | | | true | | |
IMPACTDEPT | String | 100 | Impacted Department | The impacted department | | | true | | |
APPEST | Double | 8 | Cost Estimate | The applicant's estimated cost of the damage | | | true | | |
CNTYEST | Double | 8 | County's Cost Estimate | The county's estimated cost of the damage | | | true | | |
PERCOMP | Double | 8 | Percent Complete | The percent complete | | | true | | |
COMMENTS | String | 255 | Additional Comments | Any additional comments provided by the inspector | | | true | | |
LASTUPDATE | Date | 8 | Last Update Date | The date the feature was last updated in the maintenance database | | | true | | |
LASTEDITOR | String | 50 | Last Editor | The user who performed the last update | | | true | | |
DamageResBuilding - FeatureClass
Name | DamageResBuilding |
ShapeType | Point |
FeatureType | Simple |
AliasName | Damage to Residential Buildings |
HasM | false |
HasZ | false |
HasAttachments | true |
Description | The location of damaged residential structures and a description of the extent to which the structure and its contents were damaged. |
Field | DataType | Length | AliasName | Description | Domain | DefaultValue | IsNullable | Precision | Scale |
INCIDENTID | String | 30 | Incident Number | The unique ID for the incident | | | true | | |
INCIDENTNM | String | 255 | Incident Name | The name of the incident | | | true | | |
INSPECTID | String | 10 | Inspector ID | The unique ID for the damage assessment inspector | | | true | | |
INSPECTOR | String | 50 | Inspector | The name of the user assigned to the inspection activity | | | true | | |
INSPEMAIL | String | 100 | Inspector's Email Address | The inspector's email address | | | true | | |
INSPPHONE | String | 12 | Inspector's Phone Number | The inspector's phone number | | | true | | |
AFFIL | String | 255 | Affiliation | The relationship between a person or organization and a location of interest | | | true | | |
INSPDATE | Date | 8 | Inspection Date Time | The date/time (in UTC) the damage assessment was conducted | | | true | | |
FIRSTNAME | String | 50 | Contact First Name | The contact's first name | | | true | | |
LASTNAME | String | 50 | Contact Last Name | The contact's last name | | | true | | |
FULLADDR | String | 250 | Full Address | Address information combined in to one field | | | true | | |
PSTLCITY | String | 100 | Postal City | The name of the city where the mail is deliverd | | | true | | |
PSTLZIP5 | String | 5 | Postal Zip 5 | The five digit postal zip code | | | true | | |
SITEID | String | 30 | Site ID | The unique ID for the site inspected | | | true | | |
PARCELID | String | 30 | Parcel Identification Number | The tax parcel idendification number used to uniquely identify real property on the tax roll | | | true | | |
USNGCOORD | String | 50 | USNG Coordinate | The USNG coordinate value | | | true | | |
HOMEPHONE | String | 12 | Home Phone | The contact home phone number | | | true | | |
WORKPHONE | String | 12 | Work Phone | The contact work phone number | | | true | | |
CELLPHONE | String | 12 | Cell Phone | The contact cell phone number | | | true | | |
EMAIL | String | 100 | Email | The contact email address | | | true | | |
SMS | String | 100 | SMS or Text | The contact SMS or text message address | | | true | | |
REPRESENT | String | 30 | Owner / Occupant | A general classification of individual represented the damage to the structure | daAccessRepresentation | | true | | |
HOMETYPE | String | 50 | Type of Home | The type of home inspected | ResidentialHomeType | | true | | |
PRIMRES | String | 5 | Primary Residence | A flag used to indicate whether the structure is a primary residence | YesNo | | true | | |
HABITABLE | String | 5 | Habitable | A flag used to indicate whether the structure is habitable | YesNo | | true | | |
NUMOCCUP | Integer | 4 | Number of Occupants | The number of individuals living in the structure | | | true | | |
STRINSUR | String | 5 | Structure Insured | A flag used to indicate whether the structure is covered under insurance | YesNo | | true | | |
CONTINSUR | String | 5 | Contents Insured | A flag used to indicate whether the contents within the structure are covered under insurance | YesNo | | true | | |
RENTINSUR | String | 5 | Renter's Insurance | A flag used to indicate whether the renter's contents within the structure are covered under insurance | YesNo | | true | | |
EARINSUR | String | 5 | Earthquake Coverage | A flag used to indicate whether additional coverage is available for earthquake events | YesNo | | true | | |
FLOODINSUR | String | 5 | Flood Coverage | A flag used to indicate whether additional coverage is available for flooding events | YesNo | | true | | |
FIREINSUR | String | 5 | Wildland Fire Coverage | A flag used to indicate whether additional coverage is available for fire events | YesNo | | true | | |
DEDUCT | Double | 8 | Insurance Deductible | The total insurance deductable | | | true | | |
PREDISVAL | Double | 8 | Value Before Damage | The value of the structure before damage occurred | | | true | | |
STRLOSS | Double | 8 | Estimated $ Loss Structure | The estimated loss in value to the structure | | | true | | |
CONTLOSS | Double | 8 | Estimated $ Loss Contents | The estimated loss in value to the contents of the structure | | | true | | |
TYPDAMAGE | String | 20 | Extent of Damage | A classification used to identify the extent of the damage | daDegreeDamage | | true | | |
PRIMCAUSE | String | 20 | Primary Cause of Damage | The primary cause of damage | daCauseDamage | | true | | |
DESCDAMAGE | String | 255 | Description of Damage | A general description of the cause and damage to the structure and contents | | | true | | |
IMPACTJUR | String | 255 | Impact to Jurisdiction | The impact to the jurisdiction | | | true | | |
COMMENTS | String | 255 | Additional Comments | Any additional comments provided by the inspector | | | true | | |
LASTUPDATE | Date | 8 | Last Update Date | The date the feature was last updated in the maintenance database | | | true | | |
LASTEDITOR | String | 50 | Last Editor | The user who performed the last update | | | true | | |
EvacuationArea - FeatureClass
Name | EvacuationArea |
ShapeType | Polygon |
FeatureType | Simple |
AliasName | Evacuation Areas |
HasM | false |
HasZ | false |
HasAttachments | false |
Description | The area to be evacuated as a result of an emergency incident. |
Tags | EmergencyOperations |
Field | DataType | Length | AliasName | Description | Domain | DefaultValue | IsNullable | Precision | Scale |
INCIDENTID | String | 30 | Incident Number | The unique ID for the incident | | | true | | |
INCIDENTNM | String | 255 | Incident Name | The name of the incident | | | true | | |
EVACID | Double | 8 | Evacuation Area ID | The unique ID for the evacuation area | | | true | | |
EVACTYPE | String | 50 | Evacuation Type | The type of evacuation typically used to describe severity of the evacuation | EvacuationType | | true | | |
DESCRIPTION | String | 255 | Description | Additional information or instructions relevant to the evacuation order | | | true | | |
EVACURL | String | 255 | Website | A URL to additional information relevant to the evacuation order | | | true | | |
BEGINDATE | Date | 8 | Begin Date | The date/time when the evacuation area was opened | | | true | | |
ENDDATE | Date | 8 | End Date | The date/time when the evacuation area was closed | | | true | | |
LASTUPDATE | Date | 8 | Last Update Date | The date the feature was last updated in the maintenance database | | | true | | |
LASTEDITOR | String | 50 | Last Editor | The user who performed the last update | | | true | | |
EvacuationRoute - FeatureClass
Name | EvacuationRoute |
ShapeType | Polyline |
FeatureType | Simple |
AliasName | Evacuation Routes |
HasM | false |
HasZ | false |
HasAttachments | false |
Description | The evacuation route(s) used to move people immediately and rapidly away from the threat or actual occurrence of an emergency incident or hazard. |
Tags | EmergencyOperations |
Field | DataType | Length | AliasName | Description | Domain | DefaultValue | IsNullable | Precision | Scale |
INCIDENTID | String | 30 | Incident Number | The unique ID for the incident | | | true | | |
INCIDENTNM | String | 255 | Incident Name | The name of the incident | | | true | | |
EVACID | Double | 8 | Route ID | The unique ID for the evacuation route | | | true | | |
ROUTENM | String | 255 | Route Name | The name of the evacuation route | | | true | | |
BEGINDATE | Date | 8 | Begin Date | The date/time when the evacuation route was opened | | | true | | |
ENDDATE | Date | 8 | End Date | The date/time when the evacuation route was closed | | | true | | |
ROADCLASS | String | 20 | Road Class | Functional classification of roads based on type of service | | | true | | |
CONTRAFLOW | String | 5 | Contra Flow | A flag used to indicate whether lanes have been reversed in a direction from the normal flow of traffic | YesNo | | true | | |
MAINTBY | SmallInteger | 2 | Maintained By | Indicates which organization ensures the route is open | AssetManager | | true | | |
LASTUPDATE | Date | 8 | Last Update Date | The date the feature was last updated in the maintenance database | | | true | | |
LASTEDITOR | String | 50 | Last Editor | The user who performed the last update | | | true | | |
ExclusionHotZone - FeatureClass
Name | ExclusionHotZone |
ShapeType | Polygon |
FeatureType | Simple |
AliasName | Exclusion Hot Zones |
HasM | false |
HasZ | false |
HasAttachments | false |
Description | The area immediately around a spill or release where contamination can occur. |
Tags | EmergencyOperations |
Field | DataType | Length | AliasName | Description | Domain | DefaultValue | IsNullable | Precision | Scale |
INCIDENTID | String | 30 | Incident Number | The unique ID for the incident | | | true | | |
INCIDENTNM | String | 255 | Incident Name | The name of the incident | | | true | | |
HOTZONEID | Double | 8 | Hot Zone ID | The unique ID for the exclusion hot zone | | | true | | |
BEGINDATE | Date | 8 | Begin Date | The date/time when the evacuation area was opened | | | true | | |
ENDDATE | Date | 8 | End Date | The date/time when the evacuation area was closed | | | true | | |
LASTUPDATE | Date | 8 | Last Update Date | The date the feature was last updated in the maintenance database | | | true | | |
LASTEDITOR | String | 50 | Last Editor | The user who performed the last update | | | true | | |
GlobalID | GlobalID | 38 | GlobalID | GlobalID | | | false | | |
OpsIncidentArea - FeatureClass
Name | OpsIncidentArea |
ShapeType | Polygon |
FeatureType | Simple |
AliasName | Ops Incident Areas |
HasM | false |
HasZ | false |
HasAttachments | false |
Description | The impact area for an incident. |
Field | DataType | Length | AliasName | Description | Domain | DefaultValue | IsNullable | Precision | Scale |
INCIDENTID | String | 30 | Incident Number | The unique ID for the incident | | | true | | |
INCIDENTNM | String | 255 | Incident Name | The name of the incident | | | true | | |
CATEGORY | String | 35 | Category | A general category used to describe the incident | IncidentCategory | | true | | |
INCIDENTTP | String | 75 | Incident Type | A more detailed classification of the incident | IncidentType | | true | | |
COLLTIME | Date | 8 | Collection Time | The date/time (in UTC) the incident information was collected | | | true | | |
REPTIME | Date | 8 | Report Time | The date/time (in UTC) the incident information was reported | | | true | | |
DESCRIP | String | 255 | Description | Any additional descriptive notes about the incident area | | | true | | |
LOCDESC | String | 255 | Location Description | A general description of the location of the incident | | | true | | |
SEVERITY | String | 255 | Severity | The severity of the incident | | | true | | |
SEVDESC | String | 100 | Severity Description | The units of measure for the incident severity | SeverityDescription | | true | | |
GROWTH | String | 255 | Growth | The growth of the incident | | | true | | |
LASTUPDATE | Date | 8 | Last Update Date | The date the feature was last updated in the maintenance database | | | true | | |
LASTEDITOR | String | 50 | Last Editor | The user who performed the last update | | | true | | |
OpsIncidentLine - FeatureClass
Name | OpsIncidentLine |
ShapeType | Polyline |
FeatureType | Simple |
AliasName | Ops Incident Lines |
HasM | false |
HasZ | false |
HasAttachments | false |
Description | The impact line for an incident. |
Field | DataType | Length | AliasName | Description | Domain | DefaultValue | IsNullable | Precision | Scale |
INCIDENTID | String | 30 | Incident Number | The unique ID for the incident | | | true | | |
INCIDENTNM | String | 255 | Incident Name | The name of the incident | | | true | | |
CATEGORY | String | 35 | Category | A general category used to describe the incident | IncidentCategory | | true | | |
INCIDENTTP | String | 75 | Incident Type | A more detailed classification of the incident | IncidentType | | true | | |
COLLTIME | Date | 8 | Collection Time | The date/time (in UTC) the incident information was collected | | | true | | |
REPTIME | Date | 8 | Report Time | The date/time (in UTC) the incident information was reported | | | true | | |
DESCRIP | String | 255 | Description | Any additional descriptive notes about the incident area | | | true | | |
LOCDESC | String | 255 | Location Description | A general description of the location of the incident | | | true | | |
SEVERITY | String | 255 | Severity | The severity of the incident | | | true | | |
SEVDESC | String | 100 | Severity Description | The units of measure for the incident severity | SeverityDescription | | true | | |
GROWTH | String | 255 | Growth | The growth of the incident | | | true | | |
LASTUPDATE | Date | 8 | Last Update Date | The date the feature was last updated in the maintenance database | | | true | | |
LASTEDITOR | String | 50 | Last Editor | The user who performed the last update | | | true | | |
OpsIncidentPoint - FeatureClass
Name | OpsIncidentPoint |
ShapeType | Point |
FeatureType | Simple |
AliasName | Ops Incident Points |
HasM | false |
HasZ | false |
HasAttachments | false |
Description | The impact point for an incident. |
Field | DataType | Length | AliasName | Description | Domain | DefaultValue | IsNullable | Precision | Scale |
INCIDENTID | String | 30 | Incident Number | The unique ID for the incident | | | true | | |
INCIDENTNM | String | 255 | Incident Name | The name of the incident | | | true | | |
CATEGORY | String | 35 | Category | A general category used to describe the incident | IncidentCategory | | true | | |
INCIDENTTP | String | 75 | Incident Type | A more detailed classification of the incident | IncidentType | | true | | |
COLLTIME | Date | 8 | Collection Time | The date/time (in UTC) the incident information was collected | | | true | | |
REPTIME | Date | 8 | Report Time | The date/time (in UTC) the incident information was reported | | | true | | |
DESCRIP | String | 255 | Description | Any additional descriptive notes about the incident area | | | true | | |
LOCDESC | String | 255 | Location Description | A general description of the location of the incident | | | true | | |
SEVERITY | String | 255 | Severity | The severity of the incident | | | true | | |
SEVDESC | String | 100 | Severity Description | The units of measure for the incident severity | SeverityDescription | | true | | |
GROWTH | String | 255 | Growth | The growth of the incident | | | true | | |
LASTUPDATE | Date | 8 | Last Update Date | The date the feature was last updated in the maintenance database | | | true | | |
LASTEDITOR | String | 50 | Last Editor | The user who performed the last update | | | true | | |
Plume - FeatureClass
Name | Plume |
ShapeType | Polygon |
FeatureType | Simple |
AliasName | Plumes |
HasM | false |
HasZ | false |
HasAttachments | false |
Description | Plume polygon features generated from a modeling tool like Aloha. |
Tags | EmergencyOperations |
Field | DataType | Length | AliasName | Description | Domain | DefaultValue | IsNullable | Precision | Scale |
TYPE | String | 255 | Plume Type | The type of plume as exported from the modeling software | | | true | | |
LOC | String | 255 | Location | The location as exported from the modeling software | | | true | | |
COLOR | String | 255 | Color | A color field as exported from the modeling software | | | true | | |
RUNDATE | Date | 8 | Run DateTime | The date/time the plume model was run | | | true | | |
ISCURRENT | String | 5 | Current Model | An indicator used to identify whether the plume is current | | | true | | |
PLUMESRC | String | 100 | Plume Source | The name of plume source or model used | | | true | | |
LASTUPDATE | Date | 8 | Last Update Date | The date the feature was last updated in the maintenance database | | | true | | |
LASTEDITOR | String | 50 | Last Editor | The user who performed the last update | | | true | | |
GlobalID | GlobalID | 38 | GlobalID | GlobalID | | | false | | |
ResourceAssignment - FeatureClass
Name | ResourceAssignment |
ShapeType | Point |
FeatureType | Simple |
AliasName | Resource Assignments |
HasM | false |
HasZ | false |
HasAttachments | false |
Description | Resources assigned during an emergency incident or event. |
Tags | EmergencyOperations |
Field | DataType | Length | AliasName | Description | Domain | DefaultValue | IsNullable | Precision | Scale |
INCIDENTID | String | 30 | Incident Number | The unique ID for the incident | | | true | | |
INCIDENTNM | String | 255 | Incident Name | The name of the incident | | | true | | |
RESOURCEID | String | 20 | Resource ID | Locally assigned Resource Identifier | | | true | | |
RESNAME | String | 255 | Name | A common name given to the resource | | | true | | |
CATEGORY | String | 50 | Category | A categorizing, by capability, the resources requested, deployed, and used in incidents | PublicSafetyResourceDiscipline | | true | | |
FCODE | String | 100 | Resource Type | The type of resource inventoried | PublicSafetyResourceType | | true | | |
POCNAME | String | 255 | Contact Name | Contact Name | | | true | | |
POCEMAIL | String | 255 | Contact Email | Contact Email Address | | | true | | |
POCPHONE | String | 255 | Contact Phone | Contact Phone Number | | | true | | |
COMMENTS | String | 255 | Comments | Any comments or notes | | | true | | |
MISSIONID | String | 30 | Mission Number | The unique ID for the mission the resource is assigned to | | | true | | |
TRANSMODE | Double | 8 | Transport Mode | The mode of transportation required for the resource | | | true | | |
STARTDATE | Date | 8 | Start Date | The date/time the resource started being used | | | true | | |
ENDDATE | Date | 8 | End Date | The date/time the resource was no longer used | | | true | | |
LASTUPDATE | Date | 8 | Last Update Date | The date the feature was last updated in the maintenance database | | | true | | |
LASTEDITOR | String | 50 | Last Editor | The user who performed the last update | | | true | | |
AVAILABLE | String | 5 | Resource Available | Indicates whether or not the resource is available | YesNo | | true | | |
GlobalID | GlobalID | 38 | GlobalID | GlobalID | | | false | | |
USNationalGrid - FeatureClass
Name | USNationalGrid |
ShapeType | Polygon |
FeatureType | Simple |
AliasName | US National Grid |
HasM | false |
HasZ | false |
HasAttachments | false |
Description | The USNG is an alpha-numeric reference system that overlays the UTM coordinate system. |
Field | DataType | Length | AliasName | Description | Domain | DefaultValue | IsNullable | Precision | Scale |
GZD | String | 6 | Grid Zone | The grid zone designation | | | true | | |
SQID | String | 6 | Zone ID | The grid zone identification number | | | true | | |
XMIN | Integer | 4 | X Min | The minimum x coordinate value | | | true | | |
YMIN | Integer | 4 | Y Min | The minimum y coordinate value | | | true | | |
USNGCOORD | String | 50 | USNG Coordinate | The USNG coordinate value | | | true | | |
GRIDSIZE | String | 5 | Grid Size | The USNG grid size | USNGGridSize | | true | | |
STATUS | Integer | 4 | Status | The status of the field collection in the grid | USNGGridStatus | | true | | |
PCOMPLETE | Integer | 4 | Percent Complete | The percent complete of the field colleciton in the grid | USNGGridSearchPercent | | true | | |
LASTUPDATE | Date | 8 | Last Update Date | The date the feature was last updated in the maintenance database | | | true | | |
LASTEDITOR | String | 50 | Last Editor | The user who performed the last update | | | true | | |
GlobalID | GlobalID | 38 | GlobalID | GlobalID | | | false | | |
ExecutiveReporting - FeatureDataset
Description | This dataset contains a collection of features used in management reporting by executives and management staff. These features are populated on a regular basis and used to analyze key performance indicators in a local government. |
PerformanceIndicator - FeatureClass
Name | PerformanceIndicator |
ShapeType | Polygon |
FeatureType | Simple |
AliasName | Performance Indicators |
HasM | false |
HasZ | false |
HasAttachments | false |
Description | A management reporting layer that summarizes key performance indicators analyzed by executives and management staff. This report is populated on a regular basis and used to analyze the performance of a local government. |
Field | DataType | Length | AliasName | Description | Domain | DefaultValue | IsNullable | Precision | Scale |
PERFORMIND | SmallInteger | 2 | Performance Indicator | The perfomance indicator being measured | PerformanceIndicators | | true | | |
INCREASEPOS | String | 3 | Increase is Positive | A flag used to indicate whether an increase in activity is positive or negative | YesNo | | true | | |
REPORTFREQ | String | 25 | Report Frequency | The reporting frequency | ExecutiveReportFrequency | | true | | |
STARTDATE | Date | 8 | Start Date | The report start date | | | true | | |
ENDDATE | Date | 8 | End Date | The report end date | | | true | | |
OBSERVCURR | SmallInteger | 2 | Current Observation | The current observation | | | true | | |
DATECURR | Date | 8 | Current Date | The date the current observation was taken | | | true | | |
OBSERV1 | SmallInteger | 2 | Historical Observation 1 | The first historical observation | | | true | | |
DATE1 | Date | 8 | Historical Date 1 | The date the first historical observation was taken | | | true | | |
OBSERV2 | SmallInteger | 2 | Historical Observation 2 | The second historical observation | | | true | | |
DATE2 | Date | 8 | Historical Date 2 | The date the second historical observation was taken | | | true | | |
OBSERV3 | SmallInteger | 2 | Historical Observation 3 | The third historical observation | | | true | | |
DATE3 | Date | 8 | Historical Date 3 | The date the third historical observation was taken | | | true | | |
OBSERV4 | SmallInteger | 2 | Historical Observation 4 | The fourth historical observation | | | true | | |
DATE4 | Date | 8 | Historical Date 4 | The date the fourth historical observation was taken | | | true | | |
LASTEDITOR | String | 50 | Last Editor | The date the last edit was made in the maintenance database | | | true | | |
LASTUPDATE | Date | 8 | Last Update | The last editor that made the edit | | | true | | |
FacilitiesStreets - FeatureDataset
Description | This dataset contains a collection of features used to gather information about facilities, parks, streets, signs and other assets. |
BridgePoint - FeatureClass
Name | BridgePoint |
ShapeType | Point |
FeatureType | Simple |
AliasName | Bridges |
HasM | true |
HasZ | false |
HasAttachments | false |
Description | A structure that allows people or vehicles to cross an obstacle such as a river or canal or railway etc. |
Field | DataType | Length | AliasName | Description | Domain | DefaultValue | IsNullable | Precision | Scale |
FACILITYID | String | 50 | Facility Identifier | Locally assigned Facility Identifier | | | true | | |
NAME | String | 255 | Bridge Name | The name of the bridge | | | true | | |
BRIDGETYPE | String | 50 | Bridge Type | The type of bridge | BridgeType | | true | | |
BRIDGENUM | String | 50 | Official Bridge Number | The state or federally assigned bridge number | | | true | | |
BRIDGEDESGN | String | 50 | Bridge Design | The design style of the bridge | BridgeDesign | | true | | |
TRAFFICTYPE | String | 50 | Traffic Type | The primary type of traffic allowed across the bridge | BridgeTrafficType | | true | | |
DESIGNLOAD | String | 20 | Design Load Rating | The bridge's design load rating | | | true | | |
SPANTYPE | String | 50 | Span Type | The type of bridge span | SpanType | | true | | |
SPANLENGTH | Double | 8 | Span Length | The length of the bridge span | | | true | | |
NUMSPAN | SmallInteger | 2 | Number of Spans | The number of spans | | | true | | |
DECKTYPE | String | 50 | Deck Type | The material used to construct the bridge deck | BridgeDeckType | | true | | |
DECKTHICK | Double | 8 | Deck Thickness | The thickness of the bridge deck | | | true | | |
LNONSTR | SmallInteger | 2 | Lanes on Bridge | The number of lanes on bridge | | | true | | |
LNUNSTR | SmallInteger | 2 | Lanes Under Bridge | The number of lanes under bridge | | | true | | |
MEDIAN | String | 5 | Median on Bridge | A flag that indicates whether a median is present on the bridge | YesNo | | true | | |
APPWIDTH | Double | 8 | Approach Width | The width of the bridge approach | | | true | | |
DOWELLENG | Double | 8 | Dowel Length | The length of the bridge dowel | | | true | | |
DOWELSIZE | SmallInteger | 2 | Dowel Size | The size of the bridge dowel | | | true | | |
AVGTRAFFIC | Integer | 4 | Daily Traffic Volume | The daily traffic volume on the bridge | | | true | | |
YRTRAFFIC | Date | 8 | Year Traffic Counted | The year the traffic volume count was observed | | | true | | |
INSTALLDATE | Date | 8 | Install Date | The date the bridge was installed | | | true | | |
CONDITION | String | 50 | Condition | The condition of the bridge | Condition | | true | | |
OWNEDBY | SmallInteger | 2 | Owned By | Indicates which organization owns the asset | AssetOwner | | true | | |
MAINTBY | SmallInteger | 2 | Managed By | Indicates which organization maintains the asset | AssetManager | | true | | |
LASTUPDATE | Date | 8 | Last Update Date | The date the feature was last updated in the maintenance database | | | true | | |
LASTEDITOR | String | 50 | Last Editor | The user who performed the last update | | | true | | |
Building - FeatureClass
Name | Building |
ShapeType | Polygon |
FeatureType | Simple |
AliasName | Buildings |
HasM | false |
HasZ | true |
HasAttachments | false |
Description | The footprint of a building designed for a function or to afford a particular convenience or service. These are a subset of the buildings found in the BuildingFootprint feature class and only those actively managed by a local government, or other land holder. The information typically comes from design drawings of the facilities and is a framework for the management of interior spaces and work activities associated with such. |
Field | DataType | Length | AliasName | Description | Domain | DefaultValue | IsNullable | Precision | Scale |
BUILDINGID | String | 50 | Building Identifier | Locally assigned Building Identifier | | | true | | |
FACILITYKEY | String | 50 | Facility Site Identifier | Foreign key to locally assigned Facility Site Identifier | | | true | | |
SHORTNAME | String | 25 | Short Name of Building | The short, or abbreviated, name or number of the building | | | true | | |
LONGNAME | String | 100 | Full Name of Building | The full name of the building | | | true | | |
FLOORCOUNT | SmallInteger | 2 | Number of Floors | The total floor count for the building | | | true | | |
BLDGAREA | Double | 8 | Size of Building | The total area of the building | | | true | | |
BLDGTYPE | String | 50 | Building Type | The type of building occupancy | BuildingOccupancyType | | true | | |
OPERHOURS | String | 50 | Operational Hours | The hours of operation for the building | OperationalHours | | true | | |
OPERDATE | Date | 8 | Operational Date | The date the building was opened for operations | | | true | | |
ACCESSTYPE | String | 50 | Access Type | A classification of the access allowed to the interior space | AccessType | | true | | |
CONDITION | String | 50 | Condition | The condition of the building | Condition | | true | | |
OWNEDBY | SmallInteger | 2 | Owned By | Indicates which organization owns the building | AssetOwner | | true | | |
MAINTBY | SmallInteger | 2 | Managed By | Indicates which organization maintains the building | AssetManager | | true | | |
LASTUPDATE | Date | 8 | Last Update Date | The date the feature was last updated in the maintenance database | | | true | | |
LASTEDITOR | String | 50 | Last Editor | The user who performed the last update | | | true | | |
BLDGHEIGHT | Double | 8 | Building Height | The height of the building | | | true | | |
BuildingFloor - FeatureClass
Name | BuildingFloor |
ShapeType | Polygon |
FeatureType | Simple |
AliasName | Building Floors |
HasM | false |
HasZ | true |
HasAttachments | true |
Description | The individual floors contained within a building. |
Field | DataType | Length | AliasName | Description | Domain | DefaultValue | IsNullable | Precision | Scale |
FLOORID | String | 50 | Floor Identifier | Locally assigned Floor Identifier | | | true | | |
BUILDINGKEY | String | 50 | Building Identifier | Foreign key to locally assigned Building Identifier | | | true | | |
FLOOR | String | 5 | Floor Number | The floor number | | | true | | |
DESCRIP | String | 255 | Description | A short description of the building floor | | | true | | |
BASEELEV | Double | 8 | Base Elevation | The base elevation of the floor | | | true | | |
FLOORHEIGHT | Double | 8 | Floor Height | The height of each floor | | | true | | |
VERTORDER | Integer | 4 | Vertical Order | The vertical order of the floor when the base elevation is not present | | | true | | |
ACCESSTYPE | String | 50 | Access Type | A classification of the access allowed to the interior space | AccessType | | true | | |
LASTUPDATE | Date | 8 | Last Update Date | The date the feature was last updated in the maintenance database | | | true | | |
LASTEDITOR | String | 50 | Last Editor | The user who performed the last update | | | true | | |
BuildingFloorplanLine - FeatureClass
Name | BuildingFloorplanLine |
ShapeType | Polyline |
FeatureType | Simple |
AliasName | Building Floorplan Lines |
HasM | false |
HasZ | true |
HasAttachments | false |
Description | The individual lines that compose a floorplan, such as walls, doors, and windows. |
Field | DataType | Length | AliasName | Description | Domain | DefaultValue | IsNullable | Precision | Scale |
FLOORKEY | String | 50 | Floor Identifier | Locally assigned Floor Identifier | | | true | | |
BUILDINGKEY | String | 50 | Building Identifier | Foreign key to locally assigned Building Identifier | | | true | | |
FLOOR | String | 5 | Floor Number | The floor number | | | true | | |
LINETYPE | String | 50 | Line Type | The building floorplan line type | BuildingFloorplanLineType | | true | | |
BASEELEV | Double | 8 | Base Elevation | The base elevation of the floorplan line | | | true | | |
HEIGHT | Double | 8 | Height | The height of the floorplan line segment | | | true | | |
LASTUPDATE | Date | 8 | Last Update Date | The date the feature was last updated in the maintenance database | | | true | | |
LASTEDITOR | String | 50 | Last Editor | The user who performed the last update | | | true | | |
BuildingFloorplanPublish - FeatureClass
Name | BuildingFloorplanPublish |
ShapeType | Polyline |
FeatureType | Simple |
AliasName | Building Floorplan Lines (Published) |
HasM | false |
HasZ | true |
HasAttachments | false |
Description | A second representation of building floorplan lines that has aggregated the individual lines in to single linestrings for each floor. This published representation of the floorplan lines is used for web mapping purposes and created by using the dissolve tool provided in the Campus Basemap Editing template. |
Field | DataType | Length | AliasName | Description | Domain | DefaultValue | IsNullable | Precision | Scale |
FLOORKEY | String | 50 | Floor Identifier | Locally assigned Floor Identifier | | | true | | |
BUILDINGKEY | String | 50 | Building Identifier | Foreign key to locally assigned Building Identifier | | | true | | |
FLOOR | String | 5 | Floor Number | The floor number | | | true | | |
LINETYPE | String | 50 | Line Type | The building floorplan line type | | | true | | |
BASEELEV | Double | 8 | Base Elevation | The base elevation of the floorplan line | | | true | | |
HEIGHT | Double | 8 | Height | The height of the floorplan line segment | | | true | | |
LASTUPDATE | Date | 8 | Last Update Date | The date the feature was last updated in the maintenance database | | | true | | |
BuildingFloorSection - FeatureClass
Name | BuildingFloorSection |
ShapeType | Polygon |
FeatureType | Simple |
AliasName | Building Floor Sections |
HasM | false |
HasZ | true |
HasAttachments | false |
Description | The logical or physical division (wing, zone, etc.) of individual floors contained within a building. |
Field | DataType | Length | AliasName | Description | Domain | DefaultValue | IsNullable | Precision | Scale |
SECTIONID | String | 50 | Section Identifier | Locally assigned Floor Section Identifier | | | true | | |
FLOORKEY | String | 50 | Floor Identifier | Foreign key to locally assigned Floor Identifier | | | true | | |
SHORTNAME | String | 25 | Short Name of Section | The short, or abbreviated, name or number of the floor section | | | true | | |
FLOOR | String | 5 | Floor Number | The floor number | | | true | | |
HVERTORDER | Integer | 4 | High Vertical Order | The vertical order of the floor section at its highest point | | | true | | |
LVERTORDER | Integer | 4 | Low Vertical Order | The vertical order of the floor section at its lowest point | | | true | | |
ACCESSTYPE | String | 50 | Access Type | A classification of the access allowed to the floor section | AccessType | | true | | |
LASTUPDATE | Date | 8 | Last Update Date | The date the feature was last updated in the maintenance database | | | true | | |
LASTEDITOR | String | 50 | Last Editor | The user who performed the last update | | | true | | |
BuildingInteriorSpace - FeatureClass
Name | BuildingInteriorSpace |
ShapeType | Polygon |
FeatureType | Simple |
AliasName | Building Interior Spaces |
HasM | false |
HasZ | true |
HasAttachments | false |
Description | The interior spaces (hallways, rooms, wall cavities, and stairwells) contained within a building. |
Field | DataType | Length | AliasName | Description | Domain | DefaultValue | IsNullable | Precision | Scale |
SPACEID | String | 50 | Interior Space Identifier | Locally assigned Space Identifier | | | true | | |
FLOORKEY | String | 50 | Floor Identifier | Foreign key to locally assigned Floor Identifier | | | true | | |
SECTIONKEY | String | 25 | Building Floor Section | Foreign key to locally assigned Section Identifier | | | true | | |
BUILDING | String | 25 | Building Name | The short, or abbreviated, name or number of the building | | | true | | |
FLOOR | String | 5 | Floor Number | The floor number | | | true | | |
SHORTNAME | String | 25 | Short Name of Space | The short, or abbreviated, name or number of the interior space | | | true | | |
LONGNAME | String | 100 | Full Name of Space | The full name of the interior space | | | true | | |
DESCRIP | String | 255 | Description | A short description of the interior space | | | true | | |
SPACETYPE | String | 50 | Space Type | The type of interior space | BuildingInteriorSpaceType | | true | | |
ACCESSTYPE | String | 50 | Access Type | A classification of the access allowed to the interior space | AccessType | | true | | |
CEILINGHEIGHT | Double | 8 | Ceiling Height | The ceiling height for the interior space | | | true | | |
BASEELEV | Double | 8 | Base Elevation | The base elevation of the interior space | | | true | | |
FLOORAREA | Double | 8 | Floor Area | The total floor area of the interior space | | | true | | |
CAPACITY | Integer | 4 | Capacity | The capacity of the interior space | | | true | | |
SPACEFORM | String | 50 | Space Form | The building interior space form | | | true | | |
SPACEFUNC | String | 50 | Space Function | The building interior space function | | | true | | |
SPACEUSE | String | 50 | Space Use | The building interior space use | | | true | | |
LASTUPDATE | Date | 8 | Last Update Date | The date the feature was last updated in the maintenance database | | | true | | |
LASTEDITOR | String | 50 | Last Editor | The user who performed the last update | | | true | | |
BuildingPhotoLoc - FeatureClass
Name | BuildingPhotoLoc |
ShapeType | Point |
FeatureType | Simple |
AliasName | Building Photo Locations |
HasM | true |
HasZ | false |
HasAttachments | true |
Description | The location and orientation of interior or exterior building photos. |
Field | DataType | Length | AliasName | Description | Domain | DefaultValue | IsNullable | Precision | Scale |
PHOTOID | String | 50 | Photo Identifier | Locally assigned Photo Identifier | | | true | | |
FACILITYKEY | String | 50 | Facility or Space Identifier | Foreign key to locally assigned Facility Identifier or Space Identifier - primary key for asset photo is related to | | | true | | |
LONGNAME | String | 100 | Full Name of Space | The full name of the interior space | | | true | | |
PHOTOTYPE | String | 50 | PhotoType | A classification of the photo taken | | | true | | |
AZIMUTH | Integer | 4 | Azimuth | The direction, in degrees, in which the photo was taken measured clockwise from the north | | | true | | |
BASEELEV | Double | 8 | Base Elevation | The base elevation of the interior space the photo is associated with | | | true | | |
DESCRIP | String | 255 | Description | A short description of the photo taken | | | true | | |
LASTUPDATE | Date | 8 | Last Update Date | The date the feature was last updated in the maintenance database | | | true | | |
LASTEDITOR | String | 50 | Last Editor | The user who performed the last update | | | true | | |
CurbRamp - FeatureClass
Name | CurbRamp |
ShapeType | Point |
FeatureType | Simple |
AliasName | Curb Ramps |
HasM | true |
HasZ | false |
HasAttachments | false |
Description | A structure, commonly found at intersections, that provides access between the sidewalk and the street. |
Field | DataType | Length | AliasName | Description | Domain | DefaultValue | IsNullable | Precision | Scale |
FACILITYID | String | 50 | Facility Identifier | Locally assigned Facility Identifier | | | true | | |
RAMPTYPE | String | 50 | Ramp Type | The type of curb ramp | RampType | | true | | |
DETECTWARN | String | 5 | Detectable Warning | Indicates if a detectable warning has been installed on the ramp surface | YesNo | | true | | |
WIDTH | Double | 8 | Ramp Width | The width of the curb ramp | | | true | | |
SLOPE | Double | 8 | Ramp Slope | The slope of the curb ramp | | | true | | |
INSTALLDATE | Date | 8 | Install Date | The date the asset was installed | | | true | | |
CONDITION | String | 50 | Condition | The condition of the asset | Condition | | true | | |
OWNEDBY | SmallInteger | 2 | Owned By | Indicates which organization owns the asset | AssetOwner | | true | | |
MAINTBY | SmallInteger | 2 | Managed By | Indicates which organization maintains the asset | AssetManager | | true | | |
LASTUPDATE | Date | 8 | Last Update Date | The date the feature was last updated in the maintenance database | | | true | | |
LASTEDITOR | String | 50 | Last Editor | The user who performed the last update | | | true | | |
Guardrail - FeatureClass
Name | Guardrail |
ShapeType | Polyline |
FeatureType | Simple |
AliasName | Guardrails |
HasM | false |
HasZ | false |
HasAttachments | false |
Description | The railings placed alongside a road for safety purposes. |
Field | DataType | Length | AliasName | Description | Domain | DefaultValue | IsNullable | Precision | Scale |
FACILITYID | String | 50 | Facility Identifier | Locally assigned Facility Identifier | | | true | | |
GRDRAILTYPE | String | 50 | Guardrail Type | The type of guardrail | GuardrailType | | true | | |
STARTTREAT | String | 50 | Start Treatment | The guardrail start treatment | GuardrailEndType | | true | | |
ENDTREAT | String | 50 | End Treatment | The guardrail end treatment | GuardrailEndType | | true | | |
POSTTYPE | String | 20 | Post Type | The type of guardrail post | GuardrailPostType | | true | | |
POSTSPACE | SmallInteger | 2 | Post Spacing | The distance between guardrail posts | | | true | | |
INSTALLDATE | Date | 8 | Install Date | The date the asset was installed | | | true | | |
CONDITION | String | 50 | Condition | The condition of the asset | Condition | | true | | |
OWNEDBY | SmallInteger | 2 | Owned By | Indicates which organization owns the asset | AssetOwner | | true | | |
MAINTBY | SmallInteger | 2 | Managed By | Indicates which organization maintains the asset | AssetManager | | true | | |
LASTUPDATE | Date | 8 | Last Update Date | The date the feature was last updated in the maintenance database | | | true | | |
LASTEDITOR | String | 50 | Last Editor | The user who performed the last update | | | true | | |
LandscapeArea - FeatureClass
Name | LandscapeArea |
ShapeType | Polygon |
FeatureType | Simple |
AliasName | Landscape Areas |
HasM | false |
HasZ | false |
HasAttachments | false |
Description | The extent of open space (grass, mulch, etc.) and other unpaved areas. |
Field | DataType | Length | AliasName | Description | Domain | DefaultValue | IsNullable | Precision | Scale |
FACILITYID | String | 50 | Facility Identifier | Locally assigned Facility Identifier | | | true | | |
SURFTYPE | String | 50 | Surface Type | The type of surface in a landscaped area | LandscapeSurfaceType | | true | | |
INSTALLDATE | Date | 8 | Install Date | The date the asset was installed | | | true | | |
CONDITION | String | 50 | Condition | The condition of the asset | Condition | | true | | |
OWNEDBY | SmallInteger | 2 | Owned By | Indicates which organization owns the asset | AssetOwner | | true | | |
MAINTBY | SmallInteger | 2 | Managed By | Indicates which organization maintains the asset | AssetManager | | true | | |
LASTUPDATE | Date | 8 | Last Update Date | The date the feature was last updated in the maintenance database | | | true | | |
LASTEDITOR | String | 50 | Last Editor | The user who performed the last update | | | true | | |
ParkingPayStation - FeatureClass
Name | ParkingPayStation |
ShapeType | Point |
FeatureType | Simple |
AliasName | Parking Pay Stations |
HasM | false |
HasZ | false |
HasAttachments | false |
Description | The location of payment stations for public parking facilities. |
Field | DataType | Length | AliasName | Description | Domain | DefaultValue | IsNullable | Precision | Scale |
FACILITYID | String | 20 | Facility ID | Locally assigned Facility Identifier | | | true | | |
STATIONTYP | String | 50 | Station Manufacturer | The type, or manufacturer, of the payment station | ParkPayStationManufacturer | | true | | |
UPSPOWER | String | 5 | UPS Power Supply | A flag used to indicate whether an uninterrupted power supply is present in pay station | YesNo | | true | | |
SOLARPANEL | String | 5 | Solar Panel | A flag used to indicate whether a solar panel is present on pay station | YesNo | | true | | |
LOCDESC | String | 255 | Location | A general description of the pay station location | | | true | | |
OWNEDBY | SmallInteger | 2 | Owned By | Indicates which organization owns the asset | AssetOwner | | true | | |
MAINTBY | SmallInteger | 2 | Maintained By | Indicates which organization maintains the asset | AssetManager | | true | | |
INSTALLDATE | Date | 8 | Install Date | The date the asset was installed | | | true | | |
LASTUPDATE | Date | 8 | Last Update Date | The date the feature was last updated in the maintenance database | | | true | | |
LASTEDITOR | String | 50 | Last Editor | The user who performed the last update | | | true | | |
ParkingSpace - FeatureClass
Name | ParkingSpace |
ShapeType | Point |
FeatureType | Simple |
AliasName | Parking Lots and Spaces |
HasM | false |
HasZ | false |
HasAttachments | false |
Description | A garage, lot, or individual parking space that is intended for parking motor vehicles. |
Field | DataType | Length | AliasName | Description | Domain | DefaultValue | IsNullable | Precision | Scale |
FACILITYID | String | 20 | Space Identifier | Locally assigned Facility Identifier | | | true | | |
SPACENAME | String | 100 | Name | The name assigned to the parking garage, lot, or space | | | true | | |
FULLADDR | String | 250 | Full Address | Address information combined into one text field, if applicable | | | true | | |
LOCDESC | String | 50 | Location | A general description of the location of the parking garage, lot, or space | ParkingSpaceLocation | | true | | |
SPACETYPE | String | 50 | Space Type | The type of parking space, or a general characterization of the type of parking space in the lot or garage | ParkingSpaceType | | true | | |
SPACESIZE | String | 10 | Size | The size of the parking space, or a general characterization of the size of parking space in the lot or garage | ParkingSpaceSize | | true | | |
EVSTATION | String | 5 | EV Charging Station | A flag used to indicate whether an EV charging station is present | YesNo | | true | | |
OPERDAYS | String | 50 | Operational Days | The days of operation for a facility | OperationalDays | | true | | |
OPERHOURS | String | 50 | Operational Hours | The hours of operation for a facility | OperationalHours | | true | | |
ACCESSTYPE | String | 50 | Access Type | A classification of the access allowed to the parking garage, lot, or space | AccessType | | true | | |
RESTRICTION | String | 255 | Parking Restrictions | A description of any parking restrictions or limitations | | | true | | |
PAYTYPE | String | 30 | Payment Type | The method of payment accepted | ParkingPaymentType | | true | | |
PAYDEVICE | String | 30 | Payment Device | The type of payment device | ParkingPayDevice | | true | | |
PARKRATE | Single | 4 | Rate | The payment rate | | | true | | |
PARKDUR | String | 10 | Duration | The duration of time for the payment rate | ParkingRateUnit | | true | | |
MAXIMUMDUR | SmallInteger | 2 | Time Limit | The maximum duration permitted for parking, expressed as the number of duration units | | | true | | |
DAILY | SmallInteger | 2 | Daily Spots | Total number of available daily parking spaces | | | true | | |
MONTHLY | SmallInteger | 2 | Monthly Spots | Total number of available monthly parking spaces | | | true | | |
TOTALSPOT | SmallInteger | 2 | Total Spots | Total number of parking spaces | | | true | | |
INSTALLDATE | Date | 8 | Install Date | The date the asset was installed | | | true | | |
OWNEDBY | SmallInteger | 2 | Owned By | Indicates which organization owns the asset | AssetOwner | | true | | |
MAINTBY | SmallInteger | 2 | Managed By | Indicates which organization maintains the asset | AssetManager | | true | | |
LASTUPDATE | Date | 8 | Last Update Date | The date the feature was last updated in the maintenance database | | | true | | |
LASTEDITOR | String | 50 | Last Editor | The user who performed the last update | | | true | | |
PavementMarkingLine - FeatureClass
Name | PavementMarkingLine |
ShapeType | Polyline |
FeatureType | Simple |
AliasName | Pavement Marking Lines |
HasM | false |
HasZ | false |
HasAttachments | false |
Description | The pavement marking lines delineate vehicular paths of travel along the roadway by marking the center of the road, lanes of travel, edges of pavement, etc. |
Field | DataType | Length | AliasName | Description | Domain | DefaultValue | IsNullable | Precision | Scale |
FACILITYID | String | 50 | Facility Identifier | Locally assigned Facility Identifier | | | true | | |
MARKTYPE | String | 50 | Marking Type | The type of pavement marking | PavementMarkingType | | true | | |
COLOR | String | 25 | Color | The color of the pavement marking | PavementMarkingColor | | true | | |
INSTALLDATE | Date | 8 | Install Date | The date the asset was installed | | | true | | |
CONDITION | String | 50 | Condition | The condition of the asset | Condition | | true | | |
RECLENGTH | Double | 8 | Record Length | The record length of the roadway segment | | | true | | |
OWNEDBY | SmallInteger | 2 | Owned By | Indicates which organization owns the asset | AssetOwner | | true | | |
MAINTBY | SmallInteger | 2 | Managed By | Indicates which organization maintains the asset | AssetManager | | true | | |
LASTUPDATE | Date | 8 | Last Update Date | The date the feature was last updated in the maintenance database | | | true | | |
LASTEDITOR | String | 50 | Last Editor | The user who performed the last update | | | true | | |
PavementMarkingPoint - FeatureClass
Name | PavementMarkingPoint |
ShapeType | Point |
FeatureType | Simple |
AliasName | Pavement Markings |
HasM | false |
HasZ | false |
HasAttachments | false |
Description | The pavement markings points convey directional or lane usage requirements, or special conditions that that can't be communicated by other types of markings. |
Field | DataType | Length | AliasName | Description | Domain | DefaultValue | IsNullable | Precision | Scale |
FACILITYID | String | 50 | Facility Identifier | Locally assigned Facility Identifier | | | true | | |
MARKTYPE | String | 50 | Marking Type | The type of pavement marking | PavementMarkingType | | true | | |
ROTATION | Double | 8 | Rotation | The map symbol rotation | | | true | | |
COLOR | String | 25 | Color | The color of the pavement marking | PavementMarkingColor | | true | | |
INSTALLDATE | Date | 8 | Install Date | The date the asset was installed | | | true | | |
CONDITION | String | 50 | Condition | The condition of the asset | Condition | | true | | |
OWNEDBY | SmallInteger | 2 | Owned By | Indicates which organization owns the asset | AssetOwner | | true | | |
MAINTBY | SmallInteger | 2 | Managed By | Indicates which organization maintains the asset | AssetManager | | true | | |
LASTUPDATE | Date | 8 | Last Update Date | The date the feature was last updated in the maintenance database | | | true | | |
LASTEDITOR | String | 50 | Last Editor | The user who performed the last update | | | true | | |
PavementSchedule - FeatureClass
Name | PavementSchedule |
ShapeType | Polygon |
FeatureType | Simple |
AliasName | Pavement Schedules |
HasM | false |
HasZ | false |
HasAttachments | false |
Description | The extent of paved areas organized by their pavement schedule. |
Field | DataType | Length | AliasName | Description | Domain | DefaultValue | IsNullable | Precision | Scale |
LAYER | String | 32 | Layer Name | Name of source layer - curbs, islands, etc. | | | true | | |
PaveDate | Date | 8 | PaveDate | PaveDate | | | true | | |
PaveYear | SmallInteger | 2 | Year Paved | PaveYear | | | true | | |
Pole - FeatureClass
Name | Pole |
ShapeType | Point |
FeatureType | Simple |
AliasName | Poles |
HasM | false |
HasZ | false |
HasAttachments | false |
Description | The poles erected at intersections or along the side of roads and where signs, lights and signals are typically mounted. |
Field | DataType | Length | AliasName | Description | Domain | DefaultValue | IsNullable | Precision | Scale |
FACILITYID | String | 20 | Facility Identifier | Locally assigned Facility Identifier | | | true | | |
INTERSECTID | String | 20 | Intersection Identifier | Locally assigned intersection identifier if signal cabinet is not present in intersection - Foreign Key to Intersection. | | | true | | |
CABINETID | String | 20 | Cabinet Identifier | Unique Attachment Identifier - Foreign Key to Signal Cabinet | | | true | | |
POLETYPE | String | 50 | Material | The type of material the pole is made from | PoleType | | true | | |
POLESHAPE | String | 50 | Shape | The shape of the pole | PoleShape | | true | | |
MASTARM | String | 50 | Mast Arm Type | The type of mast arm, if any, attached to the pole | PoleMastArmType | | true | | |
POLEUSE | String | 50 | Primary Use | The primary use of the pole | PoleUseType | | true | | |
JOINTUSE | String | 5 | Joint Use | A flag used to indicate whether the pole is jointly used by two or more organizations | YesNo | | true | | |
HEIGHT | Double | 8 | Height | The measured height of the pole | | | true | | |
LOCDESC | String | 255 | Location | A general description of the location of the pole relative to the intersection | | | true | | |
INSTALLDATE | Date | 8 | Install Date | The date the asset was installed | | | true | | |
CONDITION | String | 50 | Condition | The condition of the asset | Condition | | true | | |
OWNEDBY | SmallInteger | 2 | Owned By | Indicates which organization owns the asset | AssetOwner | | true | | |
MAINTBY | SmallInteger | 2 | Managed By | Indicates which organization maintains the asset | AssetManager | | true | | |
LASTUPDATE | Date | 8 | Last Update Date | The date the feature was last updated in the maintenance database | | | true | | |
LASTEDITOR | String | 50 | Last Editor | The user who performed the last update | | | true | | |
RRCrossing - FeatureClass
Name | RRCrossing |
ShapeType | Point |
FeatureType | Simple |
AliasName | RR Crossings |
HasM | true |
HasZ | false |
HasAttachments | true |
Description | An at-grade crossing of a railway line with a road or path. |
Field | DataType | Length | AliasName | Description | Domain | DefaultValue | IsNullable | Precision | Scale |
FACILITYID | String | 50 | Facility Identifier | Locally assigned Facility Identifier | | | true | | |
CROSSNUM | String | 25 | Crossing Number | The state or federally assigned crossing number | | | true | | |
NAME | String | 100 | Crossing Name | The name of the crossing | | | true | | |
RAILROAD | String | 100 | Railroad | The name of the railroad | | | true | | |
PSERVICE | String | 5 | Passenger Service | A flag that indicates whether the railroad provides passenger service | YesNo | | true | | |
TYPEXING | String | 25 | Crossing Type | The type of railroad crossing | RRXingType | | true | | |
PRVCAT | String | 25 | Private Crossing Type | A category used to define the type of private railroad crossing | RRXingDevelopmentType | | true | | |
POSXING | String | 25 | Position of Crossing | The position of the railroad crossing | RRXingPosition | | true | | |
ENSSIGN | String | 5 | ENS Sign Installed | A flag that indicates whether an ENS sign has been installed | YesNo | | true | | |
NUMTRACKS | SmallInteger | 2 | Number of Tracks | The number of railway tracks the road or path crosses | | | true | | |
SEPIND | String | 5 | Separate Track | A flag that indicates whether another railroad operates a separate track at crossing | YesNo | | true | | |
SAMEIND | String | 5 | Separate Track Over | A flag that indicates whether another railroad operates a separate track over crossing | YesNo | | true | | |
DEVELTYP | String | 25 | Development Type | A category used to define the type of development near the railroad crossing | RRXingDevelopmentType | | true | | |
TRAFICLN | SmallInteger | 2 | Number of Traffic Lanes | The number of traffic lanes crossing the railroad | | | true | | |
HWYPVED | String | 5 | Highway Paved | A flag that indicates whether the highway crossing the railroad is paved | YesNo | | true | | |
SURFACE | String | 25 | Surface Type | The railroad crossing surface type | RRXingSurfaceType | | true | | |
DOWNST | String | 5 | Track Down Street | A flag that indicates whether the track runs down a street | YesNo | | true | | |
TRUCKLN | String | 5 | Truck Pull Out | A flag that indicates whether truck pull out lanes are present | YesNo | | true | | |
COMPOWER | String | 5 | Commercial Power | A flag that indicates whether commercial power is present | YesNo | | true | | |
XANGLE | SmallInteger | 2 | Smallest Crossing Angle | The smallest crossing angle | | | true | | |
WDCODE | String | 75 | Warning Device | The railroad crossing warning device | RRXingWarnDeviceType | | true | | |
PAVEMRK | String | 75 | Pavement Markings | The railroad crossing pavement markings | RRXingPavementMarkingType | | true | | |
HWYNRSIG | String | 5 | Signalized | A flag that indicates whether the railroad crossing is signalized | YesNo | | true | | |
ILLUMINA | String | 5 | Crossing Illuminated | A flag that indicates whether the railroad crossing is illuminate | YesNo | | true | | |
XBUCK | SmallInteger | 2 | Crossbucks | The number of crossbucks | | | true | | |
STOPSTD | SmallInteger | 2 | Stop Signs | The number of highway stop signs | | | true | | |
HUMPSIGN | String | 5 | Hump Crossing Sign | A flag that indicates whether the railroad crossing has hump crossing sign | YesNo | | true | | |
ADVWARN | String | 5 | Advanced Warning | A flag that indicates whether the railroad crossing has advanced warning | YesNo | | true | | |
GATES | SmallInteger | 2 | Gates | The number of train activated gates | | | true | | |
FOURQUAD | String | 5 | Four Quad | A flag that indicates whether four quad or full barrier gates are present at railroad crossing | YesNo | | true | | |
FLASHPAI | SmallInteger | 2 | Flashing Lights | The number of train activated flashing lights | | | true | | |
BELLS | SmallInteger | 2 | Bells | The number of train activated bells | | | true | | |
CHANNEL | String | 25 | Channelization | The channelization present with gates at the railroad crossing | RRXingChannelization | | true | | |
SPSEL | String | 25 | Train Detection | The train detection present at the railroad crossing | RRXingTrainDetection | | true | | |
CONDITION | String | 50 | Condition | The condition of the asset | Condition | | true | | |
OWNEDBY | SmallInteger | 2 | Owned By | Indicates which organization owns the asset | AssetOwner | | true | | |
MAINTBY | SmallInteger | 2 | Managed By | Indicates which organization maintains the asset | AssetManager | | true | | |
LASTUPDATE | Date | 8 | Last Update Date | The date the feature was last updated in the maintenance database | | | true | | |
LASTEDITOR | String | 50 | Last Editor | The user who performed the last update | | | true | | |
Sidewalk - FeatureClass
Name | Sidewalk |
ShapeType | Polyline |
FeatureType | Simple |
AliasName | Sidewalks |
HasM | false |
HasZ | false |
HasAttachments | false |
Description | The sidewalks along the street or in other public areas. |
Field | DataType | Length | AliasName | Description | Domain | DefaultValue | IsNullable | Precision | Scale |
FACILITYID | String | 50 | Facility Identifier | Locally assigned Facility Identifier | | | true | | |
SURFTYPE | String | 20 | Surface Type | The type of surface on a sidewalk | PavementSurfaceType | | true | | |
ADACOMPLY | String | 5 | ADA Compliant | A flag that indicates whether the section of sidewalk is ADA Compliant | YesNo | | true | | |
CONDITION | String | 50 | Condition | The condition of the asset | Condition | | true | | |
WIDTH | Double | 8 | Sidewalk Width | The width of the sidewalk | | | true | | |
INSTALLDATE | Date | 8 | Install Date | The date the asset was installed | | | true | | |
OWNEDBY | SmallInteger | 2 | Owned By | Indicates which organization owns the asset | AssetOwner | | true | | |
MAINTBY | SmallInteger | 2 | Managed By | Indicates which organization maintains the asset | AssetManager | | true | | |
LASTUPDATE | Date | 8 | Last Update Date | The date the feature was last updated in the maintenance database | | | true | | |
LASTEDITOR | String | 50 | Last Editor | The user who performed the last update | | | true | | |
Sign - FeatureClass
Name | Sign |
ShapeType | Point |
FeatureType | Simple |
AliasName | Signs |
HasM | false |
HasZ | false |
HasAttachments | true |
Description | The signs erected at the side of roads to provide information to road users. |
Field | DataType | Length | AliasName | Description | Domain | DefaultValue | IsNullable | Precision | Scale |
FACILITYID | String | 20 | Facility Identifier | Locally assigned Facility Identifier | | | true | | |
ATTACHID | String | 20 | Attachment ID | Unique Attachment Identifier - Foreign Key to Pole | | | true | | |
SIGNTYPE | String | 50 | Sign Type | The type of sign | SignType | | true | | |
SIGNHEIGHT | Double | 8 | Height (in) | The height of the sign (in inches) | | | true | | |
SIGNWIDTH | Double | 8 | Width (in) | The width of the sign (in inches) | | | true | | |
SIGNSTYLE | String | 130 | Style | The style of the sign | SignCode | | true | | |
SIGNTEXT | String | 100 | Text | The written text on the sign | | | true | | |
FACING | String | 30 | Facing Direction | The cardinal direction the sign faces | Direction | | true | | |
HORIZCLEAR | String | 12 | Horizontal Clearance | The horizontal clearance of the sign | | | true | | |
HORIZFROM | String | 12 | Horizontal From | The horizontal clearance the sign was measured from | | | true | | |
VERTFROM | String | 12 | Vertical From | The vertical clearance the sign was measured from | | | true | | |
ANGLE | SmallInteger | 2 | Angle (Degrees) | The angle of the sign in degrees | | | true | | |
DISTTOTOP | Double | 8 | Distance to Top of Pole | The distance to the top of the pole | | | true | | |
REFLCOAT | String | 50 | Reflective Coating | The reflective coating on the sign | | | true | | |
SHEETING | String | 50 | Sheeting Type | The type of sign sheeting | SignSheetType | | true | | |
SUPMATERIAL | String | 30 | Supplemental Materials | Any supplemental materials used to install the sign | | | true | | |
INSTALLDATE | Date | 8 | Install Date | The date the asset was installed | | | true | | |
CONDITION | String | 50 | Condition | The condition of the asset | Condition | | true | | |
OWNEDBY | SmallInteger | 2 | Owned By | Indicates which organization owns the asset | AssetOwner | | true | | |
MAINTBY | SmallInteger | 2 | Managed By | Indicates which organization maintains the asset | AssetManager | | true | | |
LASTUPDATE | Date | 8 | Last Update Date | The date the feature was last updated in the maintenance database | | | true | | |
LASTEDITOR | String | 50 | Last Editor | The user who performed the last update | | | true | | |
Signal - FeatureClass
Name | Signal |
ShapeType | Point |
FeatureType | Simple |
AliasName | Signals |
HasM | false |
HasZ | false |
HasAttachments | true |
Description | The visual signals used to control the flow of traffic at intersections. |
Field | DataType | Length | AliasName | Description | Domain | DefaultValue | IsNullable | Precision | Scale |
FACILITYID | String | 20 | Facility Identifier | Locally assigned Facility Identifier | | | true | | |
ATTACHID | String | 20 | Pole Identifier | Unique Attachment Identifier - Foreign Key to Pole | | | true | | |
SIGNALTYPE | String | 50 | Signal Type | The type of signal | SignalType | | true | | |
MANUFACTURER | String | 100 | Manufacturer | The manufacturer of the signal | SignalManufacturer | | true | | |
BULBTYPE | String | 20 | Bulb Type | The type of bulb in the signal | SignalBulbType | | true | | |
BACKPLATE | String | 5 | Backplate | A flag used to indicate whether the signal has a backplate | YesNo | | true | | |
DIRECTLENSE | String | 5 | Directional Lens | A flag used to indicate whether the signal has a directional lens | YesNo | | true | | |
PREEMPTION | String | 5 | Preemption | A flag used to indicate whether the signal can be pre-empted | YesNo | | true | | |
TSPCONTROL | String | 5 | Transit Signal Priority | A flag used to indicate whether the signal has transit signal priority | YesNo | | true | | |
DISTTOTOP | Double | 8 | Distance to Top of Pole | The distance to the top of the signal | | | true | | |
MOUNTTYPE | String | 25 | Mounted To | A description of how the signal is mounted or positioned so is visible to drivers | SignalMountType | | true | | |
APPROACH | String | 20 | Approach | The direction of travel controlled by the signal | SignalApproach | | true | | |
INSTALLDATE | Date | 8 | Install Date | The date the asset was installed | | | true | | |
CONDITION | String | 50 | Condition | The condition of the asset | Condition | | true | | |
OWNEDBY | SmallInteger | 2 | Owned By | Indicates which organization owns the asset | AssetOwner | | true | | |
MAINTBY | SmallInteger | 2 | Managed By | Indicates which organization maintains the asset | AssetManager | | true | | |
LASTUPDATE | Date | 8 | Last Update Date | The date the feature was last updated in the maintenance database | | | true | | |
LASTEDITOR | String | 50 | Last Editor | The user who performed the last update | | | true | | |
SignalCabinet - FeatureClass
Name | SignalCabinet |
ShapeType | Point |
FeatureType | Simple |
AliasName | Signal Cabinets |
HasM | false |
HasZ | false |
HasAttachments | true |
Description | A cabinet and controller unit used to manage the function of traffic signals. |
Field | DataType | Length | AliasName | Description | Domain | DefaultValue | IsNullable | Precision | Scale |
FACILITYID | String | 20 | Facility Identifier | Locally assigned Facility Identifier or Cabinet ID | | | true | | |
INTERSECTID | String | 20 | Intersection Identifier | Locally assigned intersection identifier - Foreign Key to Intersection | | | true | | |
CABINETTYPE | String | 50 | Cabinet Type | The type of signal cabinet | SignalCabinetType | | true | | |
CABINETSIZE | String | 14 | Cabinet Size | The size of the signal cabinet | | | true | | |
CABINETBASE | String | 15 | Cabinet Base | The base or mount that secures the signal cabinet | SignalCabinetBase | | true | | |
LOCDESC | String | 250 | Location | The location of the signal cabinet | | | true | | |
UPSPOWER | String | 5 | UPS Power Supply | A flag used to indicate whether an uninterrupted power supply is present in cabinet | YesNo | | true | | |
CONTTYPE | String | 20 | Controller Type | The type of signal controller | SignalControllerType | | true | | |
GPSANTENNA | String | 5 | GPS Antenna | A flag used to indicate whether a GPS antenna is present in cabinet | YesNo | | true | | |
CONTROLIP | String | 20 | Controller IP | The IP address of the controller | | | true | | |
SWITCHIP | String | 20 | Switch IP | The IP address of the controller switch | | | true | | |
INSTALLDATE | Date | 8 | Install Date | The date the asset was installed | | | true | | |
CONDITION | String | 50 | Condition | The condition of the asset | Condition | | true | | |
OWNEDBY | SmallInteger | 2 | Owned By | Indicates which organization owns the asset | AssetOwner | | true | | |
MAINTBY | SmallInteger | 2 | Managed By | Indicates which organization maintains the asset | AssetManager | | true | | |
LASTUPDATE | Date | 8 | Last Update Date | The date the feature was last updated in the maintenance database | | | true | | |
LASTEDITOR | String | 50 | Last Editor | The user who performed the last update | | | true | | |
SiteAmenityLine - FeatureClass
Name | SiteAmenityLine |
ShapeType | Polyline |
FeatureType | Simple |
AliasName | Site Amenities |
HasM | false |
HasZ | false |
HasAttachments | false |
Description | The collective set of landscape and other amenities installed on a site for various purposes, including fences, gates, retaining walls, and decorative walls. |
Field | DataType | Length | AliasName | Description | Domain | DefaultValue | IsNullable | Precision | Scale |
FACILITYID | String | 50 | Facility Identifier | Locally assigned Facility Identifier | | | true | | |
AMENTYPE | String | 50 | Amenity Type | The type of site amenity | SiteAmenityType | | true | | |
INSTALLDATE | Date | 8 | Install Date | The date the asset was installed | | | true | | |
CONDITION | String | 50 | Condition | The condition of the asset | Condition | | true | | |
OWNEDBY | SmallInteger | 2 | Owned By | Indicates which organization owns the asset | AssetOwner | | true | | |
MAINTBY | SmallInteger | 2 | Managed By | Indicates which organization maintains the asset | AssetManager | | true | | |
LASTUPDATE | Date | 8 | Last Update Date | The date the feature was last updated in the maintenance database | | | true | | |
LASTEDITOR | String | 50 | Last Editor | The user who performed the last update | | | true | | |
Street - FeatureClass
Name | Street |
ShapeType | Polyline |
FeatureType | Simple |
AliasName | Public Streets |
HasM | false |
HasZ | false |
HasAttachments | false |
Description | The centerline representation of public roadways or streets. These are a subset of the road segments found in the RoadCenterline feature class and only those actively managed by a local government public works organization. The information typically is derived from a RoadCenterline layer maintained for address assignment and is a framework for the management of streets, roads and work activities associated with such. |
Field | DataType | Length | AliasName | Description | Domain | DefaultValue | IsNullable | Precision | Scale |
SEGMENTID | String | 20 | Segment Identifier | The segment identification number | | | true | | |
FULLNAME | String | 255 | Full Road Name | The full name of the road including any prefix and/or suffix | | | true | | |
RECLENGTH | Double | 8 | Record Length | The record length of the roadway segment | | | true | | |
LASTUPDATE | Date | 8 | Last Update Date | The date the feature was last updated in the maintenance database | | | true | | |
LASTEDITOR | String | 50 | Last Editor | The user who performed the last update | | | true | | |
StreetBikeLane - FeatureClass
Name | StreetBikeLane |
ShapeType | Polyline |
FeatureType | Simple |
AliasName | Bike Lanes |
HasM | false |
HasZ | false |
HasAttachments | false |
Description | Segments of a public road that have been designated by striping, signage, and pavement markings for the preferential or exclusive use of bicyclists. |
Field | DataType | Length | AliasName | Description | Domain | DefaultValue | IsNullable | Precision | Scale |
LASTUPDATE | Date | 8 | Last Update Date | The date the feature was last updated in the maintenance database | | | true | | |
LASTEDITOR | String | 50 | Last Editor | The user who performed the last update | | | true | | |
StreetCurbType - FeatureClass
Name | StreetCurbType |
ShapeType | Polyline |
FeatureType | Simple |
AliasName | Curb Type |
HasM | false |
HasZ | false |
HasAttachments | false |
Description | The type of curbing currently in place along a segment of a public road. |
Field | DataType | Length | AliasName | Description | Domain | DefaultValue | IsNullable | Precision | Scale |
CURBTYPE | String | 20 | Type of Curbing | The type of curbing on a given road segment | StreetCurbType | | true | | |
LASTUPDATE | Date | 8 | Last Update Date | The date the feature was last updated in the maintenance database | | | true | | |
LASTEDITOR | String | 50 | Last Editor | The user who performed the last update | | | true | | |
StreetFunctionalClass - FeatureClass
Name | StreetFunctionalClass |
ShapeType | Polyline |
FeatureType | Simple |
AliasName | Functional Class |
HasM | false |
HasZ | false |
HasAttachments | false |
Description | The functional classification (adapted from the FHWA) of roads based on type of service. |
Field | DataType | Length | AliasName | Description | Domain | DefaultValue | IsNullable | Precision | Scale |
ROADCLASS | String | 30 | Road Class | Functional classification of roads based on type of service | RoadClass | | true | | |
LASTUPDATE | Date | 8 | Last Update Date | The date the feature was last updated in the maintenance database | | | true | | |
LASTEDITOR | String | 50 | Last Editor | The user who performed the last update | | | true | | |
StreetFurniture - FeatureClass
Name | StreetFurniture |
ShapeType | Point |
FeatureType | Simple |
AliasName | Street Furniture |
HasM | false |
HasZ | false |
HasAttachments | false |
Description | The collective pieces of equipment installed on streets and roads for various purposes, including traffic barrier, benches, bollards, post boxes, phone boxes, bus shelters, public lavatories, fountains and memorials, and waste receptacles. |
Field | DataType | Length | AliasName | Description | Domain | DefaultValue | IsNullable | Precision | Scale |
FACILITYID | String | 50 | Facility Identifier | Locally assigned Facility Identifier | | | true | | |
FURNTYPE | String | 50 | Street Furniture Type | The type of street furniture | StreetFurnitureType | | true | | |
INSTALLDATE | Date | 8 | Install Date | The date the asset was installed | | | true | | |
CONDITION | String | 50 | Condition | The condition of the asset | Condition | | true | | |
OWNEDBY | SmallInteger | 2 | Owned By | Indicates which organization owns the asset | AssetOwner | | true | | |
MAINTBY | SmallInteger | 2 | Managed By | Indicates which organization maintains the asset | AssetManager | | true | | |
ROTATION | Double | 8 | Rotation | Map Symbol Rotation value | | | true | | |
LASTUPDATE | Date | 8 | Last Update Date | The date the feature was last updated in the maintenance database | | | true | | |
LASTEDITOR | String | 50 | Last Editor | The user who performed the last update | | | true | | |
StreetIntersection - FeatureClass
Name | StreetIntersection |
ShapeType | Point |
FeatureType | Simple |
AliasName | Street Intersections |
HasM | false |
HasZ | false |
HasAttachments | false |
Description | The point where two or more streets intersect. |
Field | DataType | Length | AliasName | Description | Domain | DefaultValue | IsNullable | Precision | Scale |
INTERSECTID | String | 20 | Intersection Identifier | Locally assigned intersection identifier | | | true | | |
STREETS | String | 250 | Cross Streets | A description of the cross streets | | | true | | |
LASTUPDATE | Date | 8 | Last Update Date | The date the feature was last updated in the maintenance database | | | true | | |
LASTEDITOR | String | 50 | Last Editor | The user who performed the last update | | | true | | |
StreetLaneWidth - FeatureClass
Name | StreetLaneWidth |
ShapeType | Polyline |
FeatureType | Simple |
AliasName | Lane Width |
HasM | false |
HasZ | false |
HasAttachments | false |
Description | The width of a street lane along a segment of a public road. |
Field | DataType | Length | AliasName | Description | Domain | DefaultValue | IsNullable | Precision | Scale |
LANEWIDTH | SmallInteger | 2 | Lane Width | The width of the lanes on a given road segment | StreetLaneWidth | | true | | |
LASTUPDATE | Date | 8 | Last Update Date | The date the feature was last updated in the maintenance database | | | true | | |
LASTEDITOR | String | 50 | Last Editor | The user who performed the last update | | | true | | |
Streetlight - FeatureClass
Name | Streetlight |
ShapeType | Point |
FeatureType | Simple |
AliasName | Streetlights |
HasM | false |
HasZ | false |
HasAttachments | true |
Description | A raised source of light on the edge of a road, which is turned on or lit at a certain time every night. |
Field | DataType | Length | AliasName | Description | Domain | DefaultValue | IsNullable | Precision | Scale |
FACILITYID | String | 20 | Facility Identifier | Locally assigned Facility Identifier | | | true | | |
ATTACHID | String | 20 | Attachment ID | Unique Attachment Identifier - Foreign Key to Pole | | | true | | |
LIGHTTYPE | String | 50 | Light Type | The type of street light | LightType | | true | | |
BULBTYPE | String | 50 | Bulb Type | The type of bulb in the street light | BulbType | | true | | |
WATTAGE | String | 3 | Wattage | The street light wattage | LightWattage | | true | | |
DISTTOTOP | Double | 8 | Distance to Top of Pole | The distance to the top of the pole | | | true | | |
INSTALLDATE | Date | 8 | Install Date | The date the asset was installed | | | true | | |
CONDITION | String | 50 | Condition | The condition of the asset | Condition | | true | | |
OWNEDBY | SmallInteger | 2 | Owned By | Indicates which organization owns the asset | AssetOwner | | true | | |
MAINTBY | SmallInteger | 2 | Managed By | Indicates which organization maintains the asset | AssetManager | | true | | |
LASTUPDATE | Date | 8 | Last Update Date | The date the feature was last updated in the maintenance database | | | true | | |
LASTEDITOR | String | 50 | Last Editor | The user who performed the last update | | | true | | |
StreetNumberLane - FeatureClass
Name | StreetNumberLane |
ShapeType | Polyline |
FeatureType | Simple |
AliasName | Number of Lanes |
HasM | false |
HasZ | false |
HasAttachments | false |
Description | The number of lanes along a segment of a public road. |
Field | DataType | Length | AliasName | Description | Domain | DefaultValue | IsNullable | Precision | Scale |
NUMLANES | SmallInteger | 2 | Number of Lanes | The number of lanes on a given road segment | StreetNumberLanes | | true | | |
LASTUPDATE | Date | 8 | Last Update Date | The date the feature was last updated in the maintenance database | | | true | | |
LASTEDITOR | String | 50 | Last Editor | The user who performed the last update | | | true | | |
StreetOwnership - FeatureClass
Name | StreetOwnership |
ShapeType | Polyline |
FeatureType | Simple |
AliasName | Street Ownership |
HasM | false |
HasZ | false |
HasAttachments | false |
Description | The centerline representation of public road ownership. |
Field | DataType | Length | AliasName | Description | Domain | DefaultValue | IsNullable | Precision | Scale |
OWNEDBY | SmallInteger | 2 | Owned By | Indicates which organization owns the asset | AssetOwner | | true | | |
LASTUPDATE | Date | 8 | Last Update Date | The date the feature was last updated in the maintenance database | | | true | | |
LASTEDITOR | String | 50 | Last Editor | The user who performed the last update | | | true | | |
StreetPavement - FeatureClass
Name | StreetPavement |
ShapeType | Polygon |
FeatureType | Simple |
AliasName | Street Pavement |
HasM | false |
HasZ | false |
HasAttachments | false |
Description | The extent of paved or impervious areas. |
Field | DataType | Length | AliasName | Description | Domain | DefaultValue | IsNullable | Precision | Scale |
FACILITYID | String | 50 | Facility Identifier | Locally assigned Facility Identifier | | | true | | |
SURFTYPE | String | 50 | Surface Type | The type of surface on a paved area | PavementSurfaceType | | true | | |
SURFUSE | String | 30 | Use | The intended use of a paved area | PavementSurfaceUse | | true | | |
INSTALLDATE | Date | 8 | Install Date | The date the asset was installed | | | true | | |
CONDITION | String | 50 | Condition | The condition of the asset | Condition | | true | | |
ACCESSTYPE | String | 50 | Access Type | A classification of the access allowed to the street or other paved area | AccessType | | true | | |
OWNEDBY | SmallInteger | 2 | Owned By | Indicates which organization owns the asset | AssetOwner | | true | | |
MAINTBY | SmallInteger | 2 | Managed By | Indicates which organization maintains the asset | AssetManager | | true | | |
LASTUPDATE | Date | 8 | Last Update Date | The date the feature was last updated in the maintenance database | | | true | | |
LASTEDITOR | String | 50 | Last Editor | The user who performed the last update | | | true | | |
MARKCOLOR | String | 25 | Marking Color | The color of the pavement marking | PavementMarkingColor | | true | | |
StreetPavementType - FeatureClass
Name | StreetPavementType |
ShapeType | Polyline |
FeatureType | Simple |
AliasName | Pavement Type |
HasM | false |
HasZ | false |
HasAttachments | false |
Description | The type of pavement currently in place along a segment of a public road. |
Field | DataType | Length | AliasName | Description | Domain | DefaultValue | IsNullable | Precision | Scale |
PAVETYPE | String | 20 | Type of Pavement | The type of pavement on a given road segment | PavementSurfaceType | | true | | |
LASTUPDATE | Date | 8 | Last Update Date | The date the feature was last updated in the maintenance database | | | true | | |
LASTEDITOR | String | 50 | Last Editor | The user who performed the last update | | | true | | |
StreetSnowRoute - FeatureClass
Name | StreetSnowRoute |
ShapeType | Polyline |
FeatureType | Simple |
AliasName | Snow Routes |
HasM | false |
HasZ | false |
HasAttachments | false |
Description | Segments of a public road that have been designated as snow emergency routes and are kept clear throughout storms for police, fire and other emergency vehicles. |
Field | DataType | Length | AliasName | Description | Domain | DefaultValue | IsNullable | Precision | Scale |
LASTUPDATE | Date | 8 | Last Update Date | The date the feature was last updated in the maintenance database | | | true | | |
LASTEDITOR | String | 50 | Last Editor | The user who performed the last update | | | true | | |
StreetSpeedLimit - FeatureClass
Name | StreetSpeedLimit |
ShapeType | Polyline |
FeatureType | Simple |
AliasName | Speed Limits |
HasM | false |
HasZ | false |
HasAttachments | false |
Description | The speed limit along a segment of a public road. |
Field | DataType | Length | AliasName | Description | Domain | DefaultValue | IsNullable | Precision | Scale |
SPEEDLIMIT | String | 10 | Speed Limit | The speed limit on a given road segment | StreetSpeedLimit | | true | | |
LASTUPDATE | Date | 8 | Last Update Date | The date the feature was last updated in the maintenance database | | | true | | |
LASTEDITOR | String | 50 | Last Editor | The user who performed the last update | | | true | | |
StreetTruckRoute - FeatureClass
Name | StreetTruckRoute |
ShapeType | Polyline |
FeatureType | Simple |
AliasName | Truck Routes |
HasM | false |
HasZ | false |
HasAttachments | false |
Description | Segments of a public road that have been designated most suitable for truck traffic. |
Field | DataType | Length | AliasName | Description | Domain | DefaultValue | IsNullable | Precision | Scale |
HAZARDS | String | 5 | Hazardous Materials Permitted | A flag that indicates whether hazardous materials are permitted along this truck route | YesNo | | true | | |
LASTUPDATE | Date | 8 | Last Update Date | The date the feature was last updated in the maintenance database | | | true | | |
LASTEDITOR | String | 50 | Last Editor | The user who performed the last update | | | true | | |
TrafficCamera - FeatureClass
Name | TrafficCamera |
ShapeType | Point |
FeatureType | Simple |
AliasName | TrafficCamera |
HasM | false |
HasZ | false |
HasAttachments | false |
Description | A video camera that observes vehicular traffic on a street. |
Field | DataType | Length | AliasName | Description | Domain | DefaultValue | IsNullable | Precision | Scale |
FACILITYID | String | 20 | Facility Identifier | Locally assigned Facility Identifier | | | true | | |
ATTACHID | String | 20 | Attachment ID | Unique Attachment Identifier - Foreign Key to Pole | | | true | | |
SITENAME | String | 100 | Site Name | The site name given to the camera location | | | true | | |
CAMERATYP | String | 50 | Camera Type | The type of traffic camera | | | true | | |
FACING | String | 20 | Facing Direction | The cardinal direction the camera faces | Direction | | true | | |
CONTROLIP | String | 20 | Camera IP | The IP address of the camera | | | true | | |
FEEDURL | String | 255 | Feed URL | The URL for the video feed | | | true | | |
INSTALLDATE | Date | 8 | Install Date | The date the asset was installed | | | true | | |
CONDITION | String | 50 | Condition | The condition of the asset | Condition | | true | | |
OWNEDBY | SmallInteger | 2 | Owned By | Indicates which organization owns the asset | AssetOwner | | true | | |
MAINTBY | SmallInteger | 2 | Managed By | Indicates which organization maintains the asset | AssetManager | | true | | |
LASTUPDATE | Date | 8 | Last Update Date | The date the feature was last updated in the maintenance database | | | true | | |
LASTEDITOR | String | 50 | Last Editor | The user who performed the last update | | | true | | |
Trail - FeatureClass
Name | Trail |
ShapeType | Polyline |
FeatureType | Simple |
AliasName | Trails and Paths |
HasM | false |
HasZ | false |
HasAttachments | false |
Description | A trail or path used for walking, cycling, hiking or other form of non-vehicular transportation. In some cases, other forms of motorized transportation may be permitted on a regular or seasonal basis. |
Field | DataType | Length | AliasName | Description | Domain | DefaultValue | IsNullable | Precision | Scale |
FACILITYID | String | 50 | Facility Identifier | Locally assigned Facility Identifier | | | true | | |
NAME | String | 255 | Trail Name | The name of the trail | | | true | | |
LENGTH | Double | 8 | Trail Length | The length of the trail | | | true | | |
WIDTH | Double | 8 | Trail Width | The width of the trail | | | true | | |
SURFTYPE | String | 20 | Surface Type | The type of surface on a trail | TrailSurfaceType | | true | | |
HIKING | String | 5 | Hiking Allowed | A flag used to indicate whether hiking is allowed | YesNo | | true | | |
MTBCYCLE | String | 5 | MTB Allowed | A flag used to indicate whether mountain biking is allowed | YesNo | | true | | |
ROADCYCLE | String | 5 | Cycling Allowed | A flag used to indicate whether road cycling is allowed | YesNo | | true | | |
EQUESTRIAN | String | 5 | Horseback Riding Allowed | A flag used to indicate whether horse back riding is allowed | YesNo | | true | | |
SKI | String | 5 | X Country Skiing Allowed | A flag used to indicate whether cross country skiing is allowed | YesNo | | true | | |
SNOWMOBILE | String | 5 | Snowmobiling Allowed | A flag used to indicate whether snowmobiling is allowed | YesNo | | true | | |
MOTORCYCLE | String | 5 | Motorcycling Allowed | A flag used to indicate whether motorcycling is allowed | YesNo | | true | | |
ATV | String | 5 | ATV'ing Allowed | A flag used to indicate whether ATV'ing is allowed | YesNo | | true | | |
MTRVEHICLE | String | 5 | Motorized Vehicles Allowed | A flag used to indicate whether motorized vehicles are allowed on a regular or seasonal basis | YesNo | | true | | |
SKILLLEVEL | String | 20 | Skill Level | The rating of trail difficulty | TrailSkillLevel | | true | | |
CONDITION | String | 50 | Condition | The condition of the trail | Condition | | true | | |
INSTALLDATE | Date | 8 | Install Date | The date the trail was installed | | | true | | |
OWNEDBY | SmallInteger | 2 | Owned By | Indicates which organization owns the trail | AssetOwner | | true | | |
MAINTBY | SmallInteger | 2 | Managed By | Indicates which organization maintains the trail | AssetManager | | true | | |
LASTUPDATE | Date | 8 | Last Update Date | The date the feature was last updated in the maintenance database | | | true | | |
LASTEDITOR | String | 50 | Last Editor | The user who performed the last update | | | true | | |
Tree - FeatureClass
Name | Tree |
ShapeType | Point |
FeatureType | Simple |
AliasName | Trees |
HasM | false |
HasZ | true |
HasAttachments | false |
Description | A tree planted within the public right of way and actively managed by an organization, or compiled from planimetric features and used for 3D visualization. |
Field | DataType | Length | AliasName | Description | Domain | DefaultValue | IsNullable | Precision | Scale |
FACILITYID | String | 50 | Facility Identifier | Locally assigned Facility Identifier | | | true | | |
NAME | String | 255 | Common Tree Name | The name of the tree | TreeCommonType | | true | | |
GENUS | String | 50 | Tree Genus | The name of the genus the tree belongs to | TreeGenusType | | true | | |
SPECIES | String | 50 | Tree Species | The name of the species the tree belongs to | TreeSpeciesType | | true | | |
TREEAGE | SmallInteger | 2 | Age | The age of the tree if known | | | true | | |
DIAMETER | Double | 8 | Diameter | The diameter of the tree at chest height | | | true | | |
HEIGHT | Double | 8 | Height | The height of the tree | | | true | | |
TRUNKHEIGHT | Double | 8 | Trunk Height | The distance between the base of the tree and the bottom of the canopy | | | true | | |
TRUNKDIAM | Double | 8 | Trunk Diameter | The diameter of the tree at knee height | | | true | | |
CANOPYSHP | String | 20 | Shape of Canopy | The general shape of the canopy | TreeCanopyShape | | true | | |
WIRES | String | 5 | Wires Present | A flag used to indicate whether guide wires are present | YesNo | | true | | |
INSTALLDATE | Date | 8 | Install Date | The date the asset was installed | | | true | | |
CONDITION | String | 50 | Condition | The condition of the asset | Condition | | true | | |
OWNEDBY | SmallInteger | 2 | Owned By | Indicates which organization owns the asset | AssetOwner | | true | | |
MAINTBY | SmallInteger | 2 | Managed By | Indicates which organization maintains the asset | AssetManager | | true | | |
LASTUPDATE | Date | 8 | Last Update Date | The date the feature was last updated in the maintenance database | | | true | | |
LASTEDITOR | String | 50 | Last Editor | The user who performed the last update | | | true | | |
BuildingInteriorSpace_Topology - Topology
Name | BuildingInteriorSpace_Topology |
ClusterTolerance | 0.013123333333333384 |
Feature Classes |
BuildingFloorSection |
BuildingFloorplanLine |
Building |
BuildingFloor |
BuildingInteriorSpace |
Origin Class->Subtype | Rule | Destination Class->Subtype |
BuildingFloorplanLine | LineNoMultipart | BuildingFloorplanLine |
BuildingFloorplanLine | LineInsideArea | Building |
BuildingInteriorSpace | AreaCoveredByArea | Building |
BuildingInteriorSpace | AreaCoveredByArea | BuildingFloor |
BuildingFloor | AreaCoveredByArea | Building |
BuildingFloorSection | AreaCoveredByArea | Building |
BuildingFloorplanLine | LineNoDangles | BuildingFloorplanLine |
StreetNetwork - Topology
Name | StreetNetwork |
ClusterTolerance | 0.013123333333333384 |
Feature Classes |
StreetTruckRoute |
StreetSpeedLimit |
StreetSnowRoute |
StreetPavementType |
StreetOwnership |
StreetNumberLane |
StreetLaneWidth |
StreetIntersection |
StreetFunctionalClass |
StreetCurbType |
StreetBikeLane |
Street |
Origin Class->Subtype | Rule | Destination Class->Subtype |
StreetIntersection | PointCoveredByLineEndpoint | Street |
StreetIntersection | PointCoveredByLine | Street |
Street | LineNoOverlap | Street |
Street | LineNoSelfOverlap | Street |
Street | LineNoMultipart | Street |
Street | LineEndpointCoveredByPoint | StreetIntersection |
StreetBikeLane | LineCoveredByLineClass | Street |
StreetBikeLane | LineNoOverlap | StreetBikeLane |
StreetCurbType | LineCoveredByLineClass | Street |
StreetCurbType | LineNoOverlap | StreetCurbType |
StreetFunctionalClass | LineCoveredByLineClass | Street |
StreetFunctionalClass | LineNoOverlap | StreetFunctionalClass |
StreetLaneWidth | LineCoveredByLineClass | Street |
StreetLaneWidth | LineNoOverlap | StreetLaneWidth |
StreetNumberLane | LineCoveredByLineClass | Street |
StreetNumberLane | LineNoOverlap | StreetNumberLane |
StreetOwnership | LineCoveredByLineClass | Street |
StreetOwnership | LineNoOverlap | StreetOwnership |
StreetPavementType | LineCoveredByLineClass | Street |
StreetPavementType | LineNoOverlap | StreetPavementType |
StreetSnowRoute | LineCoveredByLineClass | Street |
StreetSnowRoute | LineNoOverlap | StreetSnowRoute |
StreetSpeedLimit | LineCoveredByLineClass | Street |
StreetSpeedLimit | LineNoOverlap | StreetSpeedLimit |
StreetTruckRoute | LineCoveredByLineClass | Street |
StreetTruckRoute | LineNoOverlap | StreetTruckRoute |
FireServiceOperations - FeatureDataset
Name | FireServiceOperations |
Description | This dataset contains a collection of features used by fire service professionals to preserve life, property, and promote public safety. |
AED - FeatureClass
Name | AED |
ShapeType | Point |
FeatureType | Simple |
AliasName | Automated External Defibrillators |
HasM | false |
HasZ | false |
HasAttachments | true |
Description | The location of portable electronic devices that automatically diagnose potentially life threatening cardiac arrhythmias, commonly known as automated external defibrillators or AEDs. Typically, the devices are found in places where groups of people congregate. |
Field | DataType | Length | AliasName | Description | Domain | DefaultValue | IsNullable | Precision | Scale |
PLACENAME | String | 250 | Place Name | A common name or vanity address for the location | | | true | | |
INSTALLDATE | Date | 8 | Install Date | The date the AED was installed | | | true | | |
OPERABLE | String | 5 | Operable | Indicates if the AED can be operated | YesNo | | true | | |
NOTES | String | 255 | Notes | A field used to record notes made during inspection | | | true | | |
LASTUPDATE | Date | 8 | Last Update Date | The date the feature was last updated in the maintenance database | | | true | | |
LASTEDITOR | String | 50 | Last Editor | The user who performed the last update | | | true | | |
FireBoundary - FeatureClass
Name | FireBoundary |
ShapeType | Polygon |
FeatureType | Simple |
AliasName | Fire Boundaries |
SubtypeFieldName | SUBTYPEFIELD |
HasM | false |
HasZ | false |
HasAttachments | false |
Description | The administrative and response districts maintained by Fire Service agencies. |
Field | DataType | Length | AliasName | Description | Domain | DefaultValue | IsNullable | Precision | Scale |
DISTRICTID | String | 10 | District ID | The unique identifier for the district or boundary | | | true | | |
NAME | String | 50 | Station Name | The name of the district or boundary | | | true | | |
AGENCY | String | 255 | Agency | The name(s) of the agency responsible for the boundary | | | true | | |
AGENCYURL | String | 100 | Website | The URL to the agency web site | | | true | | |
CONTACT | String | 50 | Contact Name | The contact name | | | true | | |
PHONE | String | 12 | Phone | The contact phone number | | | true | | |
EMAIL | String | 100 | Email | The contact email address | | | true | | |
SUBTYPEFIELD | Integer | 4 | Subtype Field | The fire service boundary subtype field | | 0 | true | | |
LASTUPDATE | Date | 8 | Last Update Date | The date the feature was last updated in the maintenance database | | | true | | |
LASTEDITOR | String | 50 | Last Editor | The user who performed the last update | | | true | | |
Subtype Code | Subtype Name | Field Info |
0 | Fire Service Jurisdiction |
1 | Fire Station District |
2 | EMS Service Jurisdiction |
3 | EMS Station District |
4 | Mutual Aid District |
5 | Batallion District |
6 | Inspector District |
7 | Still District |
8 | Wildlife-Urban Interface |
FireBoundaryLine - FeatureClass
Name | FireBoundaryLine |
ShapeType | Polyline |
FeatureType | Simple |
AliasName | Fire Boundary Lines |
HasM | false |
HasZ | false |
HasAttachments | false |
Description | The exterior boundaries of fire service administrative and response areas represented as linear features. |
Field | DataType | Length | AliasName | Description | Domain | DefaultValue | IsNullable | Precision | Scale |
LASTUPDATE | Date | 8 | Last Update Date | The date the feature was last updated in the maintenance database | | | true | | |
LASTEDITOR | String | 50 | Last Editor | The user who performed the last update | | | true | | |
FireIncident - FeatureClass
Name | FireIncident |
ShapeType | Point |
FeatureType | Simple |
AliasName | Fire Incidents |
HasM | false |
HasZ | false |
HasAttachments | false |
Description | The location of an assignment that requires the presence of fire service professionals to resolve, correct or assist a particular situation. |
Field | DataType | Length | AliasName | Description | Domain | DefaultValue | IsNullable | Precision | Scale |
INCIDENID | SmallInteger | 2 | Incident ID | The unique identifier for the incident | | | true | | |
INCIDTYPE | Integer | 4 | NFIRS Code | The NFIRS code assigned to the incident | | | true | | |
FULLADDR | String | 254 | Address | The full address information for the location of the incident combined into one text field | | | true | | |
RESCITY | String | 254 | City | The name of the city where the call was requested | | | true | | |
RESSTATE | String | 254 | State | The name of the state where the call was requested | | | true | | |
RESZIP | Integer | 4 | Zip | The zip code where the call was requested | | | true | | |
RESPUNIT | String | 254 | Responding Company | The responding fire company or EMS unit | | | true | | |
STATION | Integer | 4 | Station | The fire station district | | | true | | |
SHIFT | Integer | 4 | Shift | The shift the call came in on | | | true | | |
DESCRIPT | String | 254 | Description | A general description of the incident | | | true | | |
CAUSE | String | 254 | Cause | The cause of the incident | | | true | | |
CALLDATE | Date | 8 | Call Date | The date the call was received | | | true | | |
DISPDATE | Date | 8 | Dispatch Date | The date/time the call was dispatched to the appropriate company or unit | | | true | | |
CLEARDATE | Date | 8 | Clear Date | The date/time the call was completed | | | true | | |
RESPTIME | String | 254 | Response Time | The response time for the call | | | true | | |
CANCELLED | String | 254 | Cancelled | A flag used to indicate whether the call was cancelled | | | true | | |
DISPTIME | String | 10 | Dispatch Time | The date/time the call was dispatched | | | true | | |
TOTALTIME | String | 10 | Total Time | The total time taken to respond to the call | | | true | | |
ARRIVDATE | Date | 8 | Arrival Date | The date/time the company arrived at the call | | | true | | |
FireMapIndex - FeatureClass
Name | FireMapIndex |
ShapeType | Polygon |
FeatureType | Simple |
AliasName | FireMapIndex |
HasM | false |
HasZ | false |
HasAttachments | false |
Description | The index grid used to create the fire run books deployed in fire trucks and used enroute to an incident or on scene to coordinate response activities. |
Field | DataType | Length | AliasName | Description | Domain | DefaultValue | IsNullable | Precision | Scale |
NWPAGENUM | String | 15 | Map Sheet Number (Northwest) | The map sheet page number to the northwest of the primary page | | | true | | |
NPAGENUM | String | 15 | Map Sheet Number (North) | The map sheet page number to the north of the primary page | | | true | | |
NEPAGENUM | String | 15 | Map Sheet Number (Northeast) | The map sheet page number to the northeast of the primary page | | | true | | |
WPAGENUM | String | 15 | Map Sheet Number (West) | The map sheet page number to the west of the primary page | | | true | | |
EPAGENUM | String | 15 | Map Sheet Number (East) | The map sheet page number to the east of the primary page | | | true | | |
SWPAGENUM | String | 15 | Map Sheet Number (Southwest) | The map sheet page number to the southwest of the primary page | | | true | | |
SPAGENUM | String | 15 | Map Sheet Number (South) | The map sheet page number to the south of the primary page | | | true | | |
SEPAGENUM | String | 15 | Map Sheet Number (Southeast) | The map sheet page number to the southeast of the primary page | | | true | | |
PAGENUMBER | Integer | 4 | Map Sheet Number | The fire map book map sheet number | | | true | | |
PAGENAME | String | 15 | Map Sheet Name | The fire map book map sheet name, which in some cases is the same as the number | | | true | | |
LASTUPDATE | Date | 8 | Last Update Date | The date of last update in maintenance database | | | true | | |
FireResponseRestrictLine - FeatureClass
Name | FireResponseRestrictLine |
ShapeType | Polyline |
FeatureType | Simple |
AliasName | Fire Response Restrictions (Lines) |
HasM | false |
HasZ | false |
HasAttachments | false |
Description | The location of access restrictions (ex. narrow roads, medians) that would delay or preclude a fire truck or vehicle from traveling down a given road during response activities. |
Field | DataType | Length | AliasName | Description | Domain | DefaultValue | IsNullable | Precision | Scale |
RESTTYPE | String | 50 | Restriction Type | The type of fire response access restriction | FireResponseRestrictType | | true | | |
NOTES | String | 255 | Notes | Any comments or notes relevant to the response restriction | | | true | | |
LASTUPDATE | Date | 8 | Last Update Date | The date the feature was last updated in the maintenance database | | | true | | |
LASTEDITOR | String | 50 | Last Editor | The user who performed the last update | | | true | | |
FireResponseRestrictPoint - FeatureClass
Name | FireResponseRestrictPoint |
ShapeType | Point |
FeatureType | Simple |
AliasName | Fire Response Restrictions (Points) |
HasM | false |
HasZ | false |
HasAttachments | false |
Description | The location of access restrictions (ex. gates, narrow roads, low bridges) that would delay or preclude a fire truck or vehicle from traveling down a given road during response activities. |
Field | DataType | Length | AliasName | Description | Domain | DefaultValue | IsNullable | Precision | Scale |
RESTTYPE | String | 50 | Restriction Type | The type of fire response access restriction | FireResponseRestrictType | | true | | |
NOTES | String | 255 | Notes | Any comments or notes relevant to the response restriction | | | true | | |
ROTATION | Double | 8 | Rotation | The map symbol rotation | | | true | | |
LASTUPDATE | Date | 8 | Last Update Date | The date the feature was last updated in the maintenance database | | | true | | |
LASTEDITOR | String | 50 | Last Editor | The user who performed the last update | | | true | | |
FireSafetySurvey - FeatureClass
Name | FireSafetySurvey |
ShapeType | Point |
FeatureType | Simple |
AliasName | Fire Safety Surveys |
HasM | false |
HasZ | false |
HasAttachments | false |
Description | The location of fire safety surveys conducted by fire personnel to identify fire safety issues, improve the safety of residents, and increase fire safety and awareness. |
Field | DataType | Length | AliasName | Description | Domain | DefaultValue | IsNullable | Precision | Scale |
INSPECTID | String | 10 | Inspection ID | The unique identifier for the inspection | | | true | | |
FULLADDR | String | 250 | Full Address | Address information combined into one text field | | | true | | |
HOMETYPE | String | 50 | Type of Home | The type of home inspected | ResidentialHomeType | | true | | |
REPRESENT | String | 30 | Owner / Occupant | A general classification of individual spoken to during inspection | MailingAddressType | | true | | |
TESTALLOW | String | 5 | Inspection Permitted | A flag used to indicate whether the home inspection was allowed by occupant | YesNo | | true | | |
NUMSMKWRK | SmallInteger | 2 | # Working Smoke Detectors | The number of working smoke detectors in home | | | true | | |
NUMSMKINST | SmallInteger | 2 | # Smoke Detectors Installed | The number of smoke detectors installed in home | | | true | | |
NUMSMKTST | SmallInteger | 2 | # Smoke Detectors Tested | The total number of smoke detectors tested in home | | | true | | |
NUMBATTERY | SmallInteger | 2 | # Batteries Provided | The total number batteries left in home | | | true | | |
NUMCODWRK | SmallInteger | 2 | # Working CO Detectors | The number of working carbon monoxide detectors in home | | | true | | |
NUMCODINST | SmallInteger | 2 | # CO Detectors Installed | The number of carbon monoxide detectors installed in home | | | true | | |
NUMCODTST | SmallInteger | 2 | # CO Detectors Tested | The total number of carbon monoxide detectors tested in home | | | true | | |
HAZARDS | String | 5 | Hazardous Materials Observed | A flag used to indicate whether hazardous materials were observed by fire personnel during home inspection | YesNo | | true | | |
POISONS | String | 5 | Poisons Observed | A flag used to indicate whether poisons were observed by fire personnel during home inspection | YesNo | | true | | |
EDPACKET | String | 5 | Left Educational Packet | A flag used to indicate whether an educational packet was left with occupant | YesNo | | true | | |
COMMENTS | String | 250 | Comments | Any additional comments or notes made during inspection | | | true | | |
LASTINSPEC | Date | 8 | Inspected On | The date / time the inspection was conducted | | | true | | |
INSPECTOR | String | 50 | Inspector | Name of the user assigned to the inspection activity | | | true | | |
LASTUPDATE | Date | 8 | Last Update Date | The date the feature was last updated in the maintenance database | | | true | | |
LASTEDITOR | String | 50 | Last Editor | The user who performed the last update | | | true | | |
TargetHazard - FeatureClass
Name | TargetHazard |
ShapeType | Polygon |
FeatureType | Simple |
AliasName | Target Hazards |
HasM | false |
HasZ | false |
HasAttachments | false |
Description | Target hazards are those occupancies that present the potential for large loss of life or adverse impact from the loss of critical infrastructure, environmental damage, economic loss, or significant property loss. |
Field | DataType | Length | AliasName | Description | Domain | DefaultValue | IsNullable | Precision | Scale |
PARCELID | String | 30 | Parcel Identification Number | The tax parcel identification number used to uniquely identify real property on the tax roll | | | true | | |
SITEADDRESS | String | 255 | Site Address | The site address for the tax parcel | | | true | | |
USEDSCRP | String | 100 | Assessing Use Description | The assessors use description | | | true | | |
NFIRSCD | String | 100 | Occupancy Type | The NFIRS occupancy type | | | true | | |
NFIRSNUM | Single | 4 | Occupancy Score | The NFIRS occupancy target hazard score | | | true | | |
FLOORCOUNT | SmallInteger | 2 | Total Number of Floors | The total number of floors in the primary structure | | | true | | |
BLDGHEIGHT | Double | 8 | Building Height | The building height computed from the number of floors | | | true | | |
HEIGHTNUM | Single | 4 | Building Height Score | The building height target hazard score | | | true | | |
BLDGAREA | Double | 8 | Total Floor Area | The total ground floor area of building(s) on the parcel | | | true | | |
BLDGAREANUM | Single | 4 | Building Area Score | The building height target hazard score | | | true | | |
FIREFLOW | Double | 8 | Fire Flow | The fire flow computed from the total floor area of the structure | | | true | | |
FIREFLOWNUM | Single | 4 | Fire Flow Score | The fire flow target hazard score | | | true | | |
LIFESAFE | String | 100 | Life Safety | The life safety designation | | | true | | |
LIFESAFENUM | Single | 4 | Life Safety Score | The life safety target hazard score | | | true | | |
CNTASSDVAL | Double | 8 | Current Assessed Value | The current year assessed value | | | true | | |
ECONIMPACT | Double | 8 | Economic Impact | The economic impact computed from the current assessed value | | | true | | |
ECONIMPNUM | Single | 4 | Economic Impact Score | The economic impact target hazard score | | | true | | |
TOTALSCORE | Single | 4 | Total Hazard Score | The total target hazard score computed from each individual factor | | | true | | |
LASTEDITOR | String | 50 | Last Editor | The date the last edit was made in the maintenance database | | | true | | |
LASTUPDATE | Date | 8 | Last Update Date | The date of last update in maintenance database | | | true | | |
InfrastructureOperations - FeatureDataset
Name | InfrastructureOperations |
Description | This dataset contains a collection of features used to capture public infrastructure operations information. |
BridgeMaintAgreement - FeatureClass
Name | BridgeMaintAgreement |
ShapeType | Polyline |
FeatureType | Simple |
AliasName | Bridge Maintenance Agreements |
HasM | false |
HasZ | false |
HasAttachments | false |
Description | The centerline representation of bridge maintenance responsibilities that are a result of an agreement with a separate party. |
Field | DataType | Length | AliasName | Description | Domain | DefaultValue | IsNullable | Precision | Scale |
AGREEMENTID | String | 20 | Agreement # | Unique document identifier for maintenance agreement | | | true | | |
MAINTFOR | String | 30 | Maintained For | Indicates which organization the asset is maintained for | MaintenanceAgreementParty | | true | | |
EXPIREDATE | Date | 8 | Expiration Date | The date the maintenance agreement expires | | | true | | |
COMMENT | String | 255 | Comments | Any additional comments relevant to the maintenance agreement | | | true | | |
DOCPATH | String | 255 | Document Path | A URL or path to the document | | | true | | |
LASTUPDATE | Date | 8 | Last Update Date | The date the feature was last updated in the maintenance database | | | true | | |
LASTEDITOR | String | 50 | Last Editor | The user who performed the last update | | | true | | |
CallVolumeDistrictReport - FeatureClass
Name | CallVolumeDistrictReport |
ShapeType | Polygon |
FeatureType | Simple |
AliasName | Call Volume District Report |
HasM | false |
HasZ | false |
HasAttachments | false |
Description | A reporting layer that indicates if there is a disproportional amount of snow plow complaints relative to the snow plow activity in a given public works district. This report populated on a regular basis during a snow event and used to analyze the performance of a public works or road commission snow response plan. |
Field | DataType | Length | AliasName | Description | Domain | DefaultValue | IsNullable | Precision | Scale |
DISTRICTID | String | 10 | District ID | The unique identifier for the district or boundary | | | true | | |
NAME | String | 50 | District Name | The name of the district or boundary | | | true | | |
SUBTYPEFIELD | Integer | 4 | Subtype Field | The public works boundary subtype field | | 5 | true | | |
CALLCOUNT | Integer | 4 | Call Count | The total number of snow complaint calls in a public works boundary | | | true | | |
PLOWCOUNT | Integer | 4 | Plow Activity Count | The total number of snow plow observations in a public works boundary | | | true | | |
CALLPLOW | Single | 4 | Call Volume / Plow Activity Ratio | A ratio that indicates if there is a disproportional amount of snow plow complaints relative to plow activity | | | true | | |
ISCURRENT | String | 5 | Is Current View | A flag that indicates if this report is the current view | | | true | | |
LASTUPDATE | Date | 8 | Last Update Date | The date the feature was last updated in the maintenance database | | | true | | |
LASTEDITOR | String | 50 | Last Editor | The user who performed the last update | | | true | | |
GlobalID | GlobalID | 38 | GlobalID | GlobalID | | | false | | |
CallVolumeSnowMapReport - FeatureClass
Name | CallVolumeSnowMapReport |
ShapeType | Polygon |
FeatureType | Simple |
AliasName | Call Volume SnowMap Report |
HasM | false |
HasZ | false |
HasAttachments | false |
Description | A reporting layer that indicates if there is a disproportional amount of snow plow complaints relative to the snow plow activity in a given snow map (or assigned plow area). This report populated on a regular basis during a snow event and used to analyze the performance of a public works or road commission snow response plan. |
Field | DataType | Length | AliasName | Description | Domain | DefaultValue | IsNullable | Precision | Scale |
DISTRICTID | String | 10 | District ID | The unique identifier for the district or boundary | | | true | | |
NAME | String | 50 | District Name | The name of the district or boundary | | | true | | |
SUBTYPEFIELD | Integer | 4 | Subtype Field | The public works boundary subtype field | | 4 | true | | |
CALLCOUNT | Integer | 4 | Call Count | The total number of snow complaint calls in a public works boundary | | | true | | |
PLOWCOUNT | Integer | 4 | Plow Activity Count | The total number of snow plow observations in a public works boundary | | | true | | |
CALLPLOW | Single | 4 | Call Volume / Plow Activity Ratio | A ratio that indicates if there is a disproportional amount of snow plow complaints relative to plow activity | | | true | | |
ISCURRENT | String | 5 | Is Current View | A flag that indicates if this report is the current view | | | true | | |
LASTUPDATE | Date | 8 | Last Update Date | The date the feature was last updated in the maintenance database | | | true | | |
LASTEDITOR | String | 50 | Last Editor | The user who performed the last update | | | true | | |
GlobalID | GlobalID | 38 | GlobalID | GlobalID | | | false | | |
CapitalImprovementPlan - FeatureClass
Name | CapitalImprovementPlan |
ShapeType | Point |
FeatureType | Simple |
AliasName | Capital Improvement Plan |
HasM | false |
HasZ | false |
HasAttachments | false |
Description | The short range plan that identifies capital projects and equipment purchases, provides a planning schedule and identifies options for financing the plan. |
Field | DataType | Length | AliasName | Description | Domain | DefaultValue | IsNullable | Precision | Scale |
PROJID | String | 50 | Project Identifier | Unique project identifier | | | true | | |
PROJNAME | String | 255 | Project Name | The name of the project | | | true | | |
PROJDESC | String | 1000 | Description | A detailed description of the project | | | true | | |
PROJTYPE | String | 50 | Project Type | The type of project | | | true | | |
FISCALYR | String | 10 | Fiscal Year | The fiscal year the project is planned for | | | true | | |
FUNDSOURCE | String | 50 | Funding Source | The funding source for the project | | | true | | |
ESTCOST | Double | 8 | Estimated Cost | The total estimated cost for the project | | | true | | |
POCNAME | String | 255 | Contact Name | The name of the individual responsible for the project | | | true | | |
POCPHONE | String | 12 | Contact Phone | The phone number for the individual responsible for the project | | | true | | |
POCEMAIL | String | 255 | Contact Email | The email address for the individual responsible for the project | | | true | | |
NUMVOTES | Integer | 4 | Number of Votes | The total number of votes accumulated | | | true | | |
EngineeringGrid - FeatureClass
Name | EngineeringGrid |
ShapeType | Polygon |
FeatureType | Simple |
AliasName | Engineering Grids |
HasM | false |
HasZ | false |
HasAttachments | false |
Description | An administrative area that defines the extent of the engineered infrastructure. |
Tags | Operations; Engineering |
Field | DataType | Length | AliasName | Description | Domain | DefaultValue | IsNullable | Precision | Scale |
NAME | String | 255 | Name | The name of the county | | | true | | |
ENGINEER | String | 50 | Engineer | The name of the engineer responsible for the district | | | true | | |
LASTUPDATE | Date | 8 | Last Update Date | The date the feature was last updated in the maintenance database | | | true | | |
LASTEDITOR | String | 50 | Last Editor | The user who performed the last update | | | true | | |
GlobalID | GlobalID | 38 | GlobalID | GlobalID | | | false | | |
ExternalAgencyProject - FeatureClass
Name | ExternalAgencyProject |
ShapeType | Polygon |
FeatureType | Simple |
AliasName | External Agency Projects |
HasM | false |
HasZ | false |
HasAttachments | false |
Description | Capital projects planned by external agencies or private utilities. |
Field | DataType | Length | AliasName | Description | Domain | DefaultValue | IsNullable | Precision | Scale |
AGENCY | String | 255 | Company or Agency | The agency responsible for the project | | | true | | |
PROJNAME | String | 255 | Project Name | The name of the project | | | true | | |
PROJDESC | String | 1000 | Description | A detailed description of the project | | | true | | |
PLANSTART | Date | 8 | Planned Start Date | Planned start date/time | | | true | | |
PLANEND | Date | 8 | Planned End Date | Planned end date/time | | | true | | |
POCNAME | String | 255 | Contact Name | The name of the individual responsible for the project | | | true | | |
POCPHONE | String | 12 | Contact Phone | The phone number for the individual responsible for the project | | | true | | |
POCEMAIL | String | 255 | Contact Email | The email address for the individual responsible for the project | | | true | | |
InfrastructureProject - FeatureClass
Name | InfrastructureProject |
ShapeType | Polygon |
FeatureType | Simple |
AliasName | Infrastructure Projects |
HasM | false |
HasZ | false |
HasAttachments | false |
Description | Infrastructure projects identified by respective managers and engineers responsible for the maintenance and improvement of public infrastructure. |
Field | DataType | Length | AliasName | Description | Domain | DefaultValue | IsNullable | Precision | Scale |
PROJID | String | 50 | Project Identifier | Unique project identifier | | | true | | |
PROJNAME | String | 255 | Project Name | The name of the project | | | false | | |
PROJDESC | String | 1000 | Description | A detailed description of the project | | | false | | |
RATIONALE | String | 1000 | Rationale | A description of the project rationale | | | true | | |
PROJTYPE | String | 50 | Project Type | The type of project | piProjectType | | false | | |
SAFETY | String | 5 | Health and Safety | A flag used to indicate whether the project will address health and safety concerns | YesNo | No | true | | |
MANDATE | String | 5 | Mandate | A flag used to indicate whether the project will address a mandate | YesNo | No | true | | |
REPAIR | String | 5 | Repair or Maintenance | A flag used to indicate whether the project will prevent infrastructure deterioation | YesNo | No | true | | |
REPLACE | String | 5 | Replacement | A flag used to indicate whether the project will correct a problem with existing infrastructure | YesNo | No | true | | |
EXPAND | String | 5 | Expansion | A flag used to indicate whether the project will increase service capacity or meet service demands | YesNo | No | true | | |
EFFICIENT | String | 5 | Efficiency | A flag used to indicate whether the project will increase the efficiency of existing infrastructure | YesNo | No | true | | |
FISCALYR | String | 10 | Fiscal Year | The fiscal year the project is planned for | | | false | | |
FUNDSOURCE | String | 50 | Funding Source | The funding source for the project | piProjectFundSource | | false | | |
PLANSTART | Date | 8 | Planned Start Date | Planned start date/time | | | true | | |
PLANEND | Date | 8 | Planned End Date | Planned end date/time | | | true | | |
ESTCOST | Double | 8 | Estimated Cost | The total estimated cost for the project | | | true | | |
POCNAME | String | 255 | Contact Name | The name of the individual responsible for the project | | | false | | |
POCPHONE | String | 12 | Contact Phone | The phone number for the individual responsible for the project | | | true | | |
POCEMAIL | String | 255 | Contact Email | The email address for the individual responsible for the project | | | true | | |
PROJSTATUS | String | 50 | Project Status | The current status of the project during the planning phase | piProjectPlanStatus | | true | | |
FUNDED | String | 5 | Funded Project | A flag used to indicate whether the project has been funded by governing body | YesNo | No | true | | |
PROJPHASE | String | 255 | Project Phase | The construction phase the infrastructure project is in | piProjectPhase | | true | | |
ACTSTART | Date | 8 | Actual Start Date | Actual start date/time | | | true | | |
ACTEND | Date | 8 | Actual End Date | Actual end date/time | | | true | | |
ACTCOST | Double | 8 | Actual Cost | The actual cost of the project | | | true | | |
STATUS | String | 1000 | Status | A general description of the project status | | | true | | |
DOCPATH | String | 255 | Document Path | A URL or path to the document | | | true | | |
LandscapeMaintAgreement - FeatureClass
Name | LandscapeMaintAgreement |
ShapeType | Polyline |
FeatureType | Simple |
AliasName | Landscape Maintenance Agreements |
HasM | false |
HasZ | false |
HasAttachments | false |
Description | The centerline representation of landscaping and street tree maintenance responsibilities that are a result of an agreement with a separate party. |
Field | DataType | Length | AliasName | Description | Domain | DefaultValue | IsNullable | Precision | Scale |
AGREEMENTID | String | 20 | Agreement # | Unique document identifier for maintenance agreement | | | true | | |
MAINTFOR | String | 30 | Maintained For | Indicates which organization the asset is maintained for | MaintenanceAgreementParty | | true | | |
EXPIREDATE | Date | 8 | Expiration Date | The date the maintenance agreement expires | | | true | | |
COMMENT | String | 255 | Comments | Any additional comments relevant to the maintenance agreement | | | true | | |
DOCPATH | String | 255 | Document Path | A URL or path to the document | | | true | | |
LASTUPDATE | Date | 8 | Last Update Date | The date the feature was last updated in the maintenance database | | | true | | |
LASTEDITOR | String | 50 | Last Editor | The user who performed the last update | | | true | | |
PaveMarkMaintAgreement - FeatureClass
Name | PaveMarkMaintAgreement |
ShapeType | Polyline |
FeatureType | Simple |
AliasName | Pavement Marking Maintenance Agreements |
HasM | false |
HasZ | false |
HasAttachments | false |
Description | The centerline representation of street pavement marking maintenance responsibilities that are a result of an agreement with a separate party. |
Field | DataType | Length | AliasName | Description | Domain | DefaultValue | IsNullable | Precision | Scale |
AGREEMENTID | String | 20 | Agreement # | Unique document identifier for maintenance agreement | | | true | | |
MAINTFOR | String | 30 | Maintained For | Indicates which organization the asset is maintained for | MaintenanceAgreementParty | | true | | |
EXPIREDATE | Date | 8 | Expiration Date | The date the maintenance agreement expires | | | true | | |
COMMENT | String | 255 | Comments | Any additional comments relevant to the maintenance agreement | | | true | | |
DOCPATH | String | 255 | Document Path | A URL or path to the document | | | true | | |
LASTUPDATE | Date | 8 | Last Update Date | The date the feature was last updated in the maintenance database | | | true | | |
LASTEDITOR | String | 50 | Last Editor | The user who performed the last update | | | true | | |
PavementMoratorium - FeatureClass
Name | PavementMoratorium |
ShapeType | Polyline |
FeatureType | Simple |
AliasName | PavementMoratorium |
HasM | false |
HasZ | false |
HasAttachments | false |
Description | Moratoriums issued on newly paved streets that preclude, or greatly restrict, trench cuts or other right-of-way activity. |
Field | DataType | Length | AliasName | Description | Domain | DefaultValue | IsNullable | Precision | Scale |
AGENCY | String | 255 | Issued By | The agency that issued the pavement moratorium | | | true | | |
ACTSTART | Date | 8 | Start Date | Actual start date/time | | | true | | |
ACTEND | Date | 8 | End Date | Actual end date/time | | | true | | |
piAlert - FeatureClass
Name | piAlert |
ShapeType | Polygon |
FeatureType | Simple |
AliasName | Infrastructure Alerts |
HasM | false |
HasZ | false |
HasAttachments | false |
Description | The extent of a public alert, like a boil water notice, hydrant flushing project, or sewer overflow. |
Field | DataType | Length | AliasName | Description | Domain | DefaultValue | IsNullable | Precision | Scale |
ALERTID | String | 50 | Alert Identifier | The unique identifier for the public infrastructure alert | | | true | | |
ALERTTYPE | String | 50 | Alert Type | The type of public infrastructure alert | piAlertType | | true | | |
START | Date | 8 | Alert Started | The date/time the alert started | | | true | | |
DESCRIPTION | String | 250 | Description | A description of the public infrastructure alert | | | true | | |
CONTACT | String | 50 | Contact Name | A contact name for more information about the alert | | | true | | |
LASTUPDATE | Date | 8 | Last Update | The date the feature was last updated in the maintenance database | | | true | | |
LASTEDITOR | String | 50 | Last Editor | The user who performed the last update | | | true | | |
GlobalID | GlobalID | 38 | GlobalID | GlobalID | | | false | | |
ALERTEND | Date | 8 | Alert Ended | The date/time the alert ended | | | true | | |
piBoundary - FeatureClass
Name | piBoundary |
ShapeType | Polygon |
FeatureType | Simple |
AliasName | Public Infrastructure Districts |
SubtypeFieldName | SUBTYPEFIELD |
HasM | false |
HasZ | false |
HasAttachments | false |
Description | The administrative and service districts maintained by Public Works and Water Utility agencies. These districts are used to identify service area schedules for curbside trash, recycling and yard waste pickup and maintenance / engineering districts used to administer regular maintenance (street cleaning, snow plowing, maintenance, etc.) and system activities. |
Field | DataType | Length | AliasName | Description | Domain | DefaultValue | IsNullable | Precision | Scale |
DISTRICTID | String | 10 | District ID | The unique identifier for the district or boundary | | | true | | |
NAME | String | 50 | District Name | The name of the district or boundary | | | true | | |
AGENCY | String | 255 | Agency | The name(s) of the agency responsible for the service | | | true | | |
AGENCYURL | String | 100 | Website | The URL to the agency web site | | | true | | |
CONTACT | String | 50 | Contact Name | The contact name | | | true | | |
PHONE | String | 12 | Phone | The contact phone number | | | true | | |
EMAIL | String | 100 | Email | The contact email address | | | true | | |
SUBTYPEFIELD | Integer | 4 | Subtype Field | The public works boundary subtype field | | 0 | true | | |
SCHEDULE | String | 50 | Schedule | The frequency in which the service is provided | piServiceSchedule | | true | | |
DESCRIPT | String | 255 | Additional Information | A description of the service provided | | | true | | |
MONDAY | String | 5 | Monday | A flag used to indicate whether the service is offered on this day | YesNo | | true | | |
TUESDAY | String | 5 | Tuesday | A flag used to indicate whether the service is offered on this day | YesNo | | true | | |
WEDNESDAY | String | 5 | Wednesday | A flag used to indicate whether the service is offered on this day | YesNo | | true | | |
THURSDAY | String | 5 | Thursday | A flag used to indicate whether the service is offered on this day | YesNo | | true | | |
FRIDAY | String | 5 | Friday | A flag used to indicate whether the service is offered on this day | YesNo | | true | | |
SATURDAY | String | 5 | Saturday | A flag used to indicate whether the service is offered on this day | YesNo | | true | | |
SUNDAY | String | 5 | Sunday | A flag used to indicate whether the service is offered on this day | YesNo | | true | | |
WEEKONE | String | 5 | Week One | A flag used to indicate whether the service is offered during this week of the month | YesNo | | true | | |
WEEKTWO | String | 5 | Week Two | A flag used to indicate whether the service is offered during this week of the month | YesNo | | true | | |
WEEKTHREE | String | 5 | Week Three | A flag used to indicate whether the service is offered during this week of the month | YesNo | | true | | |
WEEKFOUR | String | 5 | Week Four | A flag used to indicate whether the service is offered during this week of the month | YesNo | | true | | |
LASTUPDATE | Date | 8 | Last Update Date | The date the feature was last updated in the maintenance database | | | true | | |
LASTEDITOR | String | 50 | Last Editor | The user who performed the last update | | | true | | |
GlobalID | GlobalID | 38 | GlobalID | GlobalID | | | false | | |
Subtype Code | Subtype Name | Field Info |
0 | Trash Pickup | Field:SCHEDULE Domain:piServiceSchedule DefaultValue:
| Field:MONDAY Domain:YesNo DefaultValue:
| Field:TUESDAY Domain:YesNo DefaultValue:
| Field:WEDNESDAY Domain:YesNo DefaultValue:
| Field:THURSDAY Domain:YesNo DefaultValue:
| Field:FRIDAY Domain:YesNo DefaultValue:
| Field:SATURDAY Domain:YesNo DefaultValue:
| Field:SUNDAY Domain:YesNo DefaultValue:
| Field:WEEKONE Domain:YesNo DefaultValue:
| Field:WEEKTWO Domain:YesNo DefaultValue:
| Field:WEEKTHREE Domain:YesNo DefaultValue:
| Field:WEEKFOUR Domain:YesNo DefaultValue:
1 | Recycling Pickup | Field:SCHEDULE Domain:piServiceSchedule DefaultValue:
| Field:MONDAY Domain:YesNo DefaultValue:
| Field:TUESDAY Domain:YesNo DefaultValue:
| Field:WEDNESDAY Domain:YesNo DefaultValue:
| Field:THURSDAY Domain:YesNo DefaultValue:
| Field:FRIDAY Domain:YesNo DefaultValue:
| Field:SATURDAY Domain:YesNo DefaultValue:
| Field:SUNDAY Domain:YesNo DefaultValue:
| Field:WEEKONE Domain:YesNo DefaultValue:
| Field:WEEKTWO Domain:YesNo DefaultValue:
| Field:WEEKTHREE Domain:YesNo DefaultValue:
| Field:WEEKFOUR Domain:YesNo DefaultValue:
2 | Yard Waste Pickup | Field:SCHEDULE Domain:piServiceSchedule DefaultValue:
| Field:MONDAY Domain:YesNo DefaultValue:
| Field:TUESDAY Domain:YesNo DefaultValue:
| Field:WEDNESDAY Domain:YesNo DefaultValue:
| Field:THURSDAY Domain:YesNo DefaultValue:
| Field:FRIDAY Domain:YesNo DefaultValue:
| Field:SATURDAY Domain:YesNo DefaultValue:
| Field:SUNDAY Domain:YesNo DefaultValue:
| Field:WEEKONE Domain:YesNo DefaultValue:
| Field:WEEKTWO Domain:YesNo DefaultValue:
| Field:WEEKTHREE Domain:YesNo DefaultValue:
| Field:WEEKFOUR Domain:YesNo DefaultValue:
3 | Street Cleaning | Field:SCHEDULE Domain:piServiceSchedule DefaultValue:
| Field:MONDAY Domain:YesNo DefaultValue:
| Field:TUESDAY Domain:YesNo DefaultValue:
| Field:WEDNESDAY Domain:YesNo DefaultValue:
| Field:THURSDAY Domain:YesNo DefaultValue:
| Field:FRIDAY Domain:YesNo DefaultValue:
| Field:SATURDAY Domain:YesNo DefaultValue:
| Field:SUNDAY Domain:YesNo DefaultValue:
| Field:WEEKONE Domain:YesNo DefaultValue:
| Field:WEEKTWO Domain:YesNo DefaultValue:
| Field:WEEKTHREE Domain:YesNo DefaultValue:
| Field:WEEKFOUR Domain:YesNo DefaultValue:
4 | Snow Plowing | Field:SCHEDULE Domain:piServiceSchedule DefaultValue:
| Field:MONDAY Domain:YesNo DefaultValue:
| Field:TUESDAY Domain:YesNo DefaultValue:
| Field:WEDNESDAY Domain:YesNo DefaultValue:
| Field:THURSDAY Domain:YesNo DefaultValue:
| Field:FRIDAY Domain:YesNo DefaultValue:
| Field:SATURDAY Domain:YesNo DefaultValue:
| Field:SUNDAY Domain:YesNo DefaultValue:
| Field:WEEKONE Domain:YesNo DefaultValue:
| Field:WEEKTWO Domain:YesNo DefaultValue:
| Field:WEEKTHREE Domain:YesNo DefaultValue:
| Field:WEEKFOUR Domain:YesNo DefaultValue:
5 | Maintenance | Field:SCHEDULE Domain:piServiceSchedule DefaultValue:
| Field:MONDAY Domain:YesNo DefaultValue:
| Field:TUESDAY Domain:YesNo DefaultValue:
| Field:WEDNESDAY Domain:YesNo DefaultValue:
| Field:THURSDAY Domain:YesNo DefaultValue:
| Field:FRIDAY Domain:YesNo DefaultValue:
| Field:SATURDAY Domain:YesNo DefaultValue:
| Field:SUNDAY Domain:YesNo DefaultValue:
| Field:WEEKONE Domain:YesNo DefaultValue:
| Field:WEEKTWO Domain:YesNo DefaultValue:
| Field:WEEKTHREE Domain:YesNo DefaultValue:
| Field:WEEKFOUR Domain:YesNo DefaultValue:
6 | Engineering | Field:SCHEDULE Domain:piServiceSchedule DefaultValue:
| Field:MONDAY Domain:YesNo DefaultValue:
| Field:TUESDAY Domain:YesNo DefaultValue:
| Field:WEDNESDAY Domain:YesNo DefaultValue:
| Field:THURSDAY Domain:YesNo DefaultValue:
| Field:FRIDAY Domain:YesNo DefaultValue:
| Field:SATURDAY Domain:YesNo DefaultValue:
| Field:SUNDAY Domain:YesNo DefaultValue:
| Field:WEEKONE Domain:YesNo DefaultValue:
| Field:WEEKTWO Domain:YesNo DefaultValue:
| Field:WEEKTHREE Domain:YesNo DefaultValue:
| Field:WEEKFOUR Domain:YesNo DefaultValue:
piBoundaryLine - FeatureClass
Name | piBoundaryLine |
ShapeType | Polyline |
FeatureType | Simple |
AliasName | Public Infrastructure Boundary Lines |
HasM | false |
HasZ | false |
HasAttachments | false |
Description | The exterior boundaries of public works or water utility administrative and service areas represented as linear features. |
Field | DataType | Length | AliasName | Description | Domain | DefaultValue | IsNullable | Precision | Scale |
LASTUPDATE | Date | 8 | Last Update Date | The date the feature was last updated in the maintenance database | | | true | | |
LASTEDITOR | String | 50 | Last Editor | The user who performed the last update | | | true | | |
GlobalID | GlobalID | 38 | GlobalID | GlobalID | | | false | | |
piServiceArea - FeatureClass
Name | piServiceArea |
ShapeType | Polygon |
FeatureType | Simple |
AliasName | Infrastructure Service Areas |
HasM | false |
HasZ | false |
HasAttachments | false |
Description | An administrative area that defines the local government s infrastructure service area. |
Field | DataType | Length | AliasName | Description | Domain | DefaultValue | IsNullable | Precision | Scale |
NAME | String | 255 | Service Area Name | The name of agency responsible for the infrastructure service area | | | true | | |
LASTUPDATE | Date | 8 | Last Update | The date the last edit was made in the maintenance database | | | true | | |
LASTEDITOR | String | 50 | Last Editor | The last editor that made the edit | | | true | | |
PlanDrawing - FeatureClass
Name | PlanDrawing |
ShapeType | Polygon |
FeatureType | Simple |
AliasName | Plans and Drawings |
HasM | false |
HasZ | false |
HasAttachments | false |
Description | An inventory of record drawings, as-builts, and other source documents critical to the management of public works infrastructure. |
Field | DataType | Length | AliasName | Description | Domain | DefaultValue | IsNullable | Precision | Scale |
DOCUMENTID | String | 50 | Document Identifier | Unique document identifier | | | true | | |
PROJECTID | String | 50 | Project Identifier | Unique project identifier | | | true | | |
PROJTYPE | String | 50 | Project Type | The type of public works project described in the document | PlanProjectType | | true | | |
PROJNAME | String | 255 | Project Name | The project name | | | true | | |
DESCRIP | String | 255 | Description | A general description of the information contained in document | | | true | | |
DOCOWNER | String | 50 | Document Owner | The functional part of a public works organization that is responsible for the document | PlanProjectOwner | | true | | |
DOCPATH | String | 255 | Document Path | A URL or path to the document | | | true | | |
DOCLOC | String | 255 | Location Description | The physical location of the document | | | true | | |
DOCDATE | Date | 8 | Project Date | The date the document was scanned or indexed | | | true | | |
LASTUPDATE | Date | 8 | Last Update Date | The date the feature was last updated in the maintenance database | | | true | | |
LASTEDITOR | String | 50 | Last Editor | The user who performed the last update | | | true | | |
PlowActivityDistrictReport - FeatureClass
Name | PlowActivityDistrictReport |
ShapeType | Polygon |
FeatureType | Simple |
AliasName | Plow Activity District Report |
HasM | false |
HasZ | false |
HasAttachments | false |
Description | A reporting layer that indicates how close the actual plow activity was to the planned plow activity in a given public works district. This report populated on a regular basis during a snow event and used to analyze the performance of a public works or road commission snow response plan. |
Field | DataType | Length | AliasName | Description | Domain | DefaultValue | IsNullable | Precision | Scale |
DISTRICTID | String | 10 | District ID | The unique identifier for the district or boundary | | | true | | |
NAME | String | 50 | District Name | The name of the district or boundary | | | true | | |
SUBTYPEFIELD | Integer | 4 | Subtype Field | The public works boundary subtype field | | 5 | true | | |
ACTOBSERVE | Integer | 4 | Actual Observations | The total number of actual vehicle observations in a given public works district | | | true | | |
EXPTOBSERVE | Integer | 4 | Expected Observations | The expected, or planned, number of vehicle observations in a given publicworks district | | | true | | |
ACTPLAN | Single | 4 | Actual / Expected Ratio | A ratio that indicates how close the actual plow activity was to the planned plow activity | | | true | | |
AGENCIES | String | 250 | Agency Summary | A list of the agencies allocated to the district | | | true | | |
DRIVERS | String | 250 | Driver Summary | A list of the drivers allocated to the district | | | true | | |
EQUIPSUM | String | 250 | Equipment Summary | A list of the equipment allocated to the district | | | true | | |
ISCURRENT | String | 5 | Is Current View | A flag that indicates if this report is the current view | | | true | | |
LASTUPDATE | Date | 8 | Last Update Date | The date the feature was last updated in the maintenance database | | | true | | |
LASTEDITOR | String | 50 | Last Editor | The user who performed the last update | | | true | | |
GlobalID | GlobalID | 38 | GlobalID | GlobalID | | | false | | |
PlowActivitySnowMapReport - FeatureClass
Name | PlowActivitySnowMapReport |
ShapeType | Polygon |
FeatureType | Simple |
AliasName | Plow Activity SnowMap Report |
HasM | false |
HasZ | false |
HasAttachments | false |
Description | A reporting layer that indicates how close the actual plow activity was to the planned plow activity in a given snow map (or assigned plow area). This report populated on a regular basis during a snow event and used to analyze the performance of a public works or road commission snow response plan. |
Field | DataType | Length | AliasName | Description | Domain | DefaultValue | IsNullable | Precision | Scale |
DISTRICTID | String | 10 | District ID | The unique identifier for the district or boundary | | | true | | |
NAME | String | 50 | District Name | The name of the district or boundary | | | true | | |
SUBTYPEFIELD | Integer | 4 | Subtype Field | The public works boundary subtype field | | 4 | true | | |
ACTOBSERVE | Integer | 4 | Actual Observations | The total number of actual vehicle observations in a given public works district | | | true | | |
EXPTOBSERVE | Integer | 4 | Expected Observations | The expected, or planned, number of vehicle observations in a given publicworks district | | | true | | |
ACTPLAN | Single | 4 | Actual / Expected Ratio | A ratio that indicates how close the actual plow activity was to the planned plow activity | | | true | | |
AGENCIES | String | 250 | Agency Summary | A list of the agencies allocated to the district | | | true | | |
DRIVERS | String | 250 | Driver Summary | A list of the drivers allocated to the district | | | true | | |
EQUIPSUM | String | 250 | Equipment Summary | A list of the equipment allocated to the district | | | true | | |
ISCURRENT | String | 5 | Is Current View | A flag that indicates if this report is the current view | | | true | | |
LASTUPDATE | Date | 8 | Last Update Date | The date the feature was last updated in the maintenance database | | | true | | |
LASTEDITOR | String | 50 | Last Editor | The user who performed the last update | | | true | | |
GlobalID | GlobalID | 38 | GlobalID | GlobalID | | | false | | |
PrintGrid - FeatureClass
Name | PrintGrid |
ShapeType | Polygon |
FeatureType | Simple |
AliasName | Print Grids |
HasM | false |
HasZ | false |
HasAttachments | false |
Description | The grid used to create infrastructure map pages for engineering and field staff. |
Field | DataType | Length | AliasName | Description | Domain | DefaultValue | IsNullable | Precision | Scale |
PageName | String | 255 | Page Name | The print grid page name | | | true | | |
PageNumber | Integer | 4 | Page Number | The print grid page number | | | true | | |
RoadBlock - FeatureClass
Name | RoadBlock |
ShapeType | Polyline |
FeatureType | Simple |
AliasName | Road Closures |
HasM | false |
HasZ | false |
HasAttachments | false |
Description | Current road blocks or road closures with location affected. |
Field | DataType | Length | AliasName | Description | Domain | DefaultValue | IsNullable | Precision | Scale |
BLOCKNM | String | 255 | Road Closure | The name assigned to the road block | | | true | | |
LOCDESC | String | 255 | Location | A description of the location affected by the road closure | | | true | | |
BLOCKTYPE | String | 50 | Reason | The reason for the road closure | RoadBlockReason | | true | | |
COMMENT | String | 255 | Comments | Any additional comments | | | true | | |
FULLCLOSE | String | 5 | Full Closure | A flag that indicates whether the road block causes a full road closure | YesNo | | true | | |
DIRECTION | String | 35 | Direction | The cardinal direction of the road closure | Direction | | true | | |
BLOCKOCCUR | String | 25 | Road Closure Duration | The duration of the road closure (recurring, continuous) | RoadBlockDuration | | true | | |
ACTIVE | String | 5 | Active | A flag used to indicate whether the road closure is active | YesNo | | true | | |
ALTROUTE | String | 255 | Alternate Route | A description of any alternate route available | | | true | | |
STARTDATE | Date | 8 | Starts | The date the road closure starts | | | true | | |
ENDDATE | Date | 8 | Ends | The date the road closure ends | | | true | | |
CONTACT | String | 255 | Contact Information | Any contact information for the road closure | | | true | | |
PERMITID | String | 50 | Permit Identifier | Unique project identifier | | | true | | |
INCIDENTID | String | 30 | Incident Number | The unique ID for the incident | | | true | | |
INCIDENTNM | String | 255 | Incident Name | The name of the incident | | | true | | |
LASTUPDATE | Date | 8 | Last Update Date | The date the feature was last updated in the maintenance database | | | true | | |
LASTEDITOR | String | 50 | Last Editor | The user who performed the last update | | | true | | |
RoadBlockPoint - FeatureClass
Name | RoadBlockPoint |
ShapeType | Point |
FeatureType | Simple |
AliasName | Road Closure Points |
HasM | false |
HasZ | false |
HasAttachments | false |
Description | Current road blocks or road closures with location affected. |
Tags | EmergencyOperations |
Field | DataType | Length | AliasName | Description | Domain | DefaultValue | IsNullable | Precision | Scale |
BLOCKNM | String | 255 | Road Closure | The name assigned to the road block | | | true | | |
LOCDESC | String | 255 | Location | A description of the location affected by the road closure | | | true | | |
BLOCKTYPE | String | 50 | Reason | The reason for the road closure | RoadBlockReason | | true | | |
COMMENT | String | 255 | Comments | Any additional comments | | | true | | |
FULLCLOSE | String | 5 | Full Closure | A flag that indicates whether the road block causes a full road closure | YesNo | | true | | |
DIRECTION | String | 35 | Direction | The cardinal direction of the road closure | Direction | | true | | |
BLOCKOCCUR | String | 25 | Road Closure Duration | The duration of the road closure (recurring, continuous) | RoadBlockDuration | | true | | |
ACTIVE | String | 5 | Active | A flag used to indicate whether the closure is active | YesNo | | true | | |
ALTROUTE | String | 255 | Alternate Route | A description of any alternate route available | | | true | | |
STARTDATE | Date | 8 | Starts | The date the road closure starts | | | true | | |
ENDDATE | Date | 8 | Ends | The date the road closure ends | | | true | | |
CONTACT | String | 255 | Contact Information | Any contact information for the road closure | | | true | | |
PERMITID | String | 50 | Permit Identifier | Unique permit identifier | | | true | | |
INCIDENTID | String | 30 | Incident Number | The unique ID for the incident | | | true | | |
INCIDENTNM | String | 255 | Incident Name | The name of the incident | | | true | | |
LASTUPDATE | Date | 8 | Last Update Date | The date the feature was last updated in the maintenance database | | | true | | |
LASTEDITOR | String | 50 | Last Editor | The user who performed the last update | | | true | | |
RoadDetour - FeatureClass
Name | RoadDetour |
ShapeType | Polyline |
FeatureType | Simple |
AliasName | Road Detours |
HasM | false |
HasZ | false |
HasAttachments | false |
Description | An alternate route or detour caused by road closures. |
Field | DataType | Length | AliasName | Description | Domain | DefaultValue | IsNullable | Precision | Scale |
BLOCKNM | String | 255 | Road Closure | The name of the road closure the detour is associated with | | | true | | |
COMMENT | String | 255 | Comments | Any additional comments | | | true | | |
STARTDATE | Date | 8 | Starts | The date the road detour starts | | | true | | |
ENDDATE | Date | 8 | Ends | The date the road detour ends | | | true | | |
LASTUPDATE | Date | 8 | Last Update Date | The date the feature was last updated in the maintenance database | | | true | | |
LASTEDITOR | String | 50 | Last Editor | The user who performed the last update | | | true | | |
SanitaryMaintAgreement - FeatureClass
Name | SanitaryMaintAgreement |
ShapeType | Polyline |
FeatureType | Simple |
AliasName | Sanitary Sewer Maintenance Agreements |
HasM | false |
HasZ | false |
HasAttachments | false |
Description | The centerline representation of sanitary sewer maintenance responsibilities that are a result of an agreement with a separate party. |
Field | DataType | Length | AliasName | Description | Domain | DefaultValue | IsNullable | Precision | Scale |
AGREEMENTID | String | 20 | Agreement # | Unique document identifier for maintenance agreement | | | true | | |
MAINTFOR | String | 30 | Maintained For | Indicates which organization the asset is maintained for | MaintenanceAgreementParty | | true | | |
EXPIREDATE | Date | 8 | Expiration Date | The date the maintenance agreement expires | | | true | | |
COMMENT | String | 255 | Comments | Any additional comments relevant to the maintenance agreement | | | true | | |
DOCPATH | String | 255 | Document Path | A URL or path to the document | | | true | | |
LASTUPDATE | Date | 8 | Last Update Date | The date the feature was last updated in the maintenance database | | | true | | |
LASTEDITOR | String | 50 | Last Editor | The user who performed the last update | | | true | | |
SignalMaintAgreement - FeatureClass
Name | SignalMaintAgreement |
ShapeType | Polyline |
FeatureType | Simple |
AliasName | Signal Maintenance Agreements |
HasM | false |
HasZ | false |
HasAttachments | false |
Description | The centerline representation of signal maintenance responsibilities that are a result of an agreement with a separate party. |
Field | DataType | Length | AliasName | Description | Domain | DefaultValue | IsNullable | Precision | Scale |
AGREEMENTID | String | 20 | Agreement # | Unique document identifier for maintenance agreement | | | true | | |
MAINTFOR | String | 30 | Maintained For | Indicates which organization the asset is maintained for | MaintenanceAgreementParty | | true | | |
EXPIREDATE | Date | 8 | Expiration Date | The date the maintenance agreement expires | | | true | | |
COMMENT | String | 255 | Comments | Any additional comments relevant to the maintenance agreement | | | true | | |
DOCPATH | String | 255 | Document Path | A URL or path to the document | | | true | | |
LASTUPDATE | Date | 8 | Last Update Date | The date the feature was last updated in the maintenance database | | | true | | |
LASTEDITOR | String | 50 | Last Editor | The user who performed the last update | | | true | | |
SignMaintAgreement - FeatureClass
Name | SignMaintAgreement |
ShapeType | Polyline |
FeatureType | Simple |
AliasName | Sign Maintenance Agreements |
HasM | false |
HasZ | false |
HasAttachments | false |
Description | The centerline representation of sign maintenance responsibilities that are a result of an agreement with a separate party. |
Field | DataType | Length | AliasName | Description | Domain | DefaultValue | IsNullable | Precision | Scale |
AGREEMENTID | String | 20 | Agreement # | Unique document identifier for maintenance agreement | | | true | | |
MAINTFOR | String | 30 | Maintained For | Indicates which organization the asset is maintained for | MaintenanceAgreementParty | | true | | |
EXPIREDATE | Date | 8 | Expiration Date | The date the maintenance agreement expires | | | true | | |
COMMENT | String | 255 | Comments | Any additional comments relevant to the maintenance agreement | | | true | | |
DOCPATH | String | 255 | Document Path | A URL or path to the document | | | true | | |
LASTUPDATE | Date | 8 | Last Update Date | The date the feature was last updated in the maintenance database | | | true | | |
LASTEDITOR | String | 50 | Last Editor | The user who performed the last update | | | true | | |
StormwaterMaintAgreement - FeatureClass
Name | StormwaterMaintAgreement |
ShapeType | Polyline |
FeatureType | Simple |
AliasName | Stormwater Maintenance Agreements |
HasM | false |
HasZ | false |
HasAttachments | false |
Description | The centerline representation of stormwater maintenance responsibilities that are a result of an agreement with a separate party. |
Field | DataType | Length | AliasName | Description | Domain | DefaultValue | IsNullable | Precision | Scale |
AGREEMENTID | String | 20 | Agreement # | Unique document identifier for maintenance agreement | | | true | | |
MAINTFOR | String | 30 | Maintained For | Indicates which organization the asset is maintained for | MaintenanceAgreementParty | | true | | |
EXPIREDATE | Date | 8 | Expiration Date | The date the maintenance agreement expires | | | true | | |
COMMENT | String | 255 | Comments | Any additional comments relevant to the maintenance agreement | | | true | | |
DOCPATH | String | 255 | Document Path | A URL or path to the document | | | true | | |
LASTUPDATE | Date | 8 | Last Update Date | The date the feature was last updated in the maintenance database | | | true | | |
LASTEDITOR | String | 50 | Last Editor | The user who performed the last update | | | true | | |
StreetlightMaintAgreement - FeatureClass
Name | StreetlightMaintAgreement |
ShapeType | Polyline |
FeatureType | Simple |
AliasName | Streetlight Maintenance Agreements |
HasM | false |
HasZ | false |
HasAttachments | false |
Description | The centerline representation of streetlight maintenance responsibilities that are a result of an agreement with a separate party. |
Field | DataType | Length | AliasName | Description | Domain | DefaultValue | IsNullable | Precision | Scale |
AGREEMENTID | String | 20 | Agreement # | Unique document identifier for maintenance agreement | | | true | | |
MAINTFOR | String | 30 | Maintained For | Indicates which organization the asset is maintained for | MaintenanceAgreementParty | | true | | |
EXPIREDATE | Date | 8 | Expiration Date | The date the maintenance agreement expires | | | true | | |
COMMENT | String | 255 | Comments | Any additional comments relevant to the maintenance agreement | | | true | | |
DOCPATH | String | 255 | Document Path | A URL or path to the document | | | true | | |
LASTUPDATE | Date | 8 | Last Update Date | The date the feature was last updated in the maintenance database | | | true | | |
LASTEDITOR | String | 50 | Last Editor | The user who performed the last update | | | true | | |
StreetMaintAgreement - FeatureClass
Name | StreetMaintAgreement |
ShapeType | Polyline |
FeatureType | Simple |
AliasName | Street Maintenance Agreements |
HasM | false |
HasZ | false |
HasAttachments | false |
Description | The centerline representation of street pavement maintenance responsibilities that are a result of an agreement with a separate party. |
Field | DataType | Length | AliasName | Description | Domain | DefaultValue | IsNullable | Precision | Scale |
AGREEMENTID | String | 20 | Agreement # | Unique document identifier for maintenance agreement | | | true | | |
MAINTFOR | String | 30 | Maintained For | Indicates which organization the asset is maintained for | MaintenanceAgreementParty | | true | | |
EXPIREDATE | Date | 8 | Expiration Date | The date the maintenance agreement expires | | | true | | |
COMMENT | String | 255 | Comments | Any additional comments relevant to the maintenance agreement | | | true | | |
DOCPATH | String | 255 | Document Path | A URL or path to the document | | | true | | |
LASTUPDATE | Date | 8 | Last Update Date | The date the feature was last updated in the maintenance database | | | true | | |
LASTEDITOR | String | 50 | Last Editor | The user who performed the last update | | | true | | |
WaterMaintAgreement - FeatureClass
Name | WaterMaintAgreement |
ShapeType | Polyline |
FeatureType | Simple |
AliasName | Water Maintenance Agreements |
HasM | false |
HasZ | false |
HasAttachments | false |
Description | The centerline representation of water distribution maintenance responsibilities that are a result of an agreement with a separate party. |
Field | DataType | Length | AliasName | Description | Domain | DefaultValue | IsNullable | Precision | Scale |
AGREEMENTID | String | 20 | Agreement # | Unique document identifier for maintenance agreement | | | true | | |
MAINTFOR | String | 30 | Maintained For | Indicates which organization the asset is maintained for | MaintenanceAgreementParty | | true | | |
EXPIREDATE | Date | 8 | Expiration Date | The date the maintenance agreement expires | | | true | | |
COMMENT | String | 255 | Comments | Any additional comments relevant to the maintenance agreement | | | true | | |
DOCPATH | String | 255 | Document Path | A URL or path to the document | | | true | | |
LASTUPDATE | Date | 8 | Last Update Date | The date the feature was last updated in the maintenance database | | | true | | |
LASTEDITOR | String | 50 | Last Editor | The user who performed the last update | | | true | | |
wHydrantInspection - FeatureClass
Name | wHydrantInspection |
ShapeType | Point |
FeatureType | Simple |
AliasName | Water Hydrant Inspections |
HasM | false |
HasZ | false |
HasAttachments | true |
Description | Stores detailed hydrant inspection form details. |
Tags | WaterOperations |
Field | DataType | Length | AliasName | Description | Domain | DefaultValue | IsNullable | Precision | Scale |
INSSTART | Date | 8 | Start DateTime | Start date/time | | | true | | |
HYDRCOND | String | 10 | Hydrant Condition | Hydrant condition assessment | wOpsConditionText | | true | | |
OPERHARD | SmallInteger | 2 | Hard to Operate | Indicates if the hydrant assembly is difficult to exercise | BooleanDomain | 0 | true | | |
OPERABLE | SmallInteger | 2 | Operable | Indicates if the hydrant can be operated | BooleanDomain | 1 | true | | |
CORRODED | SmallInteger | 2 | Corroded | Indicates if the Hydrant has visible corrosion | BooleanDomain | 0 | true | | |
FLOW | Double | 8 | Flow Rate (GPM) | Flow Rate in gallons/minute | | | true | | |
PRESSURE | Double | 8 | Pressure (PSI) | The pressure reading at the hydrant | | | true | | |
MTCERQRD | String | 255 | Maintenance Required | Description of maintenance required if applicable | | | true | | |
LOCDESC | String | 200 | Location Description | Text Description of the geographic location | | | true | | |
NOTES | String | 255 | Notes | A field used to record notes | | | true | | |
INSEND | Date | 8 | End DateTime | End date/time | | | true | | |
WORKKEY | String | 50 | Workorder ID | Unique Workorder Identifier - Foreign Key | | | true | | |
INSPECTID | String | 50 | Inspection ID | Unique Inspection ID | | | true | | |
FACILITYKEY | String | 50 | Facility ID | Identifier of the asset | | | true | | |
INSPECTOR | String | 50 | Inspector | Name of the User Assigned to the Inspection Activity | | | true | | |
INSSTATUS | String | 50 | Inspection Status | Status of the Inspection Activity | InspectStatus | Unassigned | true | | |
ROTATION | Double | 8 | Rotation | Map Symbol Rotation value | | | true | | |
LASTUPDATE | Date | 8 | Last Update Date | The date the feature was last updated in the maintenance database | | | true | | |
LASTEDITOR | String | 50 | Last Editor | The user who performed the last update | | | true | | |
LandUseOperations - FeatureDataset
Description | This dataset contains a collection of features used to capture land use operations information. |
CommunityEvent - FeatureClass
Name | CommunityEvent |
ShapeType | Point |
FeatureType | Simple |
AliasName | Community Events |
HasM | false |
HasZ | false |
HasAttachments | true |
Description | An event or festival held once, or on a regular basis, which enhances the vitality, quality of life, and economic prosperity of a community. |
Field | DataType | Length | AliasName | Description | Domain | DefaultValue | IsNullable | Precision | Scale |
EVENTID | String | 30 | Event Number | The unique ID for the community event | | | true | | |
EVENTNM | String | 255 | Event Name | The name of the community event | | | true | | |
SPONSOR | String | 255 | Sponsor(s) | The agency or organization sponsoring the community event | | | true | | |
EVENTTYPE | String | 50 | Event Type | The type of community event | CommunityEventType | | true | | |
EVENTDESC | String | 1000 | Description | A description of the community event | | | true | | |
EVENTURL | String | 255 | Website | A URL to additional information relevant to the community event | | | true | | |
ADMISSFEE | String | 50 | Admission Fee | The cost of admission to the community event | | | true | | |
PLACENAME | String | 255 | Place or Venue | A common name or vanity address for the location | | | true | | |
FULLADDR | String | 250 | Address | Address information combined into one text field | | | true | | |
PSTLCITY | String | 255 | City | The mailing city for the event | | | true | | |
LOCDESC | String | 255 | Location Description | A general description of the location of the event | | | true | | |
REGION | String | 100 | County or Region | The name of the county or region the community event is in | | | true | | |
POCNAME | String | 150 | Contact Name | A contact name for more information about the event | | | true | | |
POCPHONE | String | 12 | Contact Phone | The phone number for the event contact | | | true | | |
POCEMAIL | String | 100 | Contact Email | The email address for the event contact | | | true | | |
EVENTSTART | Date | 8 | Start Date/Time | Community event start date/time | | | true | | |
EVENTEND | Date | 8 | End Date/Time | Community event end date/time | | | true | | |
LASTUPDATE | Date | 8 | Last Update Date | The date the feature was last updated in the maintenance database | | | true | | |
LASTEDITOR | String | 50 | Last Editor | The user who performed the last update | | | true | | |
DevelopmentSite - FeatureClass
Name | DevelopmentSite |
ShapeType | Point |
FeatureType | Simple |
AliasName | Development Sites |
HasM | false |
HasZ | false |
HasAttachments | true |
Description | The location of buildings and sites available for development. |
Field | DataType | Length | AliasName | Description | Domain | DefaultValue | IsNullable | Precision | Scale |
FACILITYID | String | 20 | Facility ID | Locally assigned Facility Identifier | | | true | | |
FACNAME | String | 255 | Name | The name of the development site | | | true | | |
FULLADDR | String | 250 | Site Address | Address information combined into one text field | | | true | | |
MUNICIPALITY | String | 100 | Municipality Name | The name of the physical municipality the facility resides in | | | true | | |
SITECOUNTY | String | 100 | County | The name of the county the development site is located in | | | true | | |
SITEZIP | String | 5 | Zip 5 | The five digit postal zip code the development site is located in | | | true | | |
FACTYPE | String | 25 | Site Type | A general classification of the development site | luDevSiteType | | true | | |
MINAREA | Double | 8 | Minimum Area - Acres | The minimum area for the development site | | | true | | |
MAXAREA | Double | 8 | Maximum Area - Acres | The maximum area for the development site | | | true | | |
TOTAREA | Double | 8 | Total Area - Acres | The total area for the development site | | | true | | |
BLDGAREA | Double | 8 | Building Area - Square Feet | The total area of building(s) available | | | true | | |
LANDUSEDESC | String | 100 | Land Use Description | Description for land use classification code | | | true | | |
ZONEDESC | String | 100 | Zoning Classification | Description for zoning classification code | | | true | | |
DESCRIPT | String | 255 | Site Description | A general description of the development site | | | true | | |
ACQUISITION | String | 20 | Acquisition | A general classification of the acquisition options for the development site | luDevSiteAcquistionType | | true | | |
DISTAIR | Double | 8 | Distance to Airport - Miles | The distance to the nearest airport | | | true | | |
DISTHGWY | Double | 8 | Distance to Highway - Miles | The distance to the nearest highway or interstate | | | true | | |
DISTRAIL | Double | 8 | Distance to Railroad - Miles | The distance to the nearest railway | | | true | | |
ELECTRIC | String | 5 | Electric | A flag that indicates whether the development site has electric service | YesNo | | true | | |
DISTELEC | Double | 8 | Distance to Electric - Miles | The distance to the nearest electric service | | | true | | |
GAS | String | 5 | Natural Gas | A flag that indicates whether the development site has natural service | YesNo | | true | | |
DISTGAS | Double | 8 | Distance to Gas - Miles | The distance to the nearest gas service | | | true | | |
WATER | String | 5 | Municipal Water | A flag that indicates whether the development site has municipal water service | YesNo | | true | | |
DISTWATER | Double | 8 | Distance to Water - Miles | The distance to the nearest municipal water service | | | true | | |
WATERCAP | String | 15 | Water Capacity | A general description of the water capacity on the site | | | true | | |
SEWER | String | 5 | Municipal Sewer | A flag that indicates whether the development site has municipal sewer service | YesNo | | true | | |
DISTSEWER | Double | 8 | Distance to Sewer - Miles | The distance to the nearest municipal sewer service | | | true | | |
SEWERCAP | String | 15 | Sewer Capacity | A general description of the sewer capacity on the site | | | true | | |
TELCO | String | 5 | Telco | A flag that indicates whether the development site has telecommunications service | YesNo | | true | | |
DISTTELCO | Double | 8 | Distance to Telco - Miles | The distance to the nearest telecommunication service | | | true | | |
ISP | String | 5 | High-Speed ISP | A flag that indicates whether the development site has high-speed internet service | YesNo | | true | | |
DISTISP | Double | 8 | Distance to Internet - Miles | The distance to the nearest internet service provider | | | true | | |
INCENTIVE | String | 5 | Incentives | A flag that indicates whether development incentives are available for the site | YesNo | | true | | |
POCCOMP | String | 255 | Company Name | Contact company name | | | true | | |
POCNAME | String | 255 | Contact Name | Contact name | | | true | | |
POCFULLADD | String | 250 | Contact Address | Contact address information combined into one text field | | | true | | |
POCCITY | String | 100 | Contact City | Contact city name where the mail is delivered | | | true | | |
POCSTATE | String | 5 | Contact Zip 5 | Contact five digit postal zip code | | | true | | |
POCPHONE | String | 255 | Contact Phone | Contact phone number | | | true | | |
POCEMAIL | String | 255 | Contact Email | Contact email address | | | true | | |
POCURL | String | 255 | Contact Website | Contact website | | | true | | |
COMMENTS | String | 255 | Additional Comments | Any additional comments provided about the development site | | | true | | |
LASTUPDATE | Date | 8 | Last Update Date | The date the feature was last updated in the maintenance database | | | true | | |
LASTEDITOR | String | 50 | Last Editor | The user who performed the last update | | | true | | |
LandUseCase - FeatureClass
Name | LandUseCase |
ShapeType | Polygon |
FeatureType | Simple |
AliasName | Land Use Cases |
HasM | false |
HasZ | false |
HasAttachments | true |
Description | The geographic extent of a land use planning petition under consideration by the local government. |
Tags | Land Use Planning;Permitting |
Field | DataType | Length | AliasName | Description | Domain | DefaultValue | IsNullable | Precision | Scale |
CASEID | String | 50 | Case Identifier | Locally assigned land use case identifier | | | true | | |
CASENAME | String | 255 | Case Name | The name of the land use case | | | true | | |
CASEDESC | String | 255 | Case Description | A description of the land use case | | | true | | |
APPLICANT | String | 100 | Applicant Name | The name of the applicant | | | true | | |
LOCDESC | String | 255 | Location | The location of the land use case | | | true | | |
CASETYPE | String | 50 | Case Type | The type of land use case | luCaseType | | true | | |
CASESTATUS | String | 50 | Case Status | The status of the land use case | luCaseStatus | | true | | |
SUBMITDT | Date | 8 | Date Submitted | The date/time the land use case was submitted | | | true | | |
HEARINGDT | Date | 8 | Hearing Date | The date/time of the public hearing for the land use case | | | true | | |
HEARINGLOC | String | 255 | Hearing Location | The location where the land use case will be held | | | true | | |
NUMVOTES | SmallInteger | 2 | Number of Votes | The total number of votes accumulated | | | true | | |
APPROVEDT | Date | 8 | Date Approved | The date/time the land use case was approved | | | true | | |
LASTUPDATE | Date | 8 | Last Update Date | The date the feature was last updated in the maintenance database | | | true | | |
LASTEDITOR | String | 50 | Last Editor | The user who performed the last update | | | true | | |
luCodeViolation - FeatureClass
Name | luCodeViolation |
ShapeType | Point |
FeatureType | Simple |
AliasName | Land Use Code Violations |
HasM | false |
HasZ | false |
HasAttachments | false |
Description | A code violation reported by the general public or other interested party. |
Field | DataType | Length | AliasName | Description | Domain | DefaultValue | IsNullable | Precision | Scale |
VIOLATIONID | String | 50 | Violation ID | Unique Code Violation ID | | | true | | |
FULLADDR | String | 255 | Full Address | Address information combined into one text field | | | true | | |
LOCDESC | String | 255 | Location | The location of the code violation | | | true | | |
VIOLATETYPE | String | 50 | Violation Type | The type of violation identified during inspection | luViolationType | | true | | |
VIOLATEDESC | String | 255 | Description | A description of the code violation | | | true | | |
CODE | String | 20 | Municipal Code | The section of the municipal code cited in the violation | | | true | | |
VISIBLE | String | 5 | Visible | An indicator used to identify whether the violation is visable from the public right of way | YesNo | | true | | |
SUBMITDT | Date | 8 | Date Submitted | The date/time (in UTC) the code violation was submitted | | | true | | |
NAME | String | 150 | Name | The name of the individual submitting the code violation | | | true | | |
PHONE | String | 12 | Phone | The phone number of the individual submitting the code violation | | | true | | |
EMAIL | String | 100 | Email | The email address of the individual submitting the code violation | | | true | | |
STATUS | String | 50 | Violation Status | The status of the code violation | luCodeViolationStatus | | true | | |
LASTUPDATE | Date | 8 | Last Update Date | The date the feature was last updated in the maintenance database | | | true | | |
LASTEDITOR | String | 50 | Last Editor | The user who performed the last update | | | true | | |
luPermit - FeatureClass
Name | luPermit |
ShapeType | Point |
FeatureType | Simple |
AliasName | Land Use Permits |
HasM | false |
HasZ | false |
HasAttachments | false |
Description | A permit is required in most jurisdictions for new construction, major renovations, signs, pools and earth movement. Generally, the activity covered under the permit must be inspected during construction and after completion to ensure compliance with national, regional, and local codes. |
Tags | Land Use Planning;Permitting |
Field | DataType | Length | AliasName | Description | Domain | DefaultValue | IsNullable | Precision | Scale |
PERMITID | String | 50 | Permit ID | Unique permit identifier | | | true | | |
CASEKEY | String | 50 | Case Identifier | Locally assigned land use case identifier | | | true | | |
PERMITDESC | String | 255 | Description | A description of the land use permit | | | true | | |
ESTCOST | Double | 8 | Construction Cost | The estimated cost of improvements covered under permit application | | | true | | |
SUBMITDT | Date | 8 | Date Submitted | The date/time the land use permit was submitted | | | true | | |
APPROVEDT | Date | 8 | Date Approved | The date/time the land use permit was approved | | | true | | |
APPLICANT | String | 100 | Applicant Name | The name of the applicant | | | true | | |
CONTRACTOR | String | 100 | Contractor Name | The name of the contractor | | | true | | |
FULLADDR | String | 255 | Full Address | Address information combined into one text field | | | true | | |
LOCDESC | String | 255 | Location | The location of the land use permit | | | true | | |
PERMITTYPE | String | 50 | Permit Type | The type of land use permit | luPermitType | | true | | |
PERMITSTAT | String | 50 | Permit Status | The status of the land use permit | luPermitStatus | | true | | |
LASTUPDATE | Date | 8 | Last Update Date | The date the feature was last updated in the maintenance database | | | true | | |
LASTEDITOR | String | 50 | Last Editor | The user who performed the last update | | | true | | |
luWorkorder - FeatureClass
Name | luWorkorder |
ShapeType | Point |
FeatureType | Simple |
AliasName | Land Use Workorders |
HasM | false |
HasZ | false |
HasAttachments | false |
Description | Stores land use workorder information collected by field staff. Workorders are used to track field activities and organize inspection information. |
Tags | Land Use Planning;Permitting |
Field | DataType | Length | AliasName | Description | Domain | DefaultValue | IsNullable | Precision | Scale |
WORKID | String | 50 | Workorder Identifier | Unique workorder identifier | | | true | | |
CASEKEY | String | 50 | Case Identifier | Locally assigned land use case identifier | | | true | | |
PERMITKEY | String | 50 | Permit Identifier | Locally assigned permit identifier | | | true | | |
VIOLATEKEY | String | 50 | Violation ID | Unique Code Violation ID | | | true | | |
WORKTYPE | String | 50 | Workorder Type | The type of workorder | luWorkorderType | | true | | |
WORKSTATUS | String | 20 | Workorder Status | The workorder status | WorkorderStatus | | true | | |
CHARGECODE | String | 10 | Charge Code | Charge code for workorder | | | true | | |
ASSIGNEDTO | String | 50 | Assigned To | User the workorder is assigned to | | | true | | |
SUPERVISOR | String | 50 | Supervisor | Supervisor's user name | | | true | | |
PLANSTART | Date | 8 | Planned Start | Planned start date/time | | | true | | |
PLANEND | Date | 8 | Planned End | Planned end date/time | | | true | | |
ACTSTART | Date | 8 | Actual Start | Actual start date/time | | | true | | |
ACTEND | Date | 8 | Actual End | Actual end date/time | | | true | | |
FULLADDR | String | 255 | Full Address | Address information combined into one text field | | | true | | |
LOCDESC | String | 255 | Location | The location of the workorder | | | true | | |
ROTATION | Double | 8 | Rotation | Map Symbol Rotation value | | | true | | |
LASTUPDATE | Date | 8 | Last Update Date | The date the feature was last updated in the maintenance database | | | true | | |
LASTEDITOR | String | 50 | Last Editor | The user who performed the last update | | | true | | |
LandUsePlanning - FeatureDataset
Description | This dataset contains a collection of features used to inventory land use patterns. |
FEMAFloodZone - FeatureClass
Name | FEMAFloodZone |
ShapeType | Polygon |
FeatureType | Simple |
AliasName | FEMA Flood Zones |
HasM | false |
HasZ | false |
HasAttachments | false |
Description | FEMA floodplain boundaries from the FEMA Map Modernization program. |
Tags | Land Use Planning |
Field | DataType | Length | AliasName | Description | Domain | DefaultValue | IsNullable | Precision | Scale |
COMMUNITY | String | 4 | Community | The DFIRM community | | | true | | |
FIRMPANEL | String | 11 | FIRM Panel | The DFIRM panel number | | | true | | |
QUAD | String | 8 | Quadrant | The DFIRM Quadrant | | | true | | |
FLOODZONE | String | 5 | Flood Zone | The flood zone designation | | | true | | |
FLOODWAY | String | 5 | Flood Way | The flood way designation | | | true | | |
COBRA | String | 9 | COBRA | COBRA | | | true | | |
SFHA | String | 3 | SFHA | Indicates whether special flood insurance is required | | | true | | |
PANELTYPE | String | 4 | Panel Type | The panel type | | | true | | |
STFIPS | String | 2 | State FIPS | The state FIPS code | | | true | | |
COFIPS | String | 3 | State County FIPS | The three digit FIPS code for State/County as assigned by the Federal Government | | | true | | |
STATE | String | 2 | State Code | The state code | | | true | | |
PCOMM | String | 4 | Panel Community | The panel community | | | true | | |
PANEL | String | 5 | Panel Name | The panel name | | | true | | |
LATITUDE | String | 2 | Latitude | The latitude for the panel | | | true | | |
LONGITUDE | String | 3 | Longitude | The longitude for the panel | | | true | | |
QUADUNIT | String | 2 | Quadrant Unit | The quadrant unit | | | true | | |
LASTUPDATE | Date | 8 | Last Update | The date the feature was last updated in the maintenance database | | | true | | |
LASTEDITOR | String | 50 | Last Editor | The user who performed the last update | | | true | | |
IncentiveZone - FeatureClass
Name | IncentiveZone |
ShapeType | Polygon |
FeatureType | Simple |
AliasName | Incentive Zones |
HasM | false |
HasZ | false |
HasAttachments | false |
Description | Areas where cash or "near-cash" incentives are provided to attract or retain businesses; or to increase property value in the area. |
Field | DataType | Length | AliasName | Description | Domain | DefaultValue | IsNullable | Precision | Scale |
ZONENAME | String | 150 | Name | The name of the incentive zone | | | true | | |
ZONEDESC | String | 1000 | Description | A description of the incentive zone | | | true | | |
ZONEURL | String | 255 | Website | A URL to additional information about the incentive zone | | | true | | |
ZONESTART | Date | 8 | Start Date | The date incentives will start | | | true | | |
ZONEEND | Date | 8 | End Date | The date incentives will end | | | true | | |
LASTUPDATE | Date | 8 | Last Update Date | The date the feature was last updated in the maintenance database | | | true | | |
LASTEDITOR | String | 50 | Last Editor | The user who performed the last update | | | true | | |
LandUseCurrent - FeatureClass
Name | LandUseCurrent |
ShapeType | Polygon |
FeatureType | Simple |
AliasName | Current Land Use |
HasM | false |
HasZ | true |
HasAttachments | false |
Description | The current land use classification typically defined at the parcel level. |
Tags | Planning and Land Use |
Field | DataType | Length | AliasName | Description | Domain | DefaultValue | IsNullable | Precision | Scale |
LANDUSECODE | String | 10 | Land Use Code | Land use classification code | | | true | | |
LANDUSEDESC | String | 100 | Land Use Description | Description for land use classification code | | | true | | |
BASEELEV | Double | 8 | Base Elevation | The base elevation of the land use classification | | | true | | |
HEIGHT | Double | 8 | Height | The height of the land use classification | | | true | | |
LASTUPDATE | Date | 8 | Last Update Date | The date the feature was last updated in the maintenance database | | | true | | |
LASTEDITOR | String | 50 | Last Editor | The user who performed the last update | | | true | | |
LandUseProposed - FeatureClass
Name | LandUseProposed |
ShapeType | Polygon |
FeatureType | Simple |
AliasName | Proposed Land Use |
HasM | false |
HasZ | false |
HasAttachments | false |
Description | The proposed land use classification identified during community planning activies and sometimes defined at the parcel level, but typically proposed land use units are larger than the parcel. |
Tags | Planning and Land Use |
Field | DataType | Length | AliasName | Description | Domain | DefaultValue | IsNullable | Precision | Scale |
LANDUSECODE | String | 10 | Land Use Code | Land use classification code | | | true | | |
LANDUSEDESC | String | 100 | Land Use Description | Description for land use classification code | | | true | | |
LASTUPDATE | Date | 8 | Last Update Date | The date the feature was last updated in the maintenance database | | | true | | |
LASTEDITOR | String | 50 | Last Editor | The user who performed the last update | | | true | | |
ZoningDistrict - FeatureClass
Name | ZoningDistrict |
ShapeType | Polygon |
FeatureType | Simple |
AliasName | ZoningDistrict |
HasM | false |
HasZ | true |
HasAttachments | false |
Description | The zoning classification defined at the parcel level, but typically managed in larger units. |
Tags | Planning and Land Use |
Field | DataType | Length | AliasName | Description | Domain | DefaultValue | IsNullable | Precision | Scale |
ZONECLASS | String | 10 | Zoning Classification | Zoning classification code | | | true | | |
ZONEDESC | String | 100 | Zoning Description | Description for zoning classification code | | | true | | |
BASEELEV | Double | 8 | Base Elevation | The base elevation of the zoning district | | | true | | |
HEIGHT | Double | 8 | Height | The height of the zoning district | | | true | | |
LASTUPDATE | Date | 8 | Last Update Date | The date the feature was last updated in the maintenance database | | | true | | |
LASTEDITOR | String | 50 | Last Editor | The user who performed the last update | | | true | | |
LawEnforcementOperations - FeatureDataset
Name | LawEnforcementOperations |
Description | This dataset contains a collection of features used by law enforcement professionals to protect life, property, and promote public safety. |
Arrest - FeatureClass
Name | Arrest |
ShapeType | Point |
FeatureType | Simple |
AliasName | Arrests |
HasM | false |
HasZ | false |
HasAttachments | false |
Description | The location of an arrest conducted by a law enforcement officer. |
Field | DataType | Length | AliasName | Description | Domain | DefaultValue | IsNullable | Precision | Scale |
ARRESTID | String | 10 | Arrest ID | The unique identifier for the arrest | | | true | | |
OFFENSEID | String | 25 | Offense ID | The unique identifier for the offense | | | true | | |
OFFICERNM | String | 125 | Arresting Officer | The name of the officer that conducted the arrest | | | true | | |
FULLADDR | String | 255 | Arrest Location | The full address information for the location of the arrest combined into one text field | | | true | | |
RESCITY | String | 100 | City | The name of the city where the arrest was conducted | | | true | | |
RESSTATE | String | 2 | State | The name of the state where the arrest was conducted | | | true | | |
RESZIP5 | String | 5 | Zip | The zip code where the arrest was conducted | | | true | | |
ARRESTDAT | Date | 8 | Arrest Date | The date in which the arrest was conducted | | | true | | |
ARRESTTIM | Date | 8 | Arrest Time | The time in which the arrest was conducted | | | true | | |
OFFENCODE | String | 25 | Offense Code | The penal code that was violated by the person arrested | | | true | | |
OFFENDESC | String | 255 | Offense Description | A short description of the offense committed by the person arrested | | | true | | |
SUSPECTNM | String | 125 | Person Arrested | The full name of the person arrested | | | true | | |
HOMEADDR | String | 255 | Home Address | The full address where the person arrested resides combined into one text field | | | true | | |
LATITUDE | Double | 8 | LATITUDE | The latitude coordinate value | | | true | | |
LONGITUDE | Double | 8 | LONGITUDE | The longitude coordinate value | | | true | | |
LASTUPDATE | Date | 8 | Last Update Date | The date the feature was last updated in the maintenance database | | | true | | |
LASTEDITOR | String | 50 | Last Editor | The user who performed the last update | | | true | | |
CallService - FeatureClass
Name | CallService |
ShapeType | Point |
FeatureType | Simple |
AliasName | Calls for Service |
HasM | false |
HasZ | false |
HasAttachments | false |
Description | The location of an assignment that requires the presence of public safety professionals to resolve, correct or assist a particular situation. |
Field | DataType | Length | AliasName | Description | Domain | DefaultValue | IsNullable | Precision | Scale |
CALLID | String | 25 | Call ID | The unique identifier for the call | | | true | | |
CALLPHONE | String | 50 | CALLPHONE | The phone number of the person who made the initial call for service | | | true | | |
FULLADDR | String | 255 | Full Address | The full address information for the location of the call for service combined into one text field | | | true | | |
RESCITY | String | 100 | City | The name of the city where the call was requested | | | true | | |
RESSTATE | String | 2 | State | The name of the state where the call was requested | | | true | | |
RESZIP5 | String | 5 | Zip | The zip code where the call was requested | | | true | | |
LOCDESC | String | 255 | Location | A description of the location of the requested service | | | true | | |
BEAT | String | 25 | Beat | The name of the beat where the call is located | | | true | | |
PRIORITY | String | 10 | Priority | The response priority assigned to the call | | | true | | |
CALLTYPE | String | 25 | Call Type | The type of service that was requested on the call | | | true | | |
CALLDATE | Date | 8 | Call Date | The date the call was received | | | true | | |
CALLTIME | Date | 8 | Call Time | The time the call was received | | | true | | |
DISPTIME | Date | 8 | Dispatch Time | The time the call was dispatched to the appropriate public safety officer | | | true | | |
ARRIVTIME | Date | 8 | Time Arrived | The time the public safety officer arrived at the requested location | | | true | | |
CLEARTIME | Date | 8 | Time Cleared | The time the response to the call was completed | | | true | | |
SITUATION | String | 255 | Situation Found | A description of the situation found when the public safety officer arrived | | | true | | |
ACTTAKEN | String | 100 | Action Taken | A description of the action taken by the public safety officer arrived | | | true | | |
OFFICER1 | String | 125 | Officer #1 | The name or badge number of the first public safety officer to arrive | | | true | | |
OFFICER2 | String | 125 | Officer #2 | The name or badge number of the second public safety officer to arrive | | | true | | |
LATITUDE | Double | 8 | LATITUDE | The latitude coordinate value | | | true | | |
LONGITUDE | Double | 8 | LONGITUDE | The longitude coordinate value | | | true | | |
LASTUPDATE | Date | 8 | Last Update Date | The date the feature was last updated in the maintenance database | | | true | | |
LASTEDITOR | String | 50 | Last Editor | The user who performed the last update | | | true | | |
FieldInterview - FeatureClass
Name | FieldInterview |
ShapeType | Point |
FeatureType | Simple |
AliasName | Field Interviews |
HasM | false |
HasZ | false |
HasAttachments | true |
Description | The location of field interviews conducted by law enforcement officers with victims, suspects, and witnesses. |
Field | DataType | Length | AliasName | Description | Domain | DefaultValue | IsNullable | Precision | Scale |
INTERID | String | 10 | Interview ID | The unique identifier for the field interview | | | true | | |
INTERDATE | Date | 8 | Interview Date/Time | The date / time the interview was conducted | | | true | | |
OFFICERNM | String | 50 | Officer Name | The name of the officer conducting the interview | | | true | | |
BADGENO | String | 10 | Badge # | The badge number of the officer conducting the interview | | | true | | |
AGENCY | String | 50 | Agency | The name of the law enforcement agency | | | true | | |
FULLADDR | String | 250 | Full Address | Address information combined into one text field | | | true | | |
MUNICIPALITY | String | 100 | Municipality | The name of the physical municipality | | | true | | |
SUSACTIVITY | String | 250 | Suspected Activity | The suspected activity | | | true | | |
INTERTYPE | String | 30 | Type of Subject | A general characterization of the subject being interviewed | FieldInterviewType | | true | | |
FIRSTNAME | String | 50 | First Name | The subjects first name | | | true | | |
LASTNAME | String | 50 | Last Name | The subjects last name | | | true | | |
AKANAME | String | 100 | AKA | The subjects aka | | | true | | |
RESADDR | String | 250 | Subject's Address | The subjects full address | | | true | | |
RESCITY | String | 100 | City | The name of the city the subject resides in | | | true | | |
RESSTATE | String | 2 | State | The name of the state the subject resides in | StateAbbreviation | | true | | |
RESZIP5 | String | 5 | Zip Code | The zip code the subject resides in | | | true | | |
SSN | String | 15 | SSN # | The subjects social security number | | | true | | |
DATEBIRTH | Date | 8 | Date of Birth | The subjects date of birth | | | true | | |
RACE | String | 50 | Race | The subjects race | Race | | true | | |
GENDER | String | 10 | Gender | The subjects gender | Gender | | true | | |
HAIRCOLOR | String | 25 | Hair Color | The subjects hair color | | | true | | |
EYECOLOR | String | 25 | Eye Color | The subjects eye color | | | true | | |
BODYHEIGHT | String | 10 | Height | The subjects height | | | true | | |
BODYWEIGHT | Integer | 4 | Weight | The subjects weight | | | true | | |
PHYSDESC | String | 100 | Physical Description | The subjects physical description | | | true | | |
CLOTHDESC | String | 100 | Clothing Description | The subjects clothing description | | | true | | |
VEHLPNUM | String | 10 | License Plate # | The subjects vehicle license plate number | | | true | | |
VEHLPSTATE | String | 2 | License Plate (State) | The name of the state the subject s vehicle license plate was issued in | StateAbbreviation | | true | | |
VEHMAKE | String | 15 | Vehicle Make | The subjects vehicle make | | | true | | |
VEHMODEL | String | 15 | Vehicle Model | The subjects vehicle model | | | true | | |
VEHYEAR | String | 4 | Vehicle Year | The subjects vehicle model year | | | true | | |
VEHCOLOR | String | 25 | Vehicle Color | The subjects vehicle color | | | true | | |
LASTUPDATE | Date | 8 | Last Update Date | The date the feature was last updated in the maintenance database | | | true | | |
LASTEDITOR | String | 50 | Last Editor | The user who performed the last update | | | true | | |
LawBoundary - FeatureClass
Name | LawBoundary |
ShapeType | Polygon |
FeatureType | Simple |
AliasName | Law Boundaries |
HasM | false |
HasZ | false |
HasAttachments | false |
Description | The administrative and response districts maintained by Law Enforcement agencies. |
Field | DataType | Length | AliasName | Description | Domain | DefaultValue | IsNullable | Precision | Scale |
DISTRICTID | String | 10 | District ID | The unique identifier for the district or boundary | | | true | | |
NAME | String | 50 | Station Name | The name of the district or boundary | | | true | | |
AGENCY | String | 255 | Agency | The name(s) of the agency responsible for the boundary | | | true | | |
AGENCYURL | String | 100 | Website | The URL to the agency web site | | | true | | |
CONTACT | String | 50 | Contact Name | The contact name | | | true | | |
PHONE | String | 12 | Phone | The contact phone number | | | true | | |
EMAIL | String | 100 | Email | The contact email address | | | true | | |
LASTUPDATE | Date | 8 | Last Update Date | The date the feature was last updated in the maintenance database | | | true | | |
LASTEDITOR | String | 50 | Last Editor | The user who performed the last update | | | true | | |
Offense - FeatureClass
Name | Offense |
ShapeType | Point |
FeatureType | Simple |
AliasName | Offenses |
HasM | false |
HasZ | false |
HasAttachments | false |
Description | The location where the offense (an act harmful to an individual, community or state) took place. |
Field | DataType | Length | AliasName | Description | Domain | DefaultValue | IsNullable | Precision | Scale |
OFFENSEID | String | 25 | Offense ID | The unique identifier for the offense | | | true | | |
CALLID | String | 25 | Call ID | The unique identifier for the call for service | | | true | | |
FULLADDR | String | 255 | Full Address | The full address information for the location of the offense combined into one text field | | | true | | |
RESCITY | String | 100 | City | The name of the city where the arrest was conducted | | | true | | |
RESSTATE | String | 2 | State | The name of the state where the arrest was conducted | | | true | | |
RESZIP5 | String | 5 | Zip | The zip code where the arrest was conducted | | | true | | |
OFFENDATE | Date | 8 | Offense Date | The date when the offense occurred | | | true | | |
OFFENTIME | Date | 8 | Offense Time | The time when the offense occurred | | | true | | |
REPORTDATE | Date | 8 | Reported Date | The date when the offense was reported | | | true | | |
REPORTTIME | Date | 8 | Reported Time | The time when the offense was reported | | | true | | |
UCRCODE | String | 10 | UCR Code | The Uniform Crime Reporting code assigned to the offense | | | true | | |
UCRDESC | String | 50 | UCR Description | The Uniform Crime Reporting description assigned to the offense | | | true | | |
NIBRSCODE | String | 10 | NIBRS Code | The NIBRS code assigned to the offense | | | true | | |
NIBRSDESC | String | 50 | NIBRS Description | The NIBRS description assigned to the offense | | | true | | |
LOCATECD | String | 10 | Location Code | The NIBRS location code assigned to the offense | | | true | | |
LOCATEDESC | String | 50 | Location Description | The NIBRS location description assigned to the offense | | | true | | |
WEAPONCD | String | 10 | Weapon Code | The NIBRS weapon code assigned to the offense | | | true | | |
WEAPONDESC | String | 50 | Weapon Description | The NIBRS weapon description assigned to the offense | | | true | | |
BEAT | String | 10 | Beat | The beat area in which the offense occurred | | | true | | |
CASESTATUS | String | 50 | Case Status | The current status of the offense case | | | true | | |
RELCODE | String | 10 | Victim Offender Relationship Code | The code assigned to the victim and suspect relationship | | | true | | |
RELDESC | String | 50 | Victim Offender Relationship Description | The description assigned to the victim and suspect relationship | | | true | | |
RELGROUP | String | 50 | Victim Offender Relationship Group | The group category assigned to the victim and suspect relationship | | | true | | |
ENTRYCD | String | 10 | Method of Entry Code | The code assigned to the method of entry for the offense | | | true | | |
ENTRYDESC | String | 50 | Method of Entry Description | The description assigned to the method of entry for the offense | | | true | | |
LATITUDE | Double | 8 | LATITUDE | The latitude coordinate value | | | true | | |
LONGITUDE | Double | 8 | LONGITUDE | The longitude coordinate value | | | true | | |
LASTUPDATE | Date | 8 | Last Update Date | The date the feature was last updated in the maintenance database | | | true | | |
LASTEDITOR | String | 50 | Last Editor | The user who performed the last update | | | true | | |
Parolee - FeatureClass
Name | Parolee |
ShapeType | Point |
FeatureType | Simple |
AliasName | Parolees |
HasM | false |
HasZ | false |
HasAttachments | false |
Description | The location of a person who has been provisionally released from prison. |
Field | DataType | Length | AliasName | Description | Domain | DefaultValue | IsNullable | Precision | Scale |
PAROLEEID | String | 25 | Parolee ID | The unique identifier for the parolee | | | true | | |
PAROLEENM | String | 125 | Name | The name of the parollee | | | true | | |
FULLADDR | String | 255 | Full Address | The full address information for the location of the parollee combined into one text field | | | true | | |
RESCITY | String | 100 | City | The name of the city where the parolee lives | | | true | | |
RESSTATE | String | 2 | State | The name of the state where the parolee lives | | | true | | |
RESZIP5 | String | 5 | Zip | The zip code where the parolee lives | | | true | | |
VIOLATECD | String | 10 | Violation Code | The penal code that was violated by the parolee | | | true | | |
VIOLATEDES | String | 50 | Violation Description | The penal description that was violated by the parole | | | true | | |
RELEASEDT | Date | 8 | Release Date | The date the parolee was released | | | true | | |
PARDIST | String | 25 | Parole District | The name of the parole district in which the parolee resides | | | true | | |
PAROFFICE | String | 50 | Parole Officer | The name of the parole officer in the district where the parole resides | | | true | | |
WARRANT | String | 25 | Warrant Type | A description of any outstanding warrants for the parolee | | | true | | |
LATITUDE | Double | 8 | LATITUDE | The latitude coordinate value | | | true | | |
LONGITUDE | Double | 8 | LONGITUDE | The longitude coordinate value | | | true | | |
LASTUPDATE | Date | 8 | Last Update Date | The date the feature was last updated in the maintenance database | | | true | | |
LASTEDITOR | String | 50 | Last Editor | The user who performed the last update | | | true | | |
Probationer - FeatureClass
Name | Probationer |
ShapeType | Point |
FeatureType | Simple |
AliasName | Probationers |
HasM | false |
HasZ | false |
HasAttachments | false |
Description | The location of a convicted person who has been released on probation. |
Field | DataType | Length | AliasName | Description | Domain | DefaultValue | IsNullable | Precision | Scale |
PROBID | String | 25 | Probationer ID | The unique identifier for the probationer | | | true | | |
PROBNAME | String | 125 | Name | The name of the probationer | | | true | | |
FULLADDR | String | 255 | Full Address | The full address information for the location of the probationer combined into one text field | | | true | | |
RESCITY | String | 100 | City | The name of the city where the probationer lives | | | true | | |
RESSTATE | String | 2 | State | The name of the state where the probationer lives | | | true | | |
RESZIP5 | String | 5 | Zip | The zip code where the probationer lives | | | true | | |
VIOLATECD | String | 10 | Violation Code | The penal code that was violated by the probationer | | | true | | |
VIOLATEDES | String | 50 | Violation Description | The penal description that was violated by the probationer | | | true | | |
RELEASEDT | Date | 8 | Release Date | The date the probationer was released | | | true | | |
PARDIST | String | 25 | Probation District | The name of the parole district in which the probationer resides | | | true | | |
PAROFFICE | String | 50 | Probation Officer | The name of the parole officer in the district where the parole resides | | | true | | |
WARRANT | String | 25 | Warrant Type | A description of any outstanding warrants for the probationer | | | true | | |
LATITUDE | Double | 8 | LATITUDE | The latitude coordinate value | | | true | | |
LONGITUDE | Double | 8 | LONGITUDE | The longitude coordinate value | | | true | | |
LASTUPDATE | Date | 8 | Last Update Date | The date the feature was last updated in the maintenance database | | | true | | |
LASTEDITOR | String | 50 | Last Editor | The user who performed the last update | | | true | | |
SexOffender - FeatureClass
Name | SexOffender |
ShapeType | Point |
FeatureType | Simple |
AliasName | Sex Offenders |
HasM | false |
HasZ | false |
HasAttachments | false |
Description | The location of a person who has committed a sex crime. |
Field | DataType | Length | AliasName | Description | Domain | DefaultValue | IsNullable | Precision | Scale |
OFFENDID | String | 25 | Offender ID | The unique identifier for the sex offender | | | true | | |
OFFENDNM | String | 125 | Name | The name of the sex offender | | | true | | |
FULLADDR | String | 255 | Full Address | The full address information for the location of the sex offender combined into one text field | | | true | | |
RESCITY | String | 100 | City | The name of the city where the sex offender lives | | | true | | |
RESSTATE | String | 2 | State | The name of the state where the sex offender lives | | | true | | |
RESZIP5 | String | 5 | Zip | The zip code where the sex offender lives | | | true | | |
VIOLATECD | String | 10 | Violation Code | The penal code that was violated by the sex offender | | | true | | |
VIOLATEDES | String | 50 | Violation Description | The penal description that was violated by the sex offender | | | true | | |
RELEASEDT | Date | 8 | Release Date | The date the sex offender was released | | | true | | |
PARDIST | String | 25 | Probation District | The name of the parole district in which the sex offender resides | | | true | | |
PAROFFICE | String | 50 | Probation Officer | The name of the parole officer in the district where the parole resides | | | true | | |
WARRANT | String | 25 | Warrant Type | A description of any outstanding warrants for the sex offender | | | true | | |
LATITUDE | Double | 8 | LATITUDE | The latitude coordinate value | | | true | | |
LONGITUDE | Double | 8 | LONGITUDE | The longitude coordinate value | | | true | | |
LASTUPDATE | Date | 8 | Last Update Date | The date the feature was last updated in the maintenance database | | | true | | |
LASTEDITOR | String | 50 | Last Editor | The user who performed the last update | | | true | | |
Warrant - FeatureClass
Name | Warrant |
ShapeType | Point |
FeatureType | Simple |
AliasName | Warrants |
HasM | false |
HasZ | false |
HasAttachments | false |
Description | The location where a court order authorized law enforcement officers to conduct a search of a person, location, or vehicle for evidence of a crime and to confiscate evidence if it is found. |
Field | DataType | Length | AliasName | Description | Domain | DefaultValue | IsNullable | Precision | Scale |
WARRANTID | String | 25 | Warrant ID | The unique identifier for the warrant | | | true | | |
OFFENSEID | String | 25 | Reference ID | The reference number that links the warrant to a crime or offense | | | true | | |
WARRANTNM | String | 125 | Person in Warrant | The full name of the person named in the warrant | | | true | | |
FULLADDR | String | 255 | Full Address | The full address information for the location of the warrant combined into one text field | | | true | | |
RESCITY | String | 100 | City | The name of the city where the warrantee reside | | | true | | |
RESSTATE | String | 2 | State | The name of the state where the warrantee reside | | | true | | |
RESZIP5 | String | 5 | Zip | The zip code where the warrantee reside | | | true | | |
WARRANTDT | Date | 8 | Warrant Date | The date the warrant was conducted | | | true | | |
WARRANTTM | Date | 8 | Warrant Time | The time the warrant was conducted | | | true | | |
VIOLATECD | String | 10 | Violation Code | The penal code that was violated | | | true | | |
VIOLATEDES | String | 50 | Violation Description | The penal description that was violated | | | true | | |
WARRANTTYP | String | 25 | Warrant Type | The type of warrant issued | | | true | | |
OFFICERNM | String | 125 | Warrant Officer | The name of the officer that conducted the warrant | | | true | | |
LATITUDE | Double | 8 | LATITUDE | The latitude coordinate value | | | true | | |
LONGITUDE | Double | 8 | LONGITUDE | The longitude coordinate value | | | true | | |
LASTUPDATE | Date | 8 | Last Update Date | The date the feature was last updated in the maintenance database | | | true | | |
LASTEDITOR | String | 50 | Last Editor | The user who performed the last update | | | true | | |
ParcelEditing - FeatureDataset
Description | This dataset contains a collection of features used to manage land records information. Parcels are maintained in a Parcel Fabric and then published as simple features in the Tax Parcel Publishing feature dataset. |
ParcelDimensions - FeatureClass
Name | ParcelDimensions |
ShapeType | Polygon |
FeatureType | Annotation |
AliasName | ParcelDimensions |
HasM | false |
HasZ | false |
HasAttachments | false |
Description | ParcelDimensions |
Field | DataType | Length | AliasName | Description | Domain | DefaultValue | IsNullable | Precision | Scale |
FeatureID | Integer | 4 | FeatureID | FeatureID | | | true | | |
ZOrder | Integer | 4 | ZOrder | ZOrder | | | true | | |
AnnotationClassID | Integer | 4 | AnnotationClassID | AnnotationClassID | | | true | | |
Element | Blob | 0 | Element | Element | | | true | | |
SymbolID | Integer | 4 | SymbolID | SymbolID | | | true | | |
Status | SmallInteger | 2 | Status | Status | AnnotationStatus | 0 | true | | |
TextString | String | 255 | TextString | TextString | | | true | | |
FontName | String | 255 | FontName | FontName | | | true | | |
FontSize | Double | 8 | FontSize | FontSize | | | true | | |
Bold | SmallInteger | 2 | Bold | Bold | BooleanSymbolValue | | true | | |
Italic | SmallInteger | 2 | Italic | Italic | BooleanSymbolValue | | true | | |
Underline | SmallInteger | 2 | Underline | Underline | BooleanSymbolValue | | true | | |
VerticalAlignment | SmallInteger | 2 | VerticalAlignment | VerticalAlignment | VerticalAlignment | | true | | |
HorizontalAlignment | SmallInteger | 2 | HorizontalAlignment | HorizontalAlignment | HorizontalAlignment | | true | | |
XOffset | Double | 8 | XOffset | XOffset | | | true | | |
YOffset | Double | 8 | YOffset | YOffset | | | true | | |
Angle | Double | 8 | Angle | Angle | | | true | | |
FontLeading | Double | 8 | FontLeading | FontLeading | | | true | | |
WordSpacing | Double | 8 | WordSpacing | WordSpacing | | | true | | |
CharacterWidth | Double | 8 | CharacterWidth | CharacterWidth | | | true | | |
CharacterSpacing | Double | 8 | CharacterSpacing | CharacterSpacing | | | true | | |
FlipAngle | Double | 8 | FlipAngle | FlipAngle | | | true | | |
Override | Integer | 4 | Override | Override | | | true | | |
ParcelFabric - CadastralFabric
Name | ParcelFabric |
Description | ParcelFabric |
DefaultAccuracy | 4 |
UseDefaultAccuracies | false |
BufferDistanceForAdjustment | 50 |
Cadastral Table | Field | DataType | Length | AliasName | Domain | DefaultValue | IsNullable | Precision | Scale |
Control | PointType | String | 50 | Corner Point Type | lrCornerType | | true | | |
Control | PointLabel | String | 50 | Corner Point Label | | | true | | |
Control | Local1 | String | 50 | Local Label | | | true | | |
Control | MonumentType | String | 30 | Monument Type | lrMonumentType | | true | | |
Control | Status | String | 30 | Status | | | true | | |
Control | Rely | String | 30 | PLSS Point Reliability | | | true | | |
Control | AccuracyComments | String | 50 | Accuracy Comments | | | true | | |
Control | CoordinateProcedure | String | 30 | Coordinate Computation Procedure | lrCoordinateProcedure | | true | | |
Control | CoordinateMethod | String | 50 | Coordinate Collection Method | lrCoordinateMethod | | true | | |
Control | CreatedBy | String | 50 | Created By | | | true | | |
Control | ModifiedBy | String | 50 | Modified By | | | true | | |
Control | ModifyDate | Date | 8 | Modification Date | | | true | | |
Control | CreationDate | Date | 8 | Creation Date | | | true | | |
Lines | FloorDesignator | SmallInteger | 2 | Floor Number | lrFloorDesignator | | true | | |
Parcels | ConveyanceType | String | 50 | Sub or Condo Type | lrSimConType | | true | | |
Parcels | ConveyanceDesignator | String | 10 | Sub or Condo Number | | | true | | |
Parcels | SimConDivType | String | 50 | Lot or Unit Type | lrSimConDivType | | true | | |
Parcels | BlockDesignator | String | 10 | Block Number | | | true | | |
Parcels | EncumbranceType | String | 50 | Encumbrance Type | |